empath issue

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empath issue

Post by [HangedMan] »

I am assuming this is an empath issue but it may not be. but my 5 month old niece always cries when I hold her. and it's only with me. I ask everyone if it's bc I'm holding her wrong or due to other issues and they say maybe she senses I'm stressed. but I'm not. the only thing I can think is that I'm somehow helping her to heal everytime I touch since I'm an empath and energy worker. she was cholicy when she was born and now she's teething so... what do u all think? I feel horrible And am scared to keep holding her.
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Post by reikihealer83 »


She may be an empath but sometimes little ones just need to cry. I understand that it feels like she just does it to you when you are around others but I am willing to bet you she has cried with everyone at least once. If she is an empath, it will be a while before you know for sure. Keep holding her though because that might help her energy to get used to you. I hope that helps! :)
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Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 5:13 pm

Post by [HangedMan] »

reikihealer83 wrote:Hangedman,

She may be an empath but sometimes little ones just need to cry. I understand that it feels like she just does it to you when you are around others but I am willing to bet you she has cried with everyone at least once. If she is an empath, it will be a while before you know for sure. Keep holding her though because that might help her energy to get used to you. I hope that helps! :)
Sorry-- my previous message wasn't that clear because I was typing from my phone and didn't feel like being too in depth about the situation. But let me explain further...

I do think she's empathic, yes, just like I am. However, the only reason I feel that when I hold her it's different than everyone else b/c she's *only like that with me*. Yes, of course she cries at times with others-- she's a baby after all. But when I hold her? It's consistent WAILING-- like she's being murdered. When I was a baby, I did the same thing when I used to hear "sad" or "emotional" music being played.

Anyway, I was trying to see if anyone thought I may be inadvertenly "healing" her. When I do reiki (just did some last night on my beau, actually), people with physical ailments tend to get worse before they get better. For example, if they have a cold, the next day it's usually worse so they can get it out of their system. The reiki "pushes" it out, so to speak, since the energy needs to work itself out and leave the body somehow. But then a day or two later?-- all better.

So, my niece had colic. At least that's what my sis-in-law and bro believed. And I was told that when they cry, that's actually *healing* and good for them, because it helps them to build strength. They need it. So when only *I* would hold her when she was first born (first few months), she'd scream like it was bloody murder. Everyone thought I was hurting her. But in my head, I was thinking it was the "pushing out the bad stuff" aspect just like with someone with a cold. The energy may have been helping her to heal faster.

The crying has been great lately-- much better. However, the only reason why she cries now is because she's teething. So, once again, I try to hold her, and she starts to flip out again and her nose starts to run tremendously (a sign of teething, I was told). Once again, I'm just wondering when I touch her, is the energy (since I'm an empath/healer) naturally running through to her and speeding up the process? ORRRRR... is she just an empath and just sensing stuff in me and we're just not grounded and it's like brimstone and fire when two empaths get together? lol

It's funny, though, b/c like most empaths, kids and animals LOVE me. They always smile and stare at me and aren't afraid of me for the most part. But with my own niece? From a distance, she loves me and giggles and watches me. But as soon as *I* physically touch her?-- it's so embarrassing! She's happy and fine with everyone else. It's just so bizarre and I'm totally scared to hold her anymore. I told my family, "I'll hold you when you're 3..." lol

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