QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

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QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by illbehere »

i thought it would be interesting to find out whos what and yeah so i made this topic. if your uncomfortable telling us what your sexuality is then thats ok.. you dont have to.. im just interested in people generally. so yeah o.o tell us your sexuality and a bit about yourself if you have time.
ill start ;3

Name: Ryan
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Catholic but im working on learning to be a wiccain.. i refuse to call myself wiccain untill ive learned =)
Beleifs: theres some form of afterlife.. possibly reincarnation. i beleive in the god Dagda and the goddess Nyx
Lives In: Ireland
Family's Religion: Catholic.. although horribly bad ones.. they dont pray or go to church >_>
Looks: Naturally black but the sun dyes it golden brown.. i highlight my hair with purple and red sometimes :P. i have brown eyes and long eye lashes.. and i wear Garnet stone necklaces or Dalmation stone necklaces. i love the moon. and yeah xD

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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by _Kaimira_ »

name: Jolene
age: 19
sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Wiccian
Beleifs: i believe there is an after life
family religion: Roaman Catholic. i don't believe in this religion
looks: i have purple and pink hair with blue eyes. I have a bull ring on my nose, snake bites and a lip percing. i do wear a pentenical neckless i freely show people i'm wiccian.

I am also six months pregnant with twins girls i am very excited about that, so is my boyfriend dorian. we are quiet people we stick to our selfs and you know the people around you talk so i don't talk to them if i get jam in a corner i talk about genteral things.

ps i don't judge. :P
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Kitty »

name: Kat
age: 16
sexuality: pansexual
Religion: eclectic pagan, my brother calls me a 'spiritual atheist' cos I don't believe in the deities lol
Beliefs: I believe in meditation, aromatherapy, some spellwork and other stuff. As for afterlife, I can't decide whether I believe in nothing, or reincarnation, perhaps it varies between people
family religion: non-religious but in tune with nature and spirituality
looks: really gingery red, curly hair and green eyes. I have waaaay pale skin and a freckle by my left eye which gets darker if I've been in the sun. I'm average height at 5 foot 5/6 and apparently I look way older than I am
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Tasariel »

Eh, why not? I'm here, I'm bored, and I just woke up. So here we go.

Name: Just call me Tas :)
Age: 22
Sexuality: Heterosexual, as far as I know.
Religion: Wiccan, I've been studying for probably over four years, but I'm just now getting into practice.
Beliefs: I believe in reincarnation. I believe in an earth-moon Goddess and an earth-sun God. At least, that's the closest I can come to a quick description of them. I do not have a pantheon I follow. I believe all gods are one.
Lives In: Massachusetts, United States
Family's Religion: Eclectic... My dad is Catholic, my mother a sort of Protestant. My eldest brother is an atheist, and the other... I have no idea.
Looks: Pics are in Members pics... Dark brown hair with highlights of red and blonde in the sunlight, pasty skin. My eyes are hazel but there's a lot of brown and only a tiny ring of green. I like V-neck t-shirts? XD
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Sexuality: Pansexual also I think!
Religion: Witch
Beliefs:I believe in the wiccan Goddess although I'm a Witch, also I believe in Universe and Karma
Live in: Kalamata,Greece
Family Religion:Christian Orthodox, although they are very openminded with my choice
Looks: I have brown hair, I like to make them spiky with gel, I have extra pounds which I try hard to lose, if you don't know me and watch me from afar you might believe I'm a cold person but its not like that, also I'm a Gemini with Virgo ascendant.
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Raconteuse »

Name: Valadilenne aka V or Valli
Age: 27
Sexuality: Hetero-Flexible but prefer women
Religion: Welsh Traditional
Beliefs: we'll be here all day lol I guess you could say I am a spiritual idealist and try not to rule anything out without cause
Family Religion: Catholic/Protestant my eldest brother is Agnostic and my third eldest sister is into Buddhism and Hinduism.
Looks: photos in the Members Photos. Green wide eyes, platinum blonde at the moment, large lips and of average height and thin athletic build.

Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Greenwitch »

Name: Becky
Age: 25
Sexuality: heterosexual
Religion: Christian witch
Beliefs: I believe in a loving and wise God, and His son Jesus. I believe in living a spiritual covenant rather than a "letter" covenant which requires me to tithe and do other things in order to gain God's favor. It's my opinion that Jesus's sacrifice negated the old law and tore down the veil between God and man. I also believe in afterlife, but don't fully understand the mechanics of Heaven or Hell yet. All I know is I want to be in Heaven with God, and I can't "earn" my way in with good works. I also believe God is in everything, even if we can't see it. As for all this witchcraft stuff, I'm still learning about it so I can't say for sure which things from it I believe. But there you go.
Lives In: Arkansas, USA. Also known as the Bible Belt.
Family's Religion: Baptist, nondenominational Christian. I still haven't told them, or my husband, and will certainly not be practicing publicly because this is a small town with too many religious hotheads.
Looks: I'm kind of short at 5'1", but I prefer the term "fun-sized"! I've got some good curves thanks to belly dancing, fair skin except where I've tanned on my shoulders, back, chest, and face. I'm out in the garden all the time, so I usually have dirt under my nails or at least somewhere on me. My hair is a little ways past my shoulders, thick, wavy brown with gold highlights. Every once in a while I dye it auburn for the heck of it. My eyes are green, and I have what I call my Italian nose, since that's my family heritage.
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

Name: Victoria
Age: 19
Sexuality: bisexual but in a serious relationship with a man
Religion: Eclectic Witch & Pagan
Beliefs: the otherworld, contact with spirits, not sure about afterlife, either polytheist or pantheist, basically a mix of ancient greek, norse shamanistic and celtic beliefs.
Lives In: New York
Family's Religion: Roman Catholic
Looks: 5' 6", long hair almost to the small of my back, straight and dark brown almost black, bright red in the sun. I'm very fair skinned, I have a round face except for my cheekbones, big round eyes, brown and green, small pink mouth, freckles. I'm thin and willowy, except for my wider hips. I almost always wear black, but I don't usually dress too elaborately. Black cat-eyes eyeliner except in the summer when I'm too lazy. My picture's on here in that forum.

Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by carley »

name: JJ
Age: 28
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: wiccan
Belief: celtic/irish gods and goddesses, mostly Aine. family, home life, meditation, and spell work, are the main things i work. the love i have for my family is one of the biggest things in my life!
Lives in: bible belt oklahoma
Family's Religion: mother is cathloic, father is church of christ, brother is baptist
Looks: about 5'8", little curvy, short red hair, green eyes, and very pail skin....20 minutes out side and i sunburn......and freckles
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Symandinome »

Name: Ashlie
Age: 30
Sexuality: I am a Heterosexual Transsexual which means I was born male am becoming female and I like Heterosexual Men not Homosexual!!!
Religion: A Derivative of Irish Faery Faith and Faery Shamanism/ My Gods are the Celtic Tuatha de Danaan. Although I accept and honour all faces and names of "GOD".
Beliefs: Polytheistic-earth based
Lives In: Amsterdam, Netherlands but I am an American.
Families Religion: Pagan/Catholic
Looks:5'11 Auburn Hair, bright blue eyes, thick full lips and a figure to match ;) Theres a pic of me in the members photo area.
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Bougainvillea »

Name: Lauren
Age: 16
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Agnostic, making the transfer to become a Pagan (no specific tradition yet)
Beliefs: Unsure about current beliefs other than karma. I believe in the Goddess more than I believe in the God, maybe because I prefer picturing a deity as a woman. Unsure about afterlife, but I like the idea of both reincarnation and the summerlands.
Families Religion: Christianity (but only one member of my family goes to church)
Looks: Short, brown/red hair, hazel eyes, curvy, pale (just now starting to bake in the sun!)
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Artie »

Name: Adina
Age: 15
Sexuality: Heterosexual, just haven't been asked out yet.
Religion: Wicca
Lives In: Georgia, USA
Family's Religion: two are agnostic, one is a jahovas witness, one is humanitarian, and the other three have no idea.
Looks: Short, skinny, and eccentric looking~
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by aphroditemoon »

Name: Cheyenne by birth Aphrodite by dedication
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Wiccan
Beliefs: Basic wiccan beliefs you could say, I honer the gods/goddesses and nature
Family Religion: Catholic ugh
Looks:Green eyes, platinum blonde for now naturally auburn/brown, im 5"3' with an athletic build.
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by )O( Krystal Raven )O( »

name: Raven

age: younger than my experiences, older than 25.

sexuality: pansexual wife of hermaphroditic female to male transsexual

location: southern california, southwest of Hollywood.

religion: eclectic old world pagan practicing kemetic witchcraft as a Priestess of Isis.

Family religion: parents are psycho fundamentalist christians, gramma on mom's side open-minded non-denominational (thank heaven)

Beliefs: read my B.O.S in this forum for an overview. I believe that whatever you believe in most is just as real as what I, or anyone else, believes.

Looks: I am over six feet tall, curvy and fit, crazy curly hair, pouty lips, exotic features... pic in member's photos.
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Re: QUESTION~(Sexuality and yourself)

Post by Ula »

Name: Gretchen

Age: 40

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Religion: Gnostic Christian./ German paganism

Beliefs: Afterlife of some kind

Lives In: USA

Family's Religion: Christian, Presbyterian and Disciple of Christ

Looks: Dirty Blond hair, Blue eyes, short and stocky. Right now I need to loose weight.
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