trouble focusing. any help?

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Post by Solus »

Hmm... I'm sure there was a type of crystal that helps with focusing right? I'm not sure, if anyone knows something about that you could try that too.

Solus is Alone in Latin
Solus is Light and Knowledge in Gaelic


Post by *~Charmed~* »

You could look into gemstones for centering/concentration.
Aqua Aura
also, you may want to try a cleansing, it may assist in unblocking and allowing you to concentrate more.
*~Blessed Be!~*
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Charmed suggestions are great,

Also, perhaps an inner rhyme, or mantra can help you focus. Just keep repeating every time you feel yourself drifting off. . of course, it is not "wrong" to drift off as that is where lessons can be learned and powerful insights beheld!

I suggest, to add to Charmed's stone ideas, that Danburite or Dumortierite (a beautiful blue stone from India) will calm you and give you the patience you seek. Also, Labradorite or Spectrolite helps one focus on their task and bring it to completion. Add a clear quartz laser wand (wider base than the point) or regular quartz wand to amplify the concentrating abilities of the other stones. Amber is also quite a calming stone (or pine tree resin) and BONE or petrified wood may also help as it slows down your vibrations to a more "immortal" state. If that doesn't work, then virtually any AGATE will ground you enough to stay with the moment. Blue Lace agate will do it subtly, whereas Fire agate or Dendritic Agate (also can be Tree Agate) will act a little more aggressively, but they all act to keep you in your situation. Of course, with each stone, you must program it by visulaizing what main effect you want it to bring out before spellwork. After the spell, cleanse the stones with sage smoke, or running water, or sea salt in spring water while blessing them with light. Experiment and see what you discover!!!

If you are into Flower Essences, then use two drops of CLEMATIS flower essence on your tongue a few minutes before spellwork. Clematis helps you finish tasks and concentrate on what is at hand. Hope this helps. . . Good luck focusing the POWER!!!

If you want to harness planetary power then utilize the energies of SATURN as it is a planet of discipline and sticking it out until a goal is attained. . Aragonite, like Charmed suggested, is a Saturnian crystal that can help attune to Saturn's rigour!!!

All of us have trouble focusing from time to time and it can be a little distracting when spellcraft demands such intensity, but if it is your goal to focus during spellcraft, then try some of these suggestions and please let us know if any work for you. Thanks for a great question to get us all thinking. . .


Post by _Hecate_ »

This has helped me in the past

Increasing your mind power

What you need: Your imagination

Close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes, clearing your mind from all thoughts and emotions. When your finished (take as long as you feel is needed). Imagine your holding a ball. Start trying to get the feel of the ball by running your hands around the ball.

Once you feel confident that you have the exact feel of the ball throw it into the air and catch it. Imagine that it is growing red hot it's warming your hands. Then imagine it is turning ice cold and your hands are very cold. Keep changing from cold to hot until you feel the need to stop.

When you are finished take three deep breaths and repeat

My mind power has now increased so mote it be. Don't forget to thank the gods and goddesses for helping you increase your mind power.

Much love Hecate!
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