Xack's Grimoire

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Xack's Grimoire

Post by Xack »

My growing Grimoire.

Blessing of a Witch's Book

Post by Xack »

Blessing of a Witch's Tome

Hearken as the Witches' Word
Calls to All, a gulf to ford
Bridge the vast realities
An it harm none, do as you please

Elements protect and guard this book
From wandering eyes and prying looks
Fill it with thine ancient power
In this right and readty hour

Powers of North, the Earth below
Help me to live, to learn, to grow
Lend your strength and stability
To practice the Craft with love and be free

Southern Powers of Fire and Hearth
Help these pages prove their worth
Infuse them with your healing and passion
So only good comes from the Work fashioned

Powers of East, the Wind, the Sky
Watch over these pages with thine eyes
Your Knowledge and Wisdom, for these I do ask
That this Book may be worthy of the tasks of the Craft

Western Powers of the Water and Sea
Change and growth are granted by thee
Bless these pages with all you know
That righteous readers may learn and grow

And to the unschooled eye that see
Confuusing words and sophistry
Lead them from these sacred pages
And bless their passage through the ages

For free will of all
And with harm to none
As I have willed it
It is now done

So mote it be!

Post by Xack »

Dianic Wish Spell

This wish spell
to the Goddess
of Night and Noon,

Can be used only
thrice between two full Moons.

While gazing upon
the Sky of Night
These simple words
thee must recite:

Moon, Moon, beautiful Moon
Brighter than any Star
In this night,
Goddess of the Light,
Pray bring fortune unto me

If a hare is seen before the dawn
Or your coins seem to double
That's a sign that the spell has worked
And the magic will cause you no trouble

Post by Xack »

To Discourage a Lover

Your love for me
shall be no more,
Make your feelings
only pure.

Look upon
another's face.
Mine will their's
now replace.

Post by Xack »

To Call Forth the Elements

Darksome Night and Shining Moon
Hearken to the Witches' Rune,
East and West and South and North
Hear me now, I call thee forth!

Post by Xack »

A Charm for Forgiveness

On a Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday,
when the sun is in the sky,
let a bloodstone absorb the sacred light
and, target in your mind, recite:

All hate harboured against me, disappear
Let there be no anger or fear

Magic white, the Power of Three,
Look deep in your heart and release all against me

Post by Xack »


The colour green is in correspondance with money, work, healing, wealth and prosperity. It is also symbolic of the Earth, the Horned God, and other Nature and Earth Deities. Green-coloured candles are used in spells for healing, health, fertility, luck and harmony. Green agate is used for spells of health, which it is also representative of.

Post by Xack »


One of the Ten Sacred Woods. It is burned for purification and to draw Fey, or Faerie, to the practitioner's sight.

Post by Xack »

Initiation Ritual

In a circle protected by Wiccan consecration,
The initiate should recite this after meditation:

In this circle rightly drawn
Knowledge is sought
Truth be found

In this circle of the art
A promise is given
Oath of the heart

In this circle, a magic seal
A mind is open
A soul to heal
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