needed urgentley a spell to stop children argueing ?

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needed urgentley a spell to stop children argueing ?

Post by deviousb »

i have 5 kids and desperatley need any kind of spell to calm down their argueing ? please help ?
[Guardian Wolf]
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Post by [Guardian Wolf] »

I came from a family of that size. Sorry there's nothing that can help you.
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Post by shadowx »

Ah romford, i work there :) I also live close by.

As for the kids have you looked into possible hyperactivity? I wonder if one more of them is hyperactive and thus causes arguments probably without knowing it is their fault?

Other than that i would suggest group activities like days out where the kids are responsible for each other (obviously you are ultimately in control and responsible but if they feel like they are a group, together as one, it may quell their arguments)

As for a spell i dont think there is much on offer though i would suggest looking into calming scents for the living room and perhaps a diet lower in sweets, sugars and food colourings for a week or two and see if that has an effect.
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Post by Syndica »

hi there,

i might able to help u. with children fighting over things or nothing at all should be punished, take away their most prized thing and tell them that they have to work it off. i don't believe in spanking, but kids are smart they can tell u are upset and ready to pull out ur hair. show no emotion when handling the punishment. kids respawn to moods which also gives them an idea how much to push ur buttons.

another idea of control, is choirs, they have to make they own beds if they don't do that use the corner method if they are 8 and younger. i wish i had a spell for u to fix ur problems but u have to take the riens and show who is running the household. i hope this helps u.

blessed be :D
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Post by One Walker »

I don't have a spell for you per say but from a Shamanistic aspect you may want to try Lepidolite. This is a stone of Mica, purplish in color, and rich in Lithium. It's a beautiful stone but fragile (crumbly) so you want to be careful with it. This stone soothes anger, hatred, or any of those kinds of emotions. To quiet the entire home, place several of these stones in a circle around a pink candle.

You can perform whatever of your own Peace rituals or spells with it you like, both as a centerpiece or in the manner of augmenting your other spell crafts.

Just an idea. Hope it helped some! Blessings to you and Peace to your household!

One Walker. :D
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Stephanie Mae
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Re: needed urgentley a spell to stop children argueing ?

Post by Stephanie Mae »

deviousb wrote:i have 5 kids and desperatley need any kind of spell to calm down their argueing ? please help ?
Are they getting enough sleep? My son is very well behaved, but whenever he is over tired he acts like he is on a sugar high. Another thing that might help, have each child take a few hours each day for their own quiet or private time alone.

Onewalker's suggestion is really great and you could also put some Chamomile incense around the house.

Sometimes kids get restless when stuck in the house for too long. I always have my son outside helping me with the horses or in the garden, and it really helps to keep him balanced, especially at the wonderful age of three.
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Post by thasme »

I agree with everyone your the one in controll, But, here is something that just might help, I read it a long time ago out of an astrology book...

Purple Plate, Go to wally world / where ever and look for a Glass Purple plate.Dinner plate/sauser... also needs to be translucent/see through. Something to hold a photo. Poloriod instant pic's work best for God only know why, but I'm sure just any photo will do, Take the picture of the Kids , and simply place the picture on the plate. It usualy works with in a few min's. Altho, I'd seperate them for instant sanity. AnyHow, the Purple color calms the emotions, (I'm sure it has something to do with Aura's can't recall all of it.) This does work, I have used it myself. Don't leave the photo on the plate remove it after about 30 mins. Give it a try and let me know if it helped any...........
Have a Great one....
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Re: needed urgentley a spell to stop children argueing ?

Post by Greymalkin »

deviousb wrote:i have 5 kids and desperatley need any kind of spell to calm down their argueing ? please help ?
The spell I'm about to give you is an age old spell that has had kids behaving well for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

Take your right hand (left if left handed) extend the palm and bring it down firmly and sharply on the bottoms of the children each time they fight.

Spell done.

Peace and order will restore in a very short space of time.
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Post by thasme »

LOl, Yep Yep that does seem to be Very effective around here... lol... :wink: :lol:
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Post by Melindrose »

From my experience kids fight but if its because they have too much energy and being boisterous most pharmacies carry an over the counter natural thing with an eyedropper to help calm them down. I babysit my sisters 2yr old she got it to try and calm him down so he would sleep at night. He was calm but wouldn't sleep. I couldn't find the bottle otherwise I would have a product name for you.
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Re: needed urgentley a spell to stop children argueing ?

Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Greymalkin wrote:
deviousb wrote:i have 5 kids and desperatley need any kind of spell to calm down their argueing ? please help ?
The spell I'm about to give you is an age old spell that has had kids behaving well for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

Take your right hand (left if left handed) extend the palm and bring it down firmly and sharply on the bottoms of the children each time they fight.

Spell done.

Peace and order will restore in a very short space of time.

LMAO!!! I'm putting this in my BOS! hahaha. You rock Grey!
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