Keep seeing a black cat

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Keep seeing a black cat

Post by yummy »

For the past few weeks I regularly kept seeing a black cat in my path from work. I don't know if it's the same one or if it's a different one but the result would be the same. It would either casually lay or it would stare me directly in my eyes and I would keep moving. I'm very nervous. Is the cat(s) trying to tell me something? Is this a sign that something bad is going to happen? Please help.

Post by TheBlackDahlia »

>.>; Honestly, I suppose it is what you feel it is.. but I have an indoor outdoor fixed (Spay and neuter your cats people.D: ) black cat that sometimes just really likes to sunbathe. Cats often stare people down when they're trying to mark that the space is theirs. I wouldn't worry too much unless you feel like it's something more.

Post by yummy »

Thanks for your reply :)

The thing is, I work the night shift so I usually come home around 1-2 am in the morning. I live in the city and people's pets never wander, especially at night. I have never seen a pet without it's owner so it was highly unusual facing this cat(s), not once but several times in the last few weeks. I recently lost my job without warning. I never saw it coming and I'm completely devastated. I wonder if the cat was related and has any significance to me getting fired. If so, what can I do about it?
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Post by shadowx »

The cat is irrelevant. It is just a cat.

I live in a flat and the people under me often have their cat at out night just because the cat wants to be out, it doesnt sit at their door/window meowing it is quite happy to stay out there.

Also it could be a stray or just an outside, adventurous cat. Some cats love being indoors around people but others hate it and spend all their time outside only coming home for food or in the rain.

As for it staring at you it's what cats do. If something as big as a human starts attacking them a cat is going to run, so it needs to watch you and the second it thinks you are about to attack it can run. IF it wasnt watching you could just sneak up on it and eat it. Cat's arent stupid!

Post by TheBlackDahlia »

yummy wrote:Thanks for your reply :)

The thing is, I work the night shift so I usually come home around 1-2 am in the morning. I live in the city and people's pets never wander, especially at night. I have never seen a pet without it's owner so it was highly unusual facing this cat(s), not once but several times in the last few weeks. I recently lost my job without warning. I never saw it coming and I'm completely devastated. I wonder if the cat was related and has any significance to me getting fired. If so, what can I do about it?
I'm sorry for your troubles, this is a really chaotic time. Still, though, I think the cat may be just a cat, and maybe you're wanting it to mean more than it does?

It's nothing to be embaressed about, I've done it too. I lost my dad recently and one picture occasionally falls off the wall and I've gone back and forth with thinking maybe its dad and maybe its just a crappy nail, or some other circumstance. We want to believe that it's a sign but.. sometime, at the end of the day, a cat is just a cat and a crummy nail is just a crummy nail.

I'll send good thoughts your way. <3
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