Magic Egg Ceremony (Ostara)

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Magic Egg Ceremony (Ostara)

Post by Dancing_Moon_Child »

Magic Egg Ceremony
Adapted from Witch in the Kitchen, by Cait Johnson (Inner Traditions, 2001).

This simple, traditional Spring Equinox ceremony is one way to begin focusing on creating the life you most deeply long for.
It makes use of the egg, a potent symbol since time began for new life, possibilities, and growth.

Find out the simple but powerful steps for this timeless ritual of Spring:
The first step toward attaining your heart’s desire is to really long for it. How often do we even allow ourselves to want anything? Many of us go for years taking care of everyone else’s needs without admitting we have any of our own. So, at this time of spring equinox balance, allow yourself to focus on what you really, truly, deeply need. Most of us have the same very basic longings: to love and be loved, to be seen and heard, to be appreciated, to have a venue for your gifts, to have those gifts received by others, to feel connected. What is the nature of your secret longing?

It often takes a space of time, like the gestation period in the egg, before the universe responds to you. But respond it will. First, you have to have the courage to long for what you really want.

You will need:
A raw egg
A piece of paper and pen
A small crystal or other sacred object
Colorful tissue paper

1. Take the raw egg and cradle it in your hand. Eggs are possibilities. Fell a spring like sense of your own possibilities. Now gently allow yourself to name your hearts secret longing. Really feel your yearning. Write your longing on a small piece of paper and fold it up. Breathe on it.

2. Now carefully crack open your egg and put the contents aside to cook and eat later. Inside the pieces of shell (it will help if you crack it cleanly and there are only 2 pieces to deal with) place the folded paper and the small crystal or other sacred object.

3. Glue the shell back together, then wrap it with colorful tissue paper. Keep it in a safe place, visiting it occasionally to warm it in your hands, giving yourself time (and permission) to feel your longing. Prepare to be amazed at the ways in which the universe will give to you.
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Post by Starwitch »

That's a nice ritual Dancing Moon Child. I might try it out, but I think I will rinse all the goo from the inside of the egg shell before I put anything in it. I'm guessing it might start smelling bad after a while. Thanks for posting!

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Post by thasme »

Very cool.. I am gonna try that one.. Thanks for the info. lol, btw yeah I'ma gonna do the same
KNOW it NOW and you have WON...

Post by moonsprite »

wow sounds good! just decorating eggs sound like fun to me lol! im easliy pleased

Post by silvermists »

That sounds like a good one. I think I'll try it. Thanks for sharing!

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