An odd occurance...

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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An odd occurance...

Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

I wasn't sure exactly where to put this one, as it is quite an unusual thing...but a little while ago. I think I passed out...I've never done that before, but it must've been what happened as I came to on the floor. During the time I was 'out' I...I dunno...I seemed to be in a place there were what seemed to be hunndreds of candles. I was 'in' a chair...but I seemed to be tied to it. It was a rather large space and in the distance a cloaked and hooded figure approached and with it a small one without a hood but cloaked as well she seemed to be gliding sorta. When he reached me the little one spoke these words, which I remember vividly, "Two faces of the same serpent, one in our world and the other in the other world...woe to he who sees both faces." I don't quite comprehend what that means...

Then, the tall one spoke, "I am Viznu/Visnew(I've no idea how to spell it so I just spelled it the way it was pronounced) I bring unto thee, tokens of peace." He reached out with one arm and gave me a flower...a lotus I think and and a seashell then said, "Your connection and perception of those that do not appear yet are there are much stronger than you realize." He put the flower in my lap and put his hand back into the cloak. Then he withdrew from his cloak 2 more items...a scepter and some sort of orb...thing...more like a ball of light. He put the light to my head and it seemed as though he pushed it into my face which was a bit painful and laid the scepter in my lap with the other items and said, "Your perception of those who cease to be grows ever more powerful, as well as yourself. You had held my interest for some time now." He then drew out a dagger and cut the bindings and with that, he turned to the small one and said, "It is time for us to take our leave...farewell" The small one jerked and crawled upon the his shoulders and it was then that I noticed it's lower body was that of a snake and then they vanished... a wind blew through the place and extinguished the light of the candles.

It was after that when I came to...I looked at the clock after I stood up, it was 3:33AM.
Alchemist of Blue Roses
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Post by Alchemist of Blue Roses »

When did this happen? I know where you were but I can't remember the name. 3 O'clock is known as the witching hour. The serpent with two faces. Me and Satan... the cloaked figure... Coincidence? I think not... weird how I saw my female counterpart. Woe to he who sees both faces. I could tell you everything you want but no one takes me seriously...
I wish I could say something so drastic and life changing that people would remember it for eons. but I can't think of anything so all I have to say is hello it was a pleasure to meet you.
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Post by Release.the.bats »

Vishnu is a powerful Hindu God.
And the Lotus is a sacred flower.
As for the quote about the serpent with two heads, it makes me think of the Leviathian.
You might find something in either Hindu or Babylonian mythos that could help you.
Chaos Shaman
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Post by Chaos Shaman »

Kitty had the same thing happen well aboutish. the pass out and wake up for no reason.
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Post by Melindrose »

all are good suggestions, be cautious however and examin the experience carefully, especially how you felt. Should Vishnu decide to give you a visit he dosen't give gifts lightly. It may also have been an entity taking the form of vishnu but then you probably would have been uncomfortable with the experience. I just find it a little odd that the supreem god of vaishnavite hinuism would visit you while hiding his form. I checked wikipedia for vishnu as I couldn't remember what gender he was.

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