is it even possible?

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is it even possible?

Post by Buttercup »

Ok,maybe I'm posting this in the wrong board,I don't know,but I'd really like to know if there's anyone with a similar experiance. Ok,here it goes: some years back I kept having the same dream for about a month or so(not every night but at least 2-3 times a week). It was about an old man I had never met who came to me looking for someone I knew. After seeing this dream several times, I finally saw a different dream with the same man. He came to me and gave me a hat,telling me that this hat is something that he's worked all his life to create and he wants me to have it and that it will protect me and help me find my way even when I feel completely lost. He told me that I will not see him again in this form and then he went away. When I woke up I found out that this person actually existed and had died that very night in his sleep( he was famous and I knew his name but I didn't know what he looked like or anything about his life before those dreams). Since then I had many signs from him,and many things happened that can only be explained if he actually looks out for me,and I also know things about him that no one else knows,apart from his very close family(that I've met without trying to;coincidence?). Since this had happened once more with a woman when I was 10 years old(this was after she died but we had never met,I didn't know about her and she didn't know about me and no one had told me that she's dead) and I haven't heard about it before, I want to ask you: is it really possible to be spiritually contacted by someone who hasn't even died yet and hasn't ever met you or heard about you in his life???

I would really appreciate any experiences you have had on that matter.
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Post by shadowx »

From things i have heard third hand it seems the spirit world may not be the all knowing, all wise place that some of us think. It also could be that spirits simply cannot connect to some people, or should i say most people here. Those that they can connect to are what we call mediums and psychics.

My entire point here is that perhaps you give off an energy that spirits and souls can sense on the other side. Like a light just shining out of nowhere on their plane, a doorway if you will.

Have you had any other experiences like these two?

I dont know why they chose you, in many respects there may be no reason. It may be random in the same way that we choose a psychic purely out of what we have heard or how convenient it is to see them so yes i would say it is entirely possible for someone you dont know in life or death to find you and communicate with you.
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Post by Buttercup »

The strange thing is that generally I am not the kind of person who sees prophetic dreams or communicates with dead people through dreams.(I get premonitions though and I can sense the energy of other people and objects). My mum is the kind of person who regularly communicates will dead people through her dreams. When I wasn't sure about all this really happening,I asked these two people to appear in my mum's dream and answer some questions I asked then to be sure that they really are here(of course I didn't warn my mum about that). The following day my mum came and told me about a strange dream where these two people came and asked her to tell me some things,and these things where the answers to my questions!
But even if I accept that I have something that attracts spirits etc,how come someone visits your dreams before he dies?(And I know that this person died suddenly of old age,he had no serious health problems).
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Post by shadowx »

(If any of the people who criticized me earlier are reading this post then this is an example of something i believe... there is "proof" if you will)

It's interesting that your mum also saw the same two spirits, so you're not insane (which is always nice to know!)

The old man said he wanted to give you a hat as it was his life's work?

Perhaps you should meditate on the hat, i have a feeling he wanted to give you more than a head garment, perhaps metaphorically or even spiritually, if you are able to astral project it may be worth looking for the hat there (i have never done so i know so very little of the astral realms, i dont know if its possible or not to find this hat) and "look inside it" not just in the cavity for your head, but "inside" it spiritually, energetically. It would seem odd to me if it was purely just meant to look stylish or keep your head warm.

How long before the man's death was your dream? And what is the nature of this person, is it possible they were a spiritual person anyway and knew that the time to move on was approaching?

If not then i am somewhat stumped except to say perhaps this man had a "dream" where he met you and did the things you said, only it wasnt a dream, it was some form of unconscious astral travelling in which he either entered your dream or you too were astralling and you met. I am unsure past that.

The hat is important i feel, perhaps try meditating on that fact or asking for a dream. A fair few times i have asked for signs in a dream and then seen them. This could of course be purely down to my brain making the signs up, on the other hand, perhaps not. Try meditating and asking for an explanation of the hat, then you need to just occupy your mind and not think about it until you dream. Only you will know if the messages you get are real or simply a dream creation.

Keep us posted, im interested now you mention the second experience of your mum.
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Post by Xal »

Dreams are interesting as a lot of times they allow us to see things in the spiritual realm that we would not normally see. And since it is in a dream format it is greatly affected by our perception.
From what you are describing it would seem that the higher self or some part of the old man was assisting your spiritual growth in some way. The hat probably symbolic of an energy or vibration that he imparted on you.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan

Post by shunyama »

... so a few of the things on this site have givin me a "braingasm" this is one of them. if your mom has the ability to connect with dead spirits that seems to be the most logical things to do. but if not start researching him trying to connect to his spirit in any way possible. or even just let stuff keep goin hopin that you get more signs i think that life has a way of working out and helping us in the end :) hope this helped

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