Help...please! love problems again...

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Help...please! love problems again...

Post by nature_in_control »

Hi everyone,
I know I must be getting annoying for relationship troubles but I need help again.

My friend who shall remain anonymous is 13. I'm struggling so much as I have incredibly strong feelings for her, and whenever I see her, my heart aches so bad it physically pains me. Now, bearing in mind I'm 16 and this girl is 13, I still am madly in love with her, but the worst part is I've told her, and she doesn't believe me. I feel so awkward about it, and I fear I made it worse when I bought her roses, and she went a whole day without speaking to me.

Help me please! wheteher its a way of getting over her or whatever,I need it more than ever! :cry:

"I am not here to bring light to a world of darkness, but rather choose to represent darkness in a world blinded by light~"
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Serenity Willow
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Re: Help...please! love problems again...

Post by Serenity Willow »

Merry Meet Natureincontrol, I would like to share with you something I wrote a while ago about love.

~You cannot force someone to love you, this is going against The Greater plan for you. If you can trust that there is grand picture set out for you to be happy and have TRUE love, then it will come to you. When we place ourselves as an orchestrator, manuipulator of events and thoughts, we tend to not let our Greater plan unfold. You are a special wonderful gift to this earth and possibly you don’t see or understant that yet. I think it’s important for you to ask yourself why you would want so desparately to be with someone who doesn’t want you, treats you badly or just not interested.(this is general as it's only asking you to ask questions of yourself). I truly hope that you can look in the mirror and see the precious soul looking back in your eyes. You are so very deserving to have the wonderful love you are seeking. That love will come when you let go of your desparation for a person and trust in the Grand Picture. One day soon this person, who will honor, respect you and want to be with you, will come into your life. This person does exist but will not come to you until YOU believe these things about yourself as well.<3

Now keep in mind that was written for a general audience, but just keep in mind that when you let go of desperation, then it makes way for positive things to come into your life. Trust me on this, as I wish I would have known this when I was a teenager.

btw...she possibly didn't talk to you, only because she didn't know what to say, possibly uncomfortable or just plain unsure about the situation. Either way, what it tells me is to just back off, you have let your feelings be known and now you must sit and trust in the Gods/Goddesses, Universe plan for you. Do not try to manipulate chance meetings or call for no reason...these things will come if they are meant to come. I really do wish you love and happiness <3
Bright Blessings Just for Today <3
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