Soul twins I really need help please to save mine please.

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...

Soul twins I really need help please to save mine please.

Post by Celticpeganhealer »

Hi everyone i have a question about soul twin i found mine and i'm starting to wonder how things with soul twins work Me and Sean are very in tuned with each other we met at the age of 15 then i moved away we both went throw almost the same things and now we are back around each other but there a problem he i full of rage and anger and we can connected on many levels and i have been trying to find a way to heal him but i'm not sure how to i know he loves me but he is very scared and anger that it over powering everything else dose any one have any ideal on how i can help me he let me back in i had to close are link for a bit because i was being cusume by his anger but i open them again i'm just shilding something and i'm trying to give him white energy do anyone knw what else i can do to save him from him self. :?: :)
Posts: 108
Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 6:52 pm

Post by blackwavy »

Does he know that you all are Twin Souls?
Do you all express yourselves openly with each other?
Twin Souls/Twin Flames express themselves openly, unconditional to one
another. They love each immensely or they run from each other because
they can't take the strong connection. If you all are still together, talk to
each other. If he can't be open, then you will have reconsider what's truly
twin flame. He may as well be a soul mate. Someone or anyone like friends,
family who learn from, you love and grow with. With Twin Souls, all you
have are each other. You all are made from the same essence. Simply
halves of each other.

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