Face Soaps

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Face Soaps

Post by presentcharisma »

Does anyone make their own face soaps for purification? I used a skin care product that did a number on my skin, and now I am getting brakeouts. (i am too old for this)
I have read that jojaba oil is good for teaching oily skin to balance out its own oil etc.

How do you make your soaps, and are there any other good herbs etc that will help clear up skin?
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by Luna Lisa »

Hi presentcharisma I don't know anything about making soaps. But when my face brokeout I had acne really bad. I tried everything and nothing worked. So about a few months ago I tried using pro-active. I saw results in less than two days my breakouts were starting to go away.
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by presentcharisma »

I used to run a beauty business for 10 yrs (makeup artist) ... I think i burnt out my skin by using soo many products so I am trying to go back to less and natural. I got up to this crazy expensive regemine etc.
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by Luna Lisa »

coca butter is good to use also. I use coca butter for scars and for a really bad burns.
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by presentcharisma »

thanks darling!
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by Luna Lisa »

no problem.
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by Evanthe »

I'm 40-something and was still breaking out until I did the following:

- use a basic glycerin soap to wash morning and night. Be gentle with water not too hot or cold.
- exfoliate with a sugar scrub made from sugar and a dab of liquid glycerin soap. I have it ready made in a little containerr near the showerr. Use this once a week or twice in the summer.
- super light moisturizer with high spf. Aveda makes good stuff. You will be glad you do it later!
- use only mineral powder makeup if you are going to wear some. Won't clog pores.

I hope this helps.
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by Zili »

I know that my friend who still has major breakouts found that charcoal soap helped quite a bit we still haven't found anyone who makes it though she bought it at the local ren faire, but that seller/maker wasn't out there.

Re: Face Soaps

Post by absynthe17 »

I've made natural cleansers etc for years! I have rosecea so my skin is very sensitive and gets irritated easily, so I started making my own so I knew EXACTLY what was going on my skin! I have also always had very bad acne and congested skin.

A really good one is soaking natural oats in some honey and milk to suit your skin type (light or buttermilk for oily skin, full cream for dry etc. If you have very dry or dehydrated skin you can even use cream). Soak overnight and use the milk to was your face. Usually after using the milk up I blend the leftover oats with a bit more honey until they make a paste and use it as a scrub or mask. Oats have sooo much in them that is excellent for your skin, my skin always feels wonderful after using them.

You can also use plain honey as a cleanser or mask, which feels amazing once you’ve taken it off! It dissolves dead skin cells, has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which kill the bacteria in pimples and calm sensitive skin. Jojoba oil is excellent as an overnight moisturiser, as is evening primrose oil. I take Evening primrose oil capsules every day, which has noticeably helped my skin.

Re: Face Soaps

Post by blackrabbit »

my mother makes her own soaps! her bases usually include either shea butter or goat's milk with essential oils and exfoliants embedded. i use them often and they feel much better on my skin. my face has also been amazingly clearer lately with the exception of the occasional break-out.

she used to sell her soaps, but lately she hasn't made any.

Re: Face Soaps

Post by H_Prynne »

I know its not a soap....

...but Witch Hazel is an oldy but a goody cleanser. It has both astringent and cleansing properties that tightens up the superficial cell layers of the skins, shrinks existing pimples, and makes your skin an unfriendly environment for acne causing bacteria to grow..

A 5% concentration of Tea Tree oil applied daily in the evening may also reduce your number of breakouts. It has some anti-bacterial and antiseptic qualities and in some studies has actually been shown to work as well as the over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide creams, (but without the associated irritation, burning, and possible night time pillow bleaching that can occur with benzoyl peroxide). Only thing to mention with the Tea Tree oil is that you really shouldn't be ingesting it orally or using it on any sort of mucus membranes.

Re: Face Soaps

Post by greenvixen »

actually this is not a soap but it also makes ur skin glow and beautiful
1) lemon juice put it ur pimple scar 5 to 10 mins before bath..
2) cut the tomatoes into to , place the slice part in brown sugar and scrub it into your face.
3) combined honey brown sugar coconut or EVOO and squirt some lemon juice scrub it over your body taking a bath do it once or twice a week for extra glow...
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Re: Face Soaps

Post by Starwitch »

For those who don't want to make their own products... (this may not be as natural as some of the other solutions, but it sure is simple)

I've been using St. Ives Apricot Scrub on my face, neck, and chest twice a day. It's inexpensive and sold at Walmart (and everywhere else I assume). It's the only thing I've found that cleared my skin up. I think regular products just weren't getting deep enough into my pores to get them clean. This has an exfoliating scrub in it, so it gets deep. I have very sensitive skin and this product isn't bothering my skin at all. I'm very impressed with it and have heard good things from other people I recommended it to.

I can't recommend St. Ives highly enough. A total stranger walked up to me at Walmart and told me about it while I was looking through the facial products.

I use Cetaphil moisturizer as well. My skin has never been so clear. I'm really happy about it.

Image Image

I've also started washing the oils off my face and neck a couple more times a day (with just a wet rag or even a dry napkin) so nothing can sit there long enough to make it's way inside my skin. I noticed when I sleep at night, I get creases in my neck and those creases were developing zits. Now that I've been scrubbing those creases after I wake up I haven't had any more zits there. :D

Re: Face Soaps

Post by Amethyst_Stargazer »

A good site for soap recipes as well as general information about making melt and pour as well as cold process (which is my favorite technique because it's more natural and closer to how soap was originally made) is teachsoap.com . There are all kinds of recipes for a ton of different soaps. You can also use their directions to come up with recipes of your own that include the ingredients and essential oils that you need for your own skin type and needs.
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