The thing about "spells"...

Have a question about a spell or witchcraft/Wicca? Ask it here. Those of you who like to help others can help answer questions.
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

Dont putwords in my mouth, i never said that.

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Post by Pixie 89 »

DUUDE, nobody is even saying you shouldn't give up what you're doing! If you like practiceing "Witchcraft" or whatever you enjoy, then by all means go for it! You keep putting words, that people didn't say into their mouths. Nobody is even trying to do or say, anything against you silly. Just take a deep, breath and chill yo!
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Greek, i think the reason why people are saying "i give up" is because you ask for help and then when help is given (maybe not in the form you were hoping for) you disregard it and get all narky and defensive.

No one is critiscising you.... okay maybe Grey is a little lol but he's not doing it to get a bite or to annoy you, he's doing it to try to help you. You ask for help, people give you their help, but just because its not the "Greek you're so awesome, here is a spell to solve all your problems" you get the shits and get defensive.

Maybe help is right in front of your nose but you are too stubborn and touchy you just dont see it?? Yes, you are a beginner, we get that, well take some advice from more advanced pagans, and stop being such a sook.

Yep, i said it, sook.... i'm not going to sugar coat this anymore Greek... you need to grow up and stop getting so annoyed at stupid shit!!!

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Post by NightRose »

Let me see if I can put this a different way for you, Greek Witch. Please try not to get offended, I'm just picking an example that everyone should be able to relate to.

When a child is taught to read, there comes a point where mom and dad need to stop spelling things for him. They have to teach the child to sound words out, to write the words down on the paper. Yes, he's going to mess up. Some words are going to be spelled wrong. It's going to take some time. But eventually, that child will be able to spell ANYTHING because he knows the basis of how to spell out words.

When teaching witchcraft, I teach the basics. How to meditate. How to ground. I will not teach a student who cannot center themselves and think before making actions. This is one of the problems I see in you. You are very emotionally driven. This isn't a BAD thing, except for the fact that you don't manage it well. Magic is a volatile thing, and it is highly driven by your emotions. If you allow fear, anger, and sadness to dominate you, they will come through in your spells, which is why you struggle so much with your spells. You need to be able to calm yourself and focus on the energy that you need for the spells.

We are here to help you. But the things we need to teach you don't mean we're going to give you every spell that you want. It means we'll teach you candles and what the colors mean, what the herbs are and what they do, we'll teach you the basics of magic, we'll teach you how to write spells. If we keep just giving you spells, you'll never learn to make your own. If you just want the easy way out, go buy a spell book. If you want to really learn magic, you need to learn the basics. We're willing to teach the basics. But you have to be willing to learn. And really learn, not just nod your head and wonder when you get to the good stuff.
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new words for elisa

Post by Kassandra »

Twisted_Pixie wrote:get all narky.... stop being such a sook
Kewl! I learned two new words today. I can't wait to use 'em on someone, hehehe.

Sorry, I'm off-topic again. :lol: Carry on....

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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

NightRose wrote:Let me see if I can put this a different way for you, Greek Witch. Please try not to get offended, I'm just picking an example that everyone should be able to relate to.

When a child is taught to read, there comes a point where mom and dad need to stop spelling things for him. They have to teach the child to sound words out, to write the words down on the paper. Yes, he's going to mess up. Some words are going to be spelled wrong. It's going to take some time. But eventually, that child will be able to spell ANYTHING because he knows the basis of how to spell out words.

When teaching witchcraft, I teach the basics. How to meditate. How to ground. I will not teach a student who cannot center themselves and think before making actions. This is one of the problems I see in you. You are very emotionally driven. This isn't a BAD thing, except for the fact that you don't manage it well. Magic is a volatile thing, and it is highly driven by your emotions. If you allow fear, anger, and sadness to dominate you, they will come through in your spells, which is why you struggle so much with your spells. You need to be able to calm yourself and focus on the energy that you need for the spells.

We are here to help you. But the things we need to teach you don't mean we're going to give you every spell that you want. It means we'll teach you candles and what the colors mean, what the herbs are and what they do, we'll teach you the basics of magic, we'll teach you how to write spells. If we keep just giving you spells, you'll never learn to make your own. If you just want the easy way out, go buy a spell book. If you want to really learn magic, you need to learn the basics. We're willing to teach the basics. But you have to be willing to learn. And really learn, not just nod your head and wonder when you get to the good stuff.

OMG! Kudos!! You hit the nail on the head!!! Well worded Goddess! =)

Elisa... you're welcome :D
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I ask for spells because mine aren't working, I noticed that when I use someone else's spell it works, but when I'm trying to make one poof! the spell doesn't work, I do follow the right guidelines, I do use words that I understand (because a spell with uknown words would be a mess too!) I use my emotion, my visualization and nothing happens! so I just ask for spells because I really don't trust mine, I'm telling you they aren't working. plus what "sook" means anyway? :?:
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Post by Syndica »

dear greek,

hi there buddy, people just want to help u but in turn u ask for more spells in return. if u want ur spells to work do them right. but sweety why aren't u listening? a lot of people are fustrated with u and how u hold ur self to the communuty as childish demeaner. i am sorry to say but that's the truth, u have to take up notice and do the spells correcty, u shoud be open enough to make ur own spells and put them in ur book of shadows. do u know what the book of shadows is greek?

asking for spells once in a while is ok, but not just every day u need a spell for something, i understand that ur still new, i am new as well but i know where to draw the line. and i think u should too. there's a lot of pissed off people who want to rip ur head off and shit down ur neck. it's because people are so fustrated with u because u don't want to learn u want people to do it for u. i am being very honest with u. hone don't be a hard case ok. :)

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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

So the problem is I ask spells or you don't want to give them because I also take a "no" for an answer, plus I'm not being stubborn, you don't listen to me guys, you are there saying I'm childish and stubborn and blah blah well I give up too.
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Post by Greymalkin »

Ah, a natural conclusion.

It went rather well I think.

What's next?...
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

OK GreyMalkin I agree that we disagree, ok?
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Post by Syndica »

hi greek,

i know it's frustrating for u and people around u, do u remember what i said to u? stand up and be noticed, a calm mind and soul. greek i do think u should start a shadow book. that's where u put all ur spells into. u can use any kind of book. mine is made out of leather and the pages are cloth paper. it has an interesting texture to it. :shock: :D

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I do!

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I have a Book Of Shadows but my spells that actually worked are few (4 to be exact!)
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Re: I do!

Post by Melindrose »

Greek_Witch wrote:I have a Book Of Shadows but my spells that actually worked are few (4 to be exact!)
I have avoided posting on most of your posts Greek. I have done so because I look at them and a lot of them seem like things that can be solved with out spell work. I understand being frustrated by not having spells work; did you ever pause to think that maybe the reason they don't is that casting is not the answer to the particular problem. The issue with your mom getting burned by coffee, unless she said that it felt unusual then she just made a mistake we all have it happens. I also want to say I haven't noticed you posting much of anywhere else on the board. Right now to me you seem to be one who takes and never gives; I know that isn't the case but that is what I have observed so far. I apologize if what I have observed is wrong I have nothing against you or any one on this board, just stating what I seem to notice while browsing the other sections.
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Post by NightRose »

Spells don't always work. That's the truth of the matter. I'm sure none of us here have a 100% success rate. (And if you do, good for you! I'd LOVE to know your secret!)

You're newer. You're not as experienced at writing spells, at using energy, at doing these things. Yes, you're going to have some problems. But instead of begging us for spells, how about saying what sort of spell you are going to write, and putting your ideas out here? We can give you opinions on things you can work on, things you should change. It should help you not only to grow in your spellwork, but also to learn what works best in a spell. I think people will be more willing to help you if we see you doing some of the work. Meet us halfway.

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