Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft???

Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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Re: Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft??

Post by Bougainvillea »

I wish we could mark some threads as our favorites :)

There was so much I thought I knew about, but really hadn't gone in depth with. I think more people will view the thread if you just give them some time :D

Thanks so much!
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Re: Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft??

Post by Ula »

steveuk wrote:1st point, ive always had a issue with the Christian religion,whereby, in a churchyard the poor tend to be buried outside in graves,thus being re-tilled after X number of years,and the rich,'top dogs', are always inside the church,thus safe,imho i feel this goes against Jesus's teaching that all men are equal,what is the wicca view of this?
That is an issue you have with church officials or Christians themselves. Those teachings are not biblical. Wicca has no church and you practice it or you don't. Most pagans/witches are pretty open minded. You have idiots in any group but most are all for an equal playing field.
steveuk wrote:2nd point, my second issue is with today's society , to my mind its very wrong that mankind should be arseing about using resources and money to explore other planets ,waging war on other country's etc etc, while at the same time human beings are dying for want of water,food,surely it would be right to cure all theses issues on earth ,then go to the stars , again what is the wiccan wiew of this ?
I don't know that there is a universal view on space travel. Wicca, paganism and witchcraft are nature/ Earth based so I would again imagine they are for doing what you need to here first. If you want to help the poor you can do that now without religion. Same with protesting and voting anti war. If you are looking for the philosophy of wicca I would say you have you own philosophy and wicca/ paganism would be your faith to make the changes.

Hope that makes sense.

Re: Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft??

Post by aquafeeta »

Those were awesome, thanks for posting them up, there was alot of stuff I didnt know
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Re: Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft??

Post by Symandinome »

To Steve:

I think the other people answered your questions just as good as I could have said it.

In Wicca moreso than other forms of paganism *mind you paganism covers a broad spectrum of people* There is no one greater than another in any way we are all equal. All Wiccan seek to live in harmony with each other and nature and that is only accomplished by putting no other of more importance than another.

As far as space travel goes. Depending upon how you look at: Space or the Universe is just as important as the earth. Neither is more important than the other. I personally think that space exploration can go either way. There possibly is means to help humanity because of exploration or possibly its just another money suck from our government. Only thing you can do is stand up for what you believe to be right and share your opinions and hope someone listens. I do agree that people starving and dying of thirst are of great importance and is an issue that needs to be dressed immediately. I think the wars that we get into are ridiculous and we should just mind our own damn business. Peoples opinions on this are going to be as far and wide as the universe itself and it has nothing to do with any set philosphy of Wicca or Paganism but moreso a reflection of ones own personal philosophy. Again neither is wrong or right neither is more important than the other. Our goal is to find peace within ourselves and to find and make piece outside of ourselves.
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Re: Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft??

Post by Starwitch »

I'm still watching the first set of videos, but I'm really enjoying them. This is a great resource for new and old witches alike. Thanks for sharing these, Symandinome. :-) If I get some free time, I'd like to add them to my main site as well. I was hoping to have a video section there someday, since there are so many great witchcraft and Wicca videos available online and I know there are plenty of people who aren't much into reading, so offering videos would help them learn.

Thanks again, and please know that I really appreciate all your informative posts, whether I'm around to say so or not. The whole idea of the forum was to give witches a place to learn and interact with one another, and the more quality information we have here, the more quality members we'll attract. This kind of content really helps, in my opinion.

Bright Blessings,
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Re: Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft??

Post by Symandinome »

Dear StarWitch,

Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to say that. I know you are very busy doing other things with the site as well as living life back in beautiful TN :) Its nice to know that you have noticed my efforts. Raven thanks me all the time for the things I post. She is a great admin you are very lucky to have her!!!

It really is nice to see you coming around. Everyone here appreciates what your doing by providing us a place to commune with one another. I know that you get bombarded with people asking for your help with anything and everything under the moon hahahaha no pun intended :) I think for alot of the new people its hard for them to grasp that you are a regular person like us all and not a super woman. I thank you for all your efforts and I appreciate you allowing me to make a home here at EUTM and share my knowledge with others.

Goddess Bless You

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Re: Do you really know the history of Wicca and Witchcraft???

Post by Firebird »

Important video
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― Jim Morrison
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― RWEmerson
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