Summer Solstice/Litha

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Summer Solstice/Litha

Post by hedge* »

The Summer Solstice marks the time when the sun reaches its highest point of elevation in the norther hemisphere. It is the time when the sun seems to stand still in the sky (from the Latin: Sol = Sun, Sistere - to stand still). The sun is shining and the days are warm - all the plants are growing and the land is filled with rich new growth.

Midsummer is truly a celebration of the primal creative force of the God at the peak of His powers and the Goddess in Her manifestation as the Mother - fertile and blooming with abundance as the seed of the God quickens within Her.

This is a powerful and dynamic Sabbat, as the powers of the union of God and Goddess reach their peak.

At the time of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere you might chose to meditate alone or with a friend. Find a quiet time and place - perhaps in nature - and meditate with the new frequencies that have entered the grid. Go as your soul guides or follow a ritual that is part of your belief system.

Traditionally, Summer Solstice is celebrated at noon - the sun stands directly overhead and the full force of solar energy can be felt and drawn upon in ritual.

Stand beneath the sun for a while absorbing the light and heat, and establishing a connection which can be drawn upon in your rites later that night.

This is a time of purifying, of cutting through obstacles and drawing on the dynamic power of the God principle to manifest your own power. Lift up your hearts in celebration of the fertility and wonder of life and remember to give thanks for that which has been manifested for you since the last Sabbat.

With the full force of the sun now shining upon the Earth and all upon Her, there can be no shadows before or behind you. Use this energy to burn through resistance and obstacles, call upon the Sun energy to illuminate and light your way upon your path.

The Solstice is sometimes celebrated at night for privacy, but it is still a good idea to go outside at noon and briefly honor the God.

For incense you may want to burn one or more of the following:


For me the summer solstice is one of my most important festivals of the year ( Beltane, Samhain and Yule being the other important ones ).
It is a time when the Sun and Moon, male and female, are in perfect unison with eachother. Embrace the balance and recognise the male and female aspects that lie within us all.
I wish each and every one of you a happy and peaceful Solstice/litha :D

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