
Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Fallen Angel
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Post by Fallen Angel »

What does amber do. My brother got my some and i have no idea about it at all
~Alie!! :3

Post by dynet »

I have a lot of amber.I can say truly say;
it's energy is so beautiful that you will want carry it everytime on you!
it can defend against negative can protect you even when your oponent is living creatures and injures!I have a big one , it is a gift also : )
it's purchase is 240 TL more or less 120$.And i have a little bottle full with little ambers : ) maybe hundreds and hundreds .
They are so cute.: )
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Post by djoya »

Amber is a form of solidified sunlight.
Amber is warm and nurturing. It puts us in touch with out own personal strenght and security. It warms the inner being and activates the life force. It helps one to see the path to recovery and have the courage and confidence to follow it.
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Post by shadowx »

Oo i have never heard of amber being used in magick before, anyone know its supposed properties?

I say supposed, not because i dont believe it has any, but because who are we mere humans to understand its powers...?


I imagine, correct me if i am wrong, that the amber from a specific tree could have the attributes of that tree. I dont know if an oak gives sap to become amber but in theory i imagine if you cold get oak amber then it would be masculine and protective like the oak itself... Interesting.
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Post by Fallen Angel »

I heard somewhere, something about smashing the an amber stone into something for a spell...?

Am i right?
~Alie!! :3
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Re: Amber?

Post by WhiteOne »

I often associate amber with Freya.
When I wear amber, I notice that I have more energy and feel more up-beat. I feel less like getting stuck in serious things and more attractive and beautiful (even though amber doesn't particularly compliment me aesthetically). I usually put it on when I have to do some kind of public interaction (like a presentation) and I don't want to be my regular self-conscious, rambling, way-too-serious self. Or, I wear it because I am tired of dealing with someone else's emotional tar, and I don't want to feel guilty about letting them deal with it themselves while I go off and enjoy the sunshine. I really love amber.

Another related substance-- non-petrified sap, can be heated up or burnt to release very nice aromas. It can be easily collected from scars on coniferous trees, or on the ground around the base.
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Re: Amber?

Post by Zili »

from the magickal cat, "Cleansing, positive energy, wisdom, happiness, luck, strength, healing, patience, beauty, love, pleasure, protection from negativity, physical strength, self-confidence, will power"
One Walker
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Re: Amber?

Post by One Walker »

Amber is special in that it is a mineral stone that is made by a living creature, just like sea shells. You've heard of prehistoric insects and other creatures being found in Amber. If you ever find a piece of amber like this (forget about the store-bought ones. 99% of them are faked) you've found a real treasure and a strong connector to the distant past.

Amber is a powerful Healer and Protector because that is what the tree uses it for. It's like a scab for a wound so it is the same in its application with humans. It's a Healing and Protective stone for wounds both physical and mental.

Amber, because it can capture the past, can also be used for regression viewing or gazing. Some caution must be taken though because of Amber's association with the healing of traumas. You may not like what you view! One thing it may be useful for is to unlock past traumas having present days effects. Again, caution should be used! Yes, you may be able to view incidents specific to either the plant it came from or other creatures that the plants genetic makeup previously inhabited. The best way to view or gaze when using Amber is to back-light it in either sunlight or candlelight and kepe your thoughts on Positives.

Hope this helped some!

One Walker. :mrgreen:
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Re: Amber?

Post by presentcharisma »

I keep amber in the pouch I use for my tarot cards. (along with a few others)

It is great for turning negative energy into positive energy. If you feel under attack by someone's negative energy (energy vampires) then you can keep amber with you to turn it into positive energy so You don't absorb their negativity. :) Its good stuff!
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