My way of coin divination (non I Ching, would like feedback)

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My way of coin divination (non I Ching, would like feedback)

Post by Packie99 »

So, I have a particular way of divination through coins. I've never been interested in runes or tarot for personal use. I don't find anything wrong with them, but I just don't feel too attracted to those methods (and others) personally.

I have 2 particular methods for this: the first is a very basic yes or no question, and the second is a little more in depth divination for complicated issues. A note first: I got this divination method from a website a long time ago. They claim it goes back to the Romans, but I can't verify that and I don't really care. In the end, it's a system that I'm comfortable with, and that's why I put stock into it.

So, first comes the coins. I have 3 different coins. I'm in the U.S., so I have a Euro gold looking coin, a silver dollar, and a Euro copper looking coin. Why? Because I will never confuse them for other coins. To me, the coins aren't important in and of themselves until you put meaning into them.

Some basic things I do for either method. First, I relax and achieve a fairly deep meditative stance. To do this, I focus on the problem, situation, or question I want information on. While performing this meditation, I hold the coins in my hands.

First Method.
This is a simple yes/no divination format. While meditating, I will gently toss the coins fairly close in front of me. I do this in a way that stirs them around a little. Studying the pattern is fairly simple. Heads up is positive (yes). Tails is negative (no). So if all coins are heads up, it' indicates to me a stronger answer. If two coins are heads and one is tails, it means that the response is still positive but not as strong. Same with tails up. All three is a strong negative, while just two is a weaker response.

Second method.
This becomes a little more complicated, used for a more in depth answer. Each coin indicates something different.
Gold = Personal well being. Mental, physical and spiritual.
Silver = Social well being. How it affects friends, family, and love life.
Copper = Environment and the world around you. So this could be like material goods, physical structures,career, and financial matters.

So to do this, I follow the same format as the first. Deep state of relaxation or meditation. Meditating on the situation, problem, or question. Throwing the coins when I feel that I'm mentally ready.

Reading the coins. First thing is that heads indicates a positive response in relation to the coin's meaning. Tails indicates a negative response. Now, there is a second factor in reading the coins. Placement to my body. Which is closest? The spacial orientation of the coin's fall determines the strength of the response. The closer a coin is to you, the stronger the response. The further, the weaker.

Example: I want to know if a business endeavor will work out for me in the end. I follow the second method and toss the coins. The gold coin lands, heads up, very close to my body. This means that the endeavor will produce a favorable personal result. The silver coin lands a little bit away, tails up. I can assume from this that my social life will deteriorate in some way, to a moderate degree. The copper coin lands furthest away and is heads up. This would indicate that my financial or career gains will be good though they might be small.

Last note on my way of coin divination : I don't believe in destiny. This may appear to be counter intuitive to divination, but I think it's not. To me, the coins could be responding to your own subconscious. Maybe they're accessing some part of your brain where you've already subconsciously analyzed the possibilities of pursuing this course. However it boils down, it shows only one possible future of many. It could be an estimation of probability. It could be an interpretation to fit my world view. But I think that's a discussion for another threat.

Another last note (last one, I promise). I keep my divination notes separate from my other notes, or as most would say book of shadows. I have a notebook where I write down the question, the reading, and any interpretations or guess work at the outcome of the coins. Also, when I feel as if I've experienced what the coins indicated, whether good or bad, I go back and write that down, too.

Any feedback? Criticism? Advice? I look forward to hearing it all.

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Re: My way of coin divination (non I Ching, would like feedb

Post by JuniperBerry »

Sounds like a good system to me. I agree with you that alot of it is subconscious or intuition.
The Gods we worship write their names on our faces; be sure of that. A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

As believers in the folk-religion we are studying, we seek after mysteries that expand the scope of our gods and our understanding of them, not reductionist theories that reduce them to manageable and socially productive "functions".

-Our Troth
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