The art of scrying (divination)

For discussion and questions about divination techniques including runes, crystal ball gazing, psychic readings, dowsing, etc. Questions, answers, and talk about Divination.
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Post by Midnight_Cat »

Both Merlin and John Dee used a crystal globe for scrying. Because of the cost of rock crystal balls many people use a glass ball but this is not advisable.Brazil has the best crystal rocks in the world. Although crystals may grow to a considerable length, they seldom exceed one inch in thickness.There are however some exceptions. Flaws in a crystal such as cracks, bubbles and discolorations do not make crystal unfit for scrying although they may distract your attention.Size is however not important and bigger does not mean it will be better. Crystal scrying should be done in near or total darkness.The main thing is to avoid reflections on the surface of the crystal. The best method is to use the light of a candle when scrying but make sure the candle does not reflect in the ball.Focus your gaze on the centre of the crystal not on its surface. Try looking through the crystal as if it were a mirror upon the astral world.The first thing you may see is clouds that change colour. Eventually a mist will spread outwards from the centre of the crystal to reveal images.When you scry for visions sooner or later you will achieve communication from the spirits. These spirits will help you to understand what you have seen in the visions.It may be helpful to charge your crystal ball once a month with moonlight. Place the ball in a glass bowl of natural water in the glow of a full moon

Amethyst is the birthstone for February.It is associated with the signs of Pisces, Aquarius, Virgo and Aquarius.
CRYSTAL MYTHOLOGY : Bacchus the god of wine declared in anger that the first person he passess will be eaten by tigers. This turned out to be the beautiful maiden Amethyst. Goddess Diana quickly turned Amethyst into a white stone to save her from the tigers. Regretting his anger Bacchus poured red wine over the stone as an offering to Diana. In doing so turning the stone purple.
USES : Enhances psychic abilities. Good for meditation. Aids in channeling abilities.To meditate with this Amethyst place it on your forehead between your eye

Calcite is formed in water and is very soft.Calcite in it`s most common shape is the three dimensional parallelogram called a rhomboid. A rhomboid has six parallel planes all connected to each other.Clear calcite is most commonly found in rhomboid form. Green calcite comes in a variety of shapes. Honey calcite comes in chunks. Pink calcite is most commonly found in chunks which are then tumbled.On the spiritual level calcite teaches us the importance of allowing new energies to flow through us. That it's all right for us to break the barriers of old beliefs

ASTROLOGICL ASSOCCIATION : Citrine is the birthstone for November and its corresponding signs are Gemini, Aries, Virgo, and Leo.
Technically Citrine is ''burnt amethyst'' but it is usually categorized as Citrine.Citrine dissipates negative energy and as such never requires cleansing.USES : Citrine activates the third chakra, enhances the body`s healing energy and is good for mental focus and self esteem

USES : Selenite may be used as a tool in accessing your past and future lives by gently rubbing the stone. It is also of benefit to the spinal column and skeletal system.You should not leave selenite in water if it is left in water for an extended period it will disolve

ASTROLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONS : Corresponds to all zodiac signs.
The most common form of quartz appears is as a six sided crystal whose termination is also six sided.The largest single quartz crystal ever found is approximately 20 feet long and weighes more than 48 tons.Clear quartz is the mirror of the soul because it reflects and radiates that within us that is divine.USES : Clear quartz is a pure and powerful energy source. It receives, activates, transmits, and amplifies energy. It activates all levels of consciousness

Rose quartx which is soft pink in color usually occurrs in massive form, rarely in crystal form.USES : Promotes love energy in relationships. Very calming it helps clear stored anger. Replaces negativity with harmony. Aids in balancing the upper four chakras

USES : Smoky Quartz helps to process and release that which is no longer needed. It balances the energies of mind and body. Excellent for meditation. Smoky Quartz is also a protective and grounding stone

Tourmaline crystals are prismatic crystals, hexagonal that commonly have a rounded triangular cross section.
USES :Black Tourmaline : Protects against negativity. Corresponds to the root chakra. Astrological sign of Capricorn.Blue Tourmaline : Psychic awareness. Corresponds to the throat and third eye chakras. Astrological sign of Taurus.Green Tourmaline : Represents life energy of plants. Excellent for people who work with herbs for healing. Opens the heart chakra. Astrological sign of Capricorn.Rubellite Tourmaline : Love, devotion. Corresponds to root and heart chakras. Astrological signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio.Pink Tourmaline : Love, spirituality, joy, peace, understanding. Corresponds to heart chakra and crown chakra. Astrological sign of Libra.Watermelon Tourmaline: Activates the heart chakra, corresponds to the astrological signs of Virgo and Gemini

The famous Crystal Skull is an ancient Mayan made from rock crystal.The skull was discovered by explorer F.A. Mitchell-Hedges in 1927 at Lubaantun, British Honduras.It is estimated the skull may be up to 12,000 years old.The skull was shaped by a succession of Mayan priests from a large block of pure crystal. It is thought it may have taken over 150 years to complete the skull.The skull is said to bring a curse on those who mock it. Observers have reported sounds, odours and amazing light effects.
Laboratory tests that were carried out by Hewlett-Packard Company, Santa Clara, California reveal the skull has optical properties which would be virtually impossible to duplicate with modern day equipment.There is a similar but rougher counterpart to the Mayan Skull. Discovered in 1889 in Mexico it is much cruder in execution. It is currently on display at the British Museum of Mankind, in London.There is also the Paris Crystal Skull. A single piece of clear quartz held in the Trocadero Museum in Paris. It came allegedly from a soldier of fortune in Mexico in the late 1880's. It has the most primitive of facial features and design.The Amethyst Crystal Skull is a single piece of amethyst crystal discovered in a Mayan cache of artifacts in Mexico by a Mayan Brotherhood in the early 1900's. Features are the circular indentations in the temple and a white squiggly line that goes the circumference of the skull.There is said to be a total of thirteen crystal skulls in existence today

Among the ancient aztecs Obsidian was sacred to the Sky God Tezcatlipoca.The Aztecs also fashioned it into mirrors which the scryers used in divination.Obsidian was also used for eyes in idols in the Temple of Quetzalcoatl.Obsidian was also popular among certain North American Indians
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Post by Melindrose »

ImperfectAngel wrote:
Witch13 wrote:In the charmed series they used a pendulum (crystal with a cord) to scry...That was a bit confusing for me. Yup the charmed are my favorite series along with bewitched :)

LOL...yes, but they do scry with water a few times in the show.

But I have tried this on may occasions. I use water, just my personal preference. I always see something forming in the water, like swirling clouds, and then nothing.
Yes but then they are usually scrying for something or some one's location using an object from that person and a map.
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Post by Danax »

I wondering how one could scry using a mirror?
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Post by reikihealer83 »

Hi All,

When I do scry I tend to use a quartz crystal or an element such as fire or water. I find it works well for me. I agree with others who have said it is up to you though. Mirrors are not always bad to scry with but not my favorite mode.
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Post by Danax »

that doesn't really tell me how to scry with a mirror, which is what I was asking.
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Post by reikihealer83 »


I am sorry. The best way to scry with a mirror is to concentrate beyond the glass. Visualize the glass flowing like water and getting a bit cloudy to start then clearing slowly. Concentrate on the glass to the point where you can literally see "beyond" the mirror in your minds (third) eye.

I hope this is more help than my previous post. My best!
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Post by sylphaxiom »

I have honestly tried scrying very little, but when I do, it often seems very vivid. That semi-hypnotic state is a fairly difficult thing to accomplish on your own (without using a scrying tool) but I would suggest learning it through meditation. If you can learn the trance-like state without scrying tools, you can actually "scry" without anything. This can be rather useful if you need some advice on something or need to try and "look ahead" when you are away from your scrying object.

I did try to scry with a mirror a few times, but I never could do it. It actually kinda scared me. How I did it was, I got close to the mirror (about 4-6 inches away) and I would focus primarily on one eye or the other. My thinking behind this was that your eyes are the window to your soul and looking intensely through them would help to see through into a sort of collective subconscious (being the Eureka nerd I am, I call it an Akashik Plane). The scary thing about it was that it often times worked, but I felt very drained afterward and quite vulnerable to anything around me. So the vulnerability was probably what actually scared me hahahaha I don't often like feeling off my psychic guard.

I did read about how to make a black mirror and it sounds like a very good idea! Take a piece of glass thats in a bowl like shape (concave) and paint the convex (outside of the bowl) side black. When the paint drys, you should be able to turn it over (concave side up) and look into it like a mirror. It will reflect basic light but not too clearly images. I haven't tried it yet (mostly because I can't find a concave piece of glass) but it really does sound like a good idea.

P.S. I think the black mirror came from Janet and Stewart Farrar in "The Witches Bible" very good reading material. They are probably one of my favorite authors on the subject.
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Post by akumaxkami »

I'm really fond of the idea of using a black mirror to scry, but since I can't afford to buy one and I don't have paint with which to make one, I usually just put water in a black bowl and use that.

Or, alternatively, you can scry using a candle flame.

Post by Penelope »

I used to scry with a mirror. I'd look at it from an angle, not head-on, in a mostly dark room with a candle, so that the images were more flowing and open to interpretation. I'd cast a circle, go into a light trance, use a soft focus similar to what you'd normally use when meditating on an object or image, and just let the images come.

Post by WiccanBoy94 »

How do you scry (if that is the right word) with water?
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Post by Witch13 »

The same way you would with a mirror,only this time fill a bowl with water (the bowl should be dark colored) and gaze into it..
the water is a sort of mirror since you can reflect things on its still surface
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Post by Wiccan Z »

is this easily done? Because i meditate constantly; with ease, but when I try focusing on my reflection a mirror, i can not seem to keep concentrated, any tips? :oops:
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