The thing about "spells"...

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The thing about "spells"...

Post by Greymalkin »

I briefly touched upon this in another thread but it seems to have been overlooked, so I thought I would start another thread all about it and hopefully generate some discussion.

A lot of people come on this forum asking for spells. It never ceases to amaze me when people do this.

By merely asking for a 'spell' demonstrates you don't understand how magick works - and if you don't understand how it works YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT!!!

"Receipe spells" like the ones posted on this forum are crap. They don't work and you shouldn't even waste your time doing them.

Spend the time learning how magick works and then you will be able to write your own spells and ultimately have more success.


Post by Elyheim »

this is pretty much why I haven't done any sort of spell or ritual.

I've no idea what to do or what I'd need or how to go about it.... meditation so far is my limit :oops:

I still needs more learning[/i]
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Post by shadowx »

Agreed. i think without the full belief and understanding that comes with learning about the occult no-one can ever make a premade kit type spell work properly.

I think those that ask for spells are usually looking for the easy way out, and to me magick isnt about the easy way. Magick is the hard way, and often the only way. I have learned, and fully agree with mundane before magick, that is to say if something is affecting you try to remove it like a "normal" (i apologise!) person would, by moving that person or object away from you, etc... if you cant do that or it doesnt work *then* turn to magick. Dont ask for spells at the first sign of a problem.

And dont get me started on requests for love or money spells.... *face/palm*
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Post by Xal »

I agree in some aspects with your points about the mentality of asking for a specific spell however if they "recipe" spells are crap then what is not crap? How do you think it all works?
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

So what,I'm incapable of being a witch because I ask for spells?I jusr disagree with that,I don't get your point when say "If you ask for spells,then you shouldn't been doing them" so if I ask you to give me a protection spell,it means I'm not capable witch?its just insulting sorry (I'm not attacking you,I just say my thought,so don't go mad on me please)
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

He was making a sattement, the truth. He wasnt saying you arent a witch, hes saying that you shouldnt rush yourself into stuff that you dont know.
Because then you et yourself into a bigger messs, for trying to think you can do anything you want in anyway order you want.

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Post by Earth Ritual »

Greymalkin I heard you loud and clear when you wrote it. In fact I spent about five minutes busting a gut laughing. (Does anyone else find this shit insanely funny!?) I request that you teach us how to educate ourselves in regards to the reality of magic work. Please write an article or point me to one that you have already write.

There are other ways to balance energy that is not "spellwork" and is more effective in many ways. I think this is partly because for witches who have done no inner work there is a tendency to make magic and spell work more than it is i.e. infuse their stories and fantasies with reality. Remember there are new techonologies always being developed and some that are devoloped may be superior to antiquated spell work.

When you're in integrity with yourself your magic can become authentic and spontaneous i.e. you don't need a book.

By the way most anyone is capable of casting a spell. I don't really think it's all that special just another part of what is to be human like making a fire when its dark. To illustrate this point why do you think it is in modern times everyone is learning to read and write when just 500 years ago there was almost universal illiteracy. In those times of universal illiteracy people who could read and write for real were seen as magical. This is why it is said that any sufficiently advanced technology is seen as magic.

There is no coincidence that we SPELL words and write in CURSive.

Actually, most people who think they know how to read and write are doing something called "calling words."

Just because you have access to advanced technology does not mean you should have that technology. Look at people who use nuclear bombs to kill millions of people. They are obviously technologically evolved (probably because they got their technology from someone more evolved) and on the soul and emotional levels they are inferior cavemen. Also remember that to evolve in one dimension of your being it can open the opportunity to evolve in another. The wise witch would use his or her spell work to evolve his or her consciousness in such a way as to rise to news levels of consciousness and exploration.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

I agree in part to what Grey is saying... I believe that a build up of power is needed before work is 100% effective... when i first started out, recipe spells DID work for me, but they would either not last long, or i wouldn't get the effect i hoped for or sometimes they just wouldnt work at all.

I dont believe all "recipe" spells DONT work... i believe that if the person has build up enough power within themselves it may work, but i also believe writing your own spells and rituals are much more effective and long lasting.

Having said all that, Greek Witch, dont be so quick to be offended. You offend quite easily. This is, afterall, just a forum and no one on here knows you, they may know OF you, but they dont know you. Everyone has different beliefs and Grey is simply stating his. This doesnt make him correct, it just means that he believes this. If something works for you, go with it. If recipe spells work for you, then do them, but i also think you need to stop getting so offended all the time and actually let the people on this forum teach you what they know. Afterall that is how people learn, through experience and through sharing knowledge... take it as an opportunity to learn from people more experienced than you and get a bit of a thicker skin hunni!

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Post by Earth Ritual »

Greek Witch Look up the psychological term PROJECTION. Your post is an example. Do not, I repeat do not make this mean I think you are incapable or I don't see your greatness and stand for your potential. Remember the opposite of love is not hate, honesty, or confrontation it is indifference.
You are either for Life or against It. There is no in between.

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Post by shadowx »

I will elaborate on what i said by saying that IMHO all magick is the transformation and sending of energy to achieve a desired goal. Someone who has practised magick and learned of it will be better able to summon the energies they need from around them to make the spell work. Other may struggle to do this.

This is my basis for saying that of the shelf type spells will not work as well as something you may find in a book or even on this forum. Mainly because of the type of person doing the spell. I expect anyone of you experienced people out there would have a fair amount of success with a shelf spell, perhaps not as much as a personally designed spell but it would still work.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Good elaboration Shadow. I agree with you now. Like i said, its a build up of power... and when you build up that power within yourself, the "shelf spells" will probably work, but i always prefer the spells i write myself, i feel more empowered and i get a quicker result that way....
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Post by shadowx »

Mhmm, most of it comes down to belief, if you believe you are summoning up the energy then its likely you are and will be able to.

I still do think that in the hands of an experienced practitioner most sensible spells will work. The thing that makes me dislike paying or magickal items, including spells in shops (though i realise that wasnt the subject of the OP) is the motive behind the price tag. Im not going to pay £20 for a little bag with a few dried leaves and a stone in it. The materials alone cost less than a pound so where does the other £19 come from?

i have nothing against selling your abilities in whatever form, but anyone who can add 1900% extra on the cost of materials just doesnt breed trust in me.
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Post by Greymalkin »

Greek_Witch wrote:I don't get your point when say "If you ask for spells,then you shouldn't been doing them"
I'll explain it like this. What you are doing is the same as coming on here and asking all of us how to re-wire your house without any knowledge of how to do such a thing.

I worry for you Greek Witch. Really I do. You are exactly like one of the many people I have to help on a regular basis.
Every time you have a problem you think a spell will just make it all go away, and what's worse is you immediately want an attacking spell, and let me tell you my friend, that kind of attitude will lead you to a very bad place eventually.

People like 'Earth Ritual' will come on here with their book-learned advice and say allsorts, but take it from someone who regularly works with dark energy, you are heading for trouble if you continue the way you are going.

I work with darker energy just so I can understand it. I have to understand it in order to help people like you who get into trouble with it.

You have said on here that you suffer with depression and other mental disorders, as far as I'm concerned Greek Witch you shouldn't be going within 10 feet of anything magickal or 'spell-like'.

Look how you reacted the other day when your mother burned herself on hot coffee.
Immediately you jumped to the conclusion that somebody was psychically attacking her, and straight away you came on here asking for a spell to protect her - just because she burned herself on hot coffee!!!

And now, in another thread, you are saying "Well guys I prefer to be a White Witch and not just an evil witch,and definetely cursing isn't something a white witch does,is it?"
And all this because you watched a movie???

Please Greek Witch, take my advice now before you end up in real trouble.
Sort yourself out, sort your depression out and get your life in order and for the time being leave the magick and the spells alone.

You are young, you have plenty of time to come back to it later in life when your mind is a lot calmer and more reasonable.
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I get your point GreyMalkin but correct me if I'm wrong, Witchcraft is a religion right? Why I cannot be a Witch if I have depression?plus you make me sound like I'm a complete nuts,believe me all I have is depression and NOT paranoia,I assure you,I jumped to the conclusion that someone "attacked" my mother,because we have a lets say "war" with a specific person (this person is a non-witchcraft related) and I thought that she might saying bad stuff about my mother,ok I accept the fact that maybe my mother did burned herself out of coinsidence,or her own fault,you said about something I said because of a movie,seriously,I'm the only one here that have ever been affected by a movie? didn't you got scared or sad over a movie? I just said that I kinda saw what a curse does,and I said also "I know its a movie but I got affected" I know it is a movie,and I know this movie isn't real,but it made me realize that cursing someone you making him/her suffer,and thats something I really don't want to do,at least not for now,I have read somewhere that witchcraft doesn't have specific beliefs or paths,you might follow your own,and thats what I do,although I should calm down,I never have casted a spell to harm anyone even if I say I will.
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Post by Greymalkin »

No Witchcraft isn't a religion - it's a practice.

Wicca is a religion, Druidry is a religion, but Witchcraft isn't.

You don't have to be a Wiccan to be a Witch (like me).

Witchcraft is no more a religion than being vegetarian or teetotal.

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