Learning about past lives?

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...

DO you believe in past lives? :D

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Learning about past lives?

Post by Miripet97 »

I've been told several times by many people much wiser than me, that I do indeed have an "old soul" (meaning I've been 'reborn','born again','reincarnated', etc, whatever you like to call it), and that my "soul's journey" is comming to and end soon. Although I'm very curious what is in store for my soul in the future, to tell the truth, I am more interesting in my past. I want to know if there are any ways I could find out or research about 'me' in past lives. Call me insane or crazy, but I have a feeling learning more about who I used to be would help me greatly spiritually.

Apparently, (according to those who've informed me about my 'old soul') it's 'obvious' I was, am, and will be very adventurous and curious when it comes to spiritual matters. I hope to learn everything I'm able to...
If only I could meet my father's friend again, I'd start by asking him. He's the first who's ever said anything about me spiritually (when I was only 3 weeks old, in fact!). But, sadly, I don't know his name, and we(my parents) can't get contact with him anymore. (He's a Bhuddist monk in a private temple somewhere.......no clue where!)
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Post by Purple_wind »

Well I've remembered a few of my past lives, two through my dreams and one through seeing a place I had been before.

Try making yourself remember your dreams, just think while your falling asleep that you want to remember your dreams. If they are important, as in DejaVu, a precognition or remembering a past life then they will be vivid in color and feel real. In most of my precognitions and past life rememberances in dreams I could feel everything. I was lucky to live on the same land I've been on in past lives twice before.

In my opinion remembering past lives does help people a lot spiritually, atleast it did me.

Good luck on your search ^_^.

Post by Dragony »

Past lives can be a very fun thing to figure out i have past lives of many fighters through out history but it sounds like your also intrested in future lifes which somethings about future lifes can be figured out even though humans have made predictions that come true it can be very hard to predict the future but when you figure out your past lifes let me give you this advice figure out there mistakes first before you fully accept the power that comes with it

Re: Learning about past lives?

Post by gayteenwiccan »

how can you find out about someone having a past life. i have been trying to hard to find someone or something that can help me.
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Re: Learning about past lives?

Post by john85uk »

I'm kind of on my way to truly believing in reincarnation. When considering the divine and afterlives in the past I have always thought along the lines of "It's something we'll never know about until it happens to us and then we'll be dead so there's no point in making any assumptions before that time". It annoys me when people believe in one thing and anyone who doesn't follow their belief system is an idiot or needs burning at the stake or blowing up! A persons faith and religion should be personal to them and not forced upon the public. But I'm digressing, when thinking about reincarnation my personal experience is that of my mum and nana. Sorry for being morbid but whenever my nana was alive she had unique personality traits which my mum found annoying such as collecting cheap tacky things and filling her house with them and arguing with people. My mum never really did these things whilst my nana was alive but now does them. This to me could either be my mums coping mechanism for loosing her mum or a form of reincarnation (or why not both, or are they the same thing?). Another view of mine is that when I dream I can sometimes see a faces of people I've never known before but it's in such detail I feel like I've known them for years. Also when looking through the history books it appears that our ancestors seemed to have a greater knowledge or faith in this than we do now.
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Re: Learning about past lives?

Post by Lost_Demise »

I would like to think you're the only one that can see if your souls journey is ending or not, its YOUR soul after all not theirs. Age has nothing to do with rest, rather its the persons choice.

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