the truth, and who can hear it?

Teenagers are a special bunch with concerns different than adults. Teens can chat with each other here and learn from one another.

the truth, and who can hear it?

Post by nastypawz »

Hi all and merry meet.

I only just logged onto this site and am wondering why I didn’t do so sooner, there is some great stuff here!

Now for the point of this post. I’m currently scouting for contributions to an upcoming pagan magazine, it will firstly be published in Australia but with big plans to go international. However everyone is welcome to have their say and amongst many other segments is a feature just for and by teens. Stuff like teen bio’s, like who you are, how/why you came to chose the path you are on and the types of reactions you have had from friends and families, that do or don’t understand. Also articles like, “essential oils/herbs/spells/meditations/beauty therapies/chants etc for teens/by teens,” the articles should be one to two pages in length and whilst at the moment they will be printed without pay the hope is to reward contributions with gift certificates asap! And of course the author gets full credit for their work and perhaps even a free copy of the magazine, so they can show their work off.

There will also be regular pages of readers photos, artwork, poems/short stories, and pagan/witch related books (fact or fiction).

So anyone who wants to share some info, display their work, or have their say can feel free to contact me at, please no attachments, or to send submissions to

Cassandra webb
21 dorothy dr
NSW 2546

Please copy your work first as it could get lost in the post.
I know there’s lots of voices amongst the young pagans of the world and this is a great way to be heard!

Don’t use peoples real names, they get cranky about that, and no name calling/bullying or outright nastiness and research your topic first, mistakes don’t look too professional!

hopefully i'll be able to print every submisson i recieve.

have fun!

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Post by Solus »


(In my first appearances since hell froze over)

Solus is Alone in Latin
Solus is Light and Knowledge in Gaelic

Post by RobinInnle »

Mayby we could write an article about how Wicca is recieved within our cathloic community.... school ect.

What do you think? Or am I just waisting bandwidth?.



Post by nastypawz »

sounds great RobinInnle, what i'm after is personal type stuff, not meaning stuff about your personal life but stuff that you know specifically and have first hand knowledge of; not all formal and impersonal stuff you get in newspapers.
How wicca is recieved in your community or school sounds like a great angle, if its important to you then go for it. thats a part of what the magazine's all about!

blessed be

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Post by 5moons »

Well you give me a topic and I will see what I can whip up on the subject. Cause I need something to write about.
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Post by celticwave »


i'd love to write something, just i might need a little bit of time, is there any sort of date you need them by?

*~Life may not be the party we'd hoped for, but while we're here we might aswell dance~*

Post by nastypawz »

FourSouls wrote:Well you give me a topic and I will see what I can whip up on the subject. Cause I need something to write about.
Wow, thanx!

ok, a subject.

-why you think being honest about your spirituality to your family is an important thing, or why you think keeping the secret is more important.

-what the world thinks about teens and witchcraft and what you think about the stigma around the subject.

-witchcraft at school, is it shunned where you live, or hidden, or open and a popular thing to be exploring.

-how your spirituality effects your family, does it create friction?

-you could write a series of articles giving original ideas on how teens could celebrate the sabbats, you know something more then trick-or-treat and ouji on all-hallows-samhain.

-is teen witchcraft just a trend, an act or rebelion that they'll grow out of?

-do you think teens doing witchcraft have enought wisdom to be practicing or could it be dangerious? do you think there is enough information out there written specifically for teens?

-how did you first discuss the issue with your parents? how did they react and how would you have prefered they act?

-how would you react if your mum or dad told you that they had decided to explore pagan paths!?

-have you been to any pagan orientated events? if so what did you think of them? do you think there are enough events around?

-what are your reading recomendations/reviews? pagan teens books being recomended for pagan teens.

-recount a funny/bad/silly/great or most magical pagan moment. like if a spell you have done has had an unusual side effect!

i hope that gives you some ideas to work from, and if you come up with somehting else feel free to run with it!

oh and celticwave, there's no deadline! writing is one of those things that most of us have to be in the mood for, i could go for weeks without touching a pen and then spend day and night trying to get an idea down, plus we all have lives! so feel free to take your time.

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Post by 5moons »

Thanks man now i got some ideas working for me. It is just putting it out as a start. Now does it have to be like a newspaper actricle or a story you read in hte mags. Saying things that people right in. Like I went to San Fan Speedway. For one whole week it was nothing but streetracing, cars, girls, parts and all but PARTIES!
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Post by willow_witch »

i'd love to write sumthing that would help, but as i said before im not much of a writer but will try if you need it :)

By the way, how many time have you posted the link coz i keep goin on to one and it is differnet everytime??

*blessed be*
~Merry meet, Merry part, til we Merry meet again~
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Post by Solus »

I'll write but I'm mainly only good with writing stories, as in fiction, I am really bad a recounting something or writing a news article.

Solus is Alone in Latin
Solus is Light and Knowledge in Gaelic

Post by nastypawz »

FourSouls wrote:Thanks man now i got some ideas working for me. It is just putting it out as a start. Now does it have to be like a newspaper actricle or a story you read in hte mags. Saying things that people right in. Like I went to San Fan Speedway. For one whole week it was nothing but streetracing, cars, girls, parts and all but PARTIES!
Pagan related would be a good idea! But other then that i dont want it to be all impersonal like in the news papers, more like a first person recount or a in a short story style, something a reader can get right into and enjoy, even if they might not agree with you! Other then that have fun!


Post by nastypawz »

willow_witch wrote:i'd love to write sumthing that would help, but as i said before im not much of a writer but will try if you need it :)

By the way, how many time have you posted the link coz i keep goin on to one and it is differnet everytime??
Hey if your more into poetry or fiction or perhaps you could review a book or movie with pagan themes, you could have a natural remady you'd like to share? or you could have an idea that i haven't even thought about! You could always do a piece of artwork, what ever your heart desires!

And i think i have posted this twice, i posted it on alot of different websites on the same night and overlapped on a few by accident!


Post by nastypawz »

Solus wrote:I'll write but I'm mainly only good with writing stories, as in fiction, I am really bad a recounting something or writing a news article.
There's a bedtime story section, you know for young kids with original fey, magical themes, or you could do a short story, 1-2 pages long, if thats something your interested in?


Post by Laveda »

Ditto on that Solus, I'm more of a fiction dabbler too. I'll send in some short stories if you want, but it's mainly just stuff I wrote in year 12 english...that kind of essay/assignment/creative writing type thing. They're actually on my website if you want to take a look for yourself...under the "creativeness" (won't put the link in here but look in my profile or something...I know some sites are picky on links...)


Post by nastypawz »

B/A of Teaching, wow, whats your major?

i had a quick surf around your website, you've got alot of good topics there that would come off great as magazine pieces. I loved your feelings about suicide and how you feel that suicide, faith and the wider community are all tied together, i also loved the little bit about the Dragon Moon Coven. i read the bit you wrote for the 1/4/05 and i understand about the secrecy oath but you could always give your impressions about the 'to teen coven or not to teen coven' issue. Like going through some of the pros and cons that you experienced, plus some warnings and some things you consider definate 'to-do's'

Your fiction pieces are also very interesting and thought provoking, what marks did you get for them?


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