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Post by BlackTeddyBear »


You awake from a dark, soul-less sleep to an evenly dark and soul-less place.
Your breath comes in shallow gasps as your ribs feel that they’ve collapsed
into themselves.
You feel that your wrists are tightly bound to the legs of a chair with rope that’s cutting into your flesh.
Your ankles are immobile, and you cannot feel your feet.
Your head is spinning and a throbbing ache in the back of your mind is beginning to drive you mad.
The room is dark with a sickly green light above you.
You see both of the side walls and a door in front of you leading to what may be a hallway.
The light reaching wall gives the impression that it’s glowing with an essence because of the dampness.
The floor looks like concrete.
Your mouth tastes of metallic blood and there seems to be a lingering taste of vomit at the back of your throat.
Sweat that beads your face drips down into the corners of your mouth; you taste that constant trickle of salt.
The room smells of decay and wetness.
The silence is deafening and there are slow droplets of water falling from the ceiling splashing into a nearby dip in the floor.
The light above you flickers and dies.
Your heart is racing and you can feel your pulse thudding in your ears, amplifying your headache.

You hear a satanic cackle come from behind you.
You are not alone.

The story line of the poem is kinda lost, but it boils down to being about you (in second person) doing something horrible during life and ending up in hell.
This poem was written my freshman year of highschool, which is two years ago now. It was written by me, it is a totally original poem, and so I'd appreciate to keep it that way. Feel free to criticize.
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