
General questions and conversations about astrology.
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Post by Lorena »

Hellooo all. I've never posted in this bit of the forum so here goes
This is a bit I've learned about being a cusp.
I'm a cusp-born child- september 23. this places me right between virgo and libra. This also means I take on aspects of both signs. It's funny how well it works out- Virgo is an earth sign and libra an air - the two elements I have always best related with, especially earth.
While it is different for everyone, you can expect a reasonably balanced give-and-take between the characteristics. I relate most to virgo's earth, but fit libra's qualities better.
Any other cusps out there?
How do you fall between and mix?
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Re: cusps!

Post by Firebird »

My B-day is on the 24th of November, which isn't exactly on the cusp. Sagittarius starts on the 22nd. However I have always had really pretty strong influences from Scorpio. My friend who does sidereal astrology insists i'm Scorpio, but my strong desire to seek make me very Sagittariun. I think everyone should have their charts done anyway, you'd be surprised what influences you. When you know what these things are, then you are further on your way to "knowing thyself" and therefore more able to handle any situation. Blessings, Firebird Flys
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Re: cusps!

Post by LavenderBloodstone »

I'm born on the 22nd March which is the day after Spring Equinox and the second day of Aries, which is the first astrological sign. It may not be on the "cusp" of Aries and Pisces, but I have always been a water baby, I learned to swim before I was 2 and it has always been a massive part of my life. I feel at home in water and I always will do. It seems a bit contradictory seeing so as Aries is a fire sign, but I don't know, Pisces seems like my home. It makes even less sense that I was originally meant to be a Gemini as I was born 10 weeks premature exactly, so I was meant to be born on the 31st May.
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Re: cusps!

Post by Symandinome »

I was born on the 28th of December so I am a capricorn. Much of what a capricorn is supposed to be like applies to me but I am also very "watery". Oddly enough I was supposed to be born in November in Scorpio but the Dr. stopped my mothers labor so he could go on vacation. I know that sounds crazy but it was 1980 things have changed since then. How or why I managed to stay in until the end of December is beyond me but I did. I know this has nothign to do with cusps but i was bored and felt like sharing :)
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Re: cusps!

Post by being-singular-plural »

Technically there are no cusps...there are 30 degrees in each sign...the sun sign will fall into either one sign or the other. It takes specific birth times to ascertain what degree the sign is in. For Lorena born on Sept 23rd, some years, that date will be 0-1 degree Libra, other years it will 29-30 degrees Virgo. The birth time is crucial to find out the exact degree. The luminaries (Sun and Moon signs) give off an "orb" that extends up to 5 - 10 degrees on either side of the exact degree of the planet. So, if you have your sun at 1 degree Libra, it will have influence all the way back to 25 Virgo and forward to 6 Libra..but the height of the energy will remain at 1 degree Libra. In this way your sun is mainly Libra but will have some Virgo highlights, like an overall Libra haircut with subtle Virgo colourings...Does this make sense? You "cuspers" who have posted above are intuitively correct. You are so much more than your sun sign! Astrology is layers upon layers of this way, we're all cusp-babies because no one is EVER just one sign! blue_flee

Re: cusps!

Post by Sun_and_Moon »

Lol and there's my mind totally blown! One of the things I was curious about when I join this site was Astrology and what exactly a "cusp" was, since I've been told time and again that Jan. 18th is a Capricorn-Aquarius "cusp". I'm pretty much a newbie with Astrology so most of your post went way over my head...Do you know of any good books or websites I could find to educate myself? It would be a load of help!
Blessed Be

Re: cusps!

Post by wiseyoungstar7 »

Sun_and_Moon wrote:...Do you know of any good books or websites I could find to educate myself? It would be a load of help!
i found this one book that is, in my opinion, very accurate for "cusp" signs - i myself am "Scorpio, Cusp of Libra." (as opposed to directly "on the cusp/Scorpio-Libra", or "Libra, Cusp of Scorpio" - this book touches on that topic.) i was born October 26th. it has a bunch of good tidbits of information. although it is quite basic, it goes into more detail than most i've seen, when it comes to "cusp signs." that being said, it's best for beginners, and i actually have it as a background task(othere life aspects sometimes get in the way... unfortunately :( ) to find one that delves even further into the details. but it's called "Astrology on the Cusp" by Sally Cragin. it's $9.99 on Google Books, and anywhere between that and about $15 at Barnes&Nobel, depending on which location(sometimes they actually do have slightly different prices depending). i really would recommend it - especially if you're just starting out. i've actually been showing it around to the people who know me best like, "read this part!!! and i dare you to tell me it doesn't describe me scary accurate!!!" lol. anyway, i hope this helps! best of luck! blessed be! :fairy:

Re: cusps!

Post by paganpoet »

I was born on April 18, and the cusp between Aries and Taurus is April 19. Fire and earth; a kind of explosive combination. Even though I was born under Mars, I've always felt like an Earth (as opposed to Fire.) Maybe people born on cusps subconsciously pick one or the other, based on their personality and heritage.
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