What do I write in my journal?

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What do I write in my journal?

Post by Elemental »

Hello, I am 13 and have found my self entranced with witchcraft. I found a website that said it was good to take your time before makeing a big decision, I agree. The thing is it also said to keep a journal which I also want to do, but I sont know what to write about. If you have any advise please help! Thank you.
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Re: What do I write in my journal?

Post by Siona »

It's your journal, so you can really just write whatever you like, and whatever you think is important. :) You can journal about what you're studying, things that interest you, anything you read that you particularly agree or disagree with (and why), any spiritual experiences you may have as you go, you might want to write about any rituals you preform, holidays you celebrate, interesting dreams you might have, or even just about your day-to-day life if you like.

Really, keeping a journal is just a way to reflect on what you're learning, reflect on experiences you have, and it's something you can look back on in a year, five years, or ten years to see how you've grown over that time.

Re: What do I write in my journal?

Post by Elemental »

Thank you!
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Re: What do I write in my journal?

Post by MsMollimizz »

Keep track of your spells you've done, if they worked
if they didn't...what you can do to fix it. How you
felt about it, were you in the right frame of mind ?
Was the Moon right phase ? What you can do during
eclipses, they have separate energies...
One I believe to be the most important, is it really
what you need, not just what you'd like.
A lot of times they won't work if it's not in your
best interest !
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Re: What do I write in my journal?

Post by AnaisStar »

Depends on what you want the purpose of your journal to be. It can actually become your Book of Shadows, where you write in your spells and the results. I have a few actually. I keep a dream journal, where I write down my dreams and the interpretations/meaning behind them.

I also have what I call a waking journal, in which I write down when I have any "intuition" moments. I write the dates, what I thought about and then how the situation turned out. Kind of helps to focus my intuition/psychic abilities.

I'm learning to read Lenormand cards too, so I keep a journal about that. I write down the dates, questions asked, the spread and how I interpreted it.

I also have one that is just a journal. Anytime I have thoughts, see a quote I like, or something I need to find or reference later I write it down.

I dont keep a journal of my day like you would think of being like a diary. My journals are little glimpses into my mind more than my day.

Basically you can use your journal to write anything you want. And like I do you might find yourself keeping multiple journals. I like to have one for each subject so its easier to reference back instead of searching through one journal for everything.
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Re: What do I write in my journal?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Just random suggestions

. Make notes on things you read & where you read it in case you want it again
. Web sites you visit, user names & passwords ; search phrases
. What draws you to the Craft
. What questions do you have on the Craft
. Pagan holidays Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane & Lamas & the current year's full moon dates
. Your findings on the Goddess & God
. Divinations & the method used
. Your observation of the 4 Elements (air, fire, water, earth) in Nature
. Your witch powers
. Ritual format you learn, like casting a circle with or without calling quarters or invoking
. Energy raising, grounding, projecting skills
. The Wiccan Reed, Charge of the Goddess & Descent o/t Goddess, Witch's Rune
. Psychic experiences
. Experience with the Fay, fairies, talking squirrels 🐿
. Your thoughts on ethics of blessing and hexing; how to
. Your ideas for various spells: purpose, timing, materials
. Lists of herb & stones you actually use; what you used it for & its effects on you
. Garden layouts or container garden
. Design your altar on paper; seasonal changes
. Beliefs & doubts you have
. Dreams of flying could be out of body spirit flights
. Instructions for candle making, holiday Incense, holiday food & drink recipes
. Directions to your favorite location for practice, specimen gathering, meditating, ...
. Definitions of occult terms
Elemental Links
  • East-Air-Incense: intellect 🟡, sage & mint, spice and citrus scents
    South-Fire-Candles: vitality, passion, strength 🔴, rosemary, hot-spicy scents
    West-Water-Cup: psychism, emotions 🔵, thyme, sweet and citrus scents
    North-Earth-Stones: health & wealth 🟢, salt, wheat, forest scents
    Center-Aether-spirituality 🟣, dandelion root, cinnamon, ginger, spice scents
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