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Post by raynelae »

I've been studying Wicca for 5 months now and there are many people that are newer to Wicca than me. When becoming a Wiccan, you obviously have to study. It's very important to study daily (of course you can't always study-there will be things to hinder your study).

For example, what if someone only studied a few times a month for 12 months and then decided, Hey I've studied so hard! I think I'm going to perform a self dedication rite tomorrow!

First off, if you only study lets say 5 times a month, and you could study more than that, you're obviously not very serious about Wicca now are you? Some people may only be able to study 5 times a month, but that person needs to study longer and harder to reach the final decision of self dedication/initiation.

Secondly, it really takes longer than 12 months of study and learning what you believe in to perform self dedication.

Study and learn all you can about yourself and your beliefs before you even call yourself a Wiccan. You should learn everything you can about the history, beliefs, people (Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Aleistar Crowley (sp?) etc., traditions, and origins of Wicca.

I will admit that I am guilty of calling myself a Wiccan and I haven't learned everything about Wicca and myself yet. I do however try to fit a minimum of 15 minutes of study a day into my life, and when I'm only able to study for 15 minutes, I make up for it whenever possible.

I hope I've inspired you to try to study daily, or at least whenever you have time to study.

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Re: Study

Post by Artie »

With all due respect of course, I'm not trying to be a complete jerk, but who are you to tell strangers that they're not "dedicated" or "serious" enough about their faith? That honestly doesn't make you better than anybody else by setting unsaid guidelines to belittle the intentions of others. I'd rather one study a few times a month and absorb proper information than to study every book in sight, disregarding the legitimacy of information provided. A wiccan isn't defined by someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes witchcraft by spending all free time studying.

Once more, Just some food for thought.

~2 years of "Studying"
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I offer you the gift of eternal sleep.
Fallen Moon

Re: Study

Post by Fallen Moon »

Also not to sound like a "jerk", as she put it, I'm in agreement with Artie. I've been studying various paths off and on for the past few years, Wicca being one such path. It really isn't about how often or how much you study, it's about what you learn when you do, how much you absorb, and how you implement it. Not everyone has time, not everyone works well with just reading and trying on their own (some of us require hands-on experience to learn), and not everyone has access to the resources they might need to get really in-depth.

You cannot tell someone that they are dedicated or serious enough about their faith without knowing them or their situation. To even begin studying you have to have some dedication to your pursuit. And there are those of us who also learn by spiritual searching and through observing the world around us, both physical and non.

Just keep in mind that not everyone learns the same way nor at the same pace, and your post comes off as a little bit arrogant, as if you're trying to say that because you study so much you're better than those who don't. And I'm not saying that was your intention, but that is how it comes off.

Artie, the only thing I feel I should point out with your post is that Wicca and witchcraft are not the same thing. You can be Wiccan without being a witch, and you can be a witch without being Wiccan.
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Re: Study

Post by Artie »

I see, I see. This being in the witchcraft study section, I just felt it appropriate to include the craft somewhere in there.

Thank you~
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I offer you the gift of eternal sleep.
Fallen Moon

Re: Study

Post by Fallen Moon »

It's not a problem, I just hope I didn't come off sounding pretentious. We're always learning, and just about anything can be a craft, even the act of learning. The only reason I said anything was because you worded it as though you were lumping them together and many people don't realize that they don't have to go hand-in-hand.

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Re: Study

Post by raynelae »

Let me please apologize for being such an asshole. You two were not sounding like jerks, but I was. I thank you both for the eye openers and I realize that I shouldn't judge anyone no matter how much or little they study. Part of Wicca is realizing that you aren't always correct and that you should learn from yourself and others; that is what I'm doing. I'm very sorry if I put anyone down, I myself am no better than anyone. With all respect, I apologize to all.
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