effective spell

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effective spell

Post by izzityuri »

Is there an effective spell to make someone call you?
I have been trying to call this friend for sometime but he didn't answer any of my calls. I'm kinda worried. I have tried the one where u write the person's name in a circle and then poke a needle in the middle numerous times and i waited 5 days each time i did it but i didn't get anything from my friend.
Can someone here please help me. THANK U.
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Post by darkestlight* »

Here is a spell i wrote that might help.

Send A Message Spell

You Need:
A peice of paper
a fire proof container
a pen/pencil
a lighter/matches

Ok, write the message you wish to send on the peice of paper (ex: Jake call me it's really important.) Then fold the paper and place it in your fire proof container. As the paper burns say the following:

(persons full name) I send this message to thee
with this fire I set it free
I will it now
so mote it be!"

Works best if you say the spell three times.

Post by izzityuri »

did it really work for you? thanks for your reply.
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Post by Starwitch »

I made up my own spell once to get someone to call me. It didn't work. I had also done a love spell on the same person. It didn't work either. It was good though that it didn't work, because very soon thereafter (not even a month later), I met the man who would be my husband. There is a moral to that story and I'm sure you understand it without me explaining it.

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