Am I Cursed?

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Am I Cursed?

Post by Sage50 »

I been having a lot of bad luck. Cars breaking down etc.. My wife thought I may be curse since she never had this much bad luck until we got married and her ex had a curse on him. They used a cleaner( a person the lifts the curse). The bottom line is I need help.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Firebird »

At first I was thinking mercury retrograde, but then I looked it up and it doesn't begin until Feb.06 this year.
Ummm, who would curse you?
Another thing you might want to try is a thorough smudging, of car and home, always work in a counterclockwise manner around the place you are clearing ...demand any malevolent energy to exit the area and be gone. Follow through with a asperging of some saline water. You can seal the space with an anointing of oil, requesting the place to stay safe and functional
Other than that I don't know, maybe a bad streak? I'm sure Kassandra will be along soon and will have an idea.
BB, Firebird
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Kassandra »


Hi Sage50. Sorry, but your question is rather vague. Some more detail is needed to for anyone to address this question with any amount of depth. Actually, are you asking a question, or are you requesting spellwork done for you? (if so, please read this post: ... ml#p187818).

I realize you may be under stress due to all that's going on, but quick, vague questions as you've written could only get a quick, superficial answer, with not much depth.
For instance, of what spiritual path was this "cleaner"?
When was the "cleaning" done, and what did it consist of?
Were all the "cleaner's" suggestions followed, or did people cut corners?
Was it given enough time to work, or did people get impatient and start looking for other solutions?
And what was the nature of the supposed curse on the ex? Of what spiritual path? (this makes a difference)

If you care to elaborate, fine. But if you don't care to, that's fine too (it sounds like you're too much in a hurry with this, and would get irritated with elaborating). So, I suggest just following firebirdfly's suggestions --to the letter, no cutting corners-- and working on this yourself, rather than consulting any more "cleaners" as you call them.

Hers are pretty much the same suggestions I'd give you, given the little bit of information you presented us.

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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Sage50 »

What I am looking for is a way or someone to lift curses. The person before was a cleanser that helped my wife and her ex when they were married. That was back in 1994/1995. The cleanser was Hispanic. They said that somebody had put what they call "El Ojo" or "The Eye" on them. They used raw eggs and chanted some stuff as they rubbed the eggs over them. Then they used some sort of branch with leaves on it to rub them down too. They also had something burning that was causing smoke in the room...maybe incense.

The whole process was a bunch of chanting and rubbing down with eggs and branches. When the person was done they cracked the egg in cold water and one of the eggs came out black the other one came out blood red. After that my wife and her ex (her husband at the time) left and their luck seemed to change. They weren't having bad things happening to them out of the blue. Yeah they still had an occasional thing happen but she thinks that was all due to its time to happen...such as a car break. Her mother in law at the time gave her a thing to put on her daughter to keep the bad spirits from getting to her. The thing was called an Ojo de Venado or Deer's Eye. It was on a bracelet. Since then my wife really hasn't had what she would call bad luck other than just bad circumstances and choices.

Now we have been together since June 2011. We got back together after being separated for 23 years...we dated in high school and I broke up with her...another long story.... Anyways once we reconnected it seemed like fate and everything moved along extremely fast for both of us. It was like we had never separated. She became pregnant in Oct 2011 but it was an ectopic and so she had to have surgery to end the pregnancy. We got married in June 2012 in a church. We moved back to Texas in July 2012. Since we have been in Texas we have one thing or the other happen to us.

And another thing is that her ex was extremely pissed off because he wanted her back. That was her 1st husband/father to her kids. Her 2nd husband is still pissed that she left him. My 2 ex wives "seem" to be fine with our marriage. But I have had rotten luck since I split up with my 1st wife. Now her 1st husband's mother is in to all of that spiritual old wives tale stuff. She is the one that help find the cleaner before. She wanted my wife and her son to get back together as well. We did spend a little time a couple of weeks ago with her ex husband and his mother at my wife's daughters house. We all had dinner and everything seemed fine.

Now when I say we have had rotten luck, we have had kinds of things right after another. My wife has lived her for 21 years and she was doing extremely well for herself, had a great job until it relocated, drove nice cars (BMW) had savings and money to go out whenever she wanted. When we got back her to Texas (we moved back to her house that she had here), we just had things start happening. We found out that she had a major roof leak. Now you can rack that one up to just poor maintenance on the house. At least that is what we think. But then our Tahoe that we had just bought back in April 2012, started having issues. Just random things breaking on it and then the 4wd starting acting up on it. Then her trailblazer started having mechanical issues. She got a job in Oct 2012 working close to home (20 minutes away) making good money.

Before that we were having to go to every food bank there was available to us and get assistance with our lights and phone bills. Then her oldest son broke his ankle in October 2012. Fractured it like the dr had never seen a break like that before. He is doing better. Then his dad gave him a truck for his 16th bday. Now that truck is an old 1995 truck that hasn't been kept really well. So that may be just why it keeps breaking down. It has broke down like 7 or 8 times in the last 7 months. And in the mean time the other two vehicles keep having things randomly break as well. Then our roof starts having other leaks too (in places that the roof shouldn't have issues because the roof is in somewhat good shape where the leaks are). Then we are having electrical issues with the house and floor issues because of the leaks. My wife got pregnant again in Dec 2012 but miscarried in Jan 2013. We decided that we didn't want to go through that any more. Now before the two pregnancies with me, my wife had 3 kids with her 1st husband and had 5 miscarriages with her 2nd so the pregnancies could be a body issue and not bad luck.

Every time we seem to be possibly getting ahead then we get hit with either something breaking or a huge bill. Like now we are trying to save up to get a new house put on her land. Well Wednesday we got a huge light bill in the mail ($800) and we still owe the last month of $600. The lights were scheduled to be cut off on 1/26 if not paid the past due. So we have got the past due paid now. She did get a raise and a promotion last week so that was good news and we praised about how things might be turning around for us. Well her truck broke on Thursday morning. She got a ride to work and then the company let her use the company truck for as long as she needed to so we could get hers fixed. Well she was on her way home that same night and the company truck broke on her. The engine had no oil it...rack it up to poor maintenance by the company...we just don't know. Then she wakes up Friday morning sick, goes to work and then finds out that the pregnant girl that sits next to her has been diagnosed with both types of flu. So my wife went to the dr praying she didn't have it. The dr says she only has the bug that's going around.

My wife just doesn't understand what is going on that no matter how hard we try or she tries we just cant break through this bad stuff. It is major drama day after day and it has taken its toll on us. She is not used to having all these problems. She has had relationship problems but she is a strong independent woman who can support herself so these issues we are having now is what she can't figure out what is going on. Now I have had bad luck most of my life...or should I say just bad stuff happening to me. Anything from can't keep a relationship, living in houses that all of a sudden start tearing apart, rotten landlords, always lose at games, health failing no matter how hard I try to make it better, can't keep a job, furnace blew up on me. Its like a domino effect, one thing after another, that spirals down until it is all bad. We try to be positive to turn it around and that is when we get slammed with something major like a huge bill that sets us back months.

We just need help. We don't know if it is us being cursed or if we are doing something that brings it on ourselves. It just seems that no matter how hard we try it just doesn't get better.

Hope this helps in describing what is going on with us.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Kassandra »


Hi. Thanks for giving more detail. A lot of times when I did readings people would get upset when asked to provide details. It was like, "Just tell me what to do right now, hurry up." I hope it didn't take you too long to write all that, but you definitely got the point across about your situation. And maybe it was therapeutic to get it all out, as well.

Now, it sounds like the cleanser did a good job for your wife and her ex, from the results you stated, that things did get better for them. It sounds like she did all the right things according to that spiritual path --the cleansing with the eggs, the Ojo de Venado ( ) protective charm, etc. Those are common to certain Hispanic and African Diasporic magical practices.

But, that union between them is now dissolved, so whatever was done for her, regardless how good, doesn't apply anymore. There is a whole new energetic scenario going on now, since the two of you now have your own life together. And, it looks like a whole new set of problems, as well. So, I would forget all about the past "cleansing," and leave it in the past. New things need to be done now. It might take a while for you guys to clean up this energetic mess, but it can be done. And, since it sounds like you all have the sort of folks around you who are subject to do curse work, protective maintenance will have to be a part of life for you and your wife.

Man, see, this is why I just hate it when people do things like this to other people, and then sit back and snicker at their handiwork. What a waste of life that is. Vindictive "you-took-my-man/woman-away-so-now-I'm-gonna'-curse-you" magical practices are, unfortunately, very, very frequent and rampant. Some folks just can't move on, and magic provides the perfect platform for their neurosis.

In my opinion --and that's all this is, someone else may have another opinion, and that's fine -- you guys are what's called in hoodoo, "under crossed conditions." Yeah, a person can just tell when just too many things are going wrong too much of the time, and something else is up. I know I can. Here are some things I'm thinking might help. This is just good for any of us to do to slow down and hopefully stop a streak of bad luck, even if no one has put a curse on us. Changes and challenges are part of life. But we know when we're on a downward spiral that needs mitigating. And just as magic can be used to hurt, it could also be used successfully to help:

Work with a Spiritual Coach/Reader

Firstly, get a good reading done. Work with a spiritual worker who is reputable, experienced and effective. I will PM you some recommendations, and you could decide from there who you want to try. It's really helpful to work with someone who is spiritually sensitive enough (i.e., good at divination) to help you pinpoint details about the source of the negativity, whether a curse, or just icky stuff one or both of you have been exposed to. The problem could even be an ancestral "relic" of some sort (a curse put on someone in your family line in an earlier generation). I don't know. That's for the reader to determine. Whatever you do to mitigate the situation should be tailored accordingly, and the best way to do that is to start with a good reading.

Now, this gets into dangerous territory. I just want to warn you. There are people out there who will go, "Oh, my, what a horrible curse you have. I think it's gonna cost you about $8,000 spread over several payments for me to lift this curse from you. So, gimme' $1,000 now and I'll get started." Run, don't walk, out the door! I wish I were kidding or exaggerating about those numbers, but I'm not. There's good money to be made on peoples' fear, unfortunately.

Use your discretion, common sense, and intuition about psychic readers. Though it is a service and being charged for the work is fair to the worker, still, it shouldn't cost you an exorbitant amount of money for help, either.

Part I:
Getting Rid of the Bad

Investigating/Cleansing the Property

OK, generally, the order of operations would be to "deep clean" yourself and your surroundings, metaphysically-speaking, to get rid of the old, bad energy. Then, the next step would be to create an energetic "mold" to attract and bring in the good. The final step would be to protect and seal that good.

As far as your surroundings go, a good reader will look for any areas of your home that need "healing," like for instance, something funky on the land that you're not aware of. Or, some kind of portal present in one of the rooms letting in icky things, unwanted "visitors" present and meddling into your life, or something else. I don't know. Again, a reader will have to investigate this for you. If the person is really good, they could "see" the energy of the place non-locally, and an on-premises visit won't be necessary. But, it doesn't hurt to work with someone in-person, either. Again, you make the call on that.

Cleansing Yourselves

Cleansing will also probably have to happen on a personal level for you guys, as well. In AAFM, there is such as thing as a 13-Herb Bath. This is where someone takes a bath with some very powerful herbs believed to thoroughly clean the auric field of all spiritual detritus ("auric field" is not terminology an AAFM practitioner would use, haha, but you know what I mean). During this ritual, for 13 consecutive days you'd pour the bath water over your head 13 times, reciting Psalm 23 each time, symbolic of asking God to clean this badness out of your head, your spirit, your entire life. When you get out, you might pass between two white candles or something, to further cleanse yourself, this time via fire.

As an aside, in olden days, Celtic folks had a similar tradition with fire, where during Samhainm I believe it was, the village would pass between two large bonfires, cleansing away the spiritual detritus and residue of the old year, to open the way for good in the new. Each person would take some of the bonfire home with them, and start a fire with it in their own fireplace to keep that good going. I would love it if we had big bonfires going every year to do this! (I guess that's what Burning Man is for, lol). Maybe someone more familiar with the Celtic ritual could elaborate on the tradition that I'm speaking of here. Yeah, water and fire have been ubiquitous "cleansers," throughout humanity.

OK, anyway, during or after this cleansing period, you might then have what's called "Uncrossing" spell work done. The purpose is self-explanatory: to remove crossed conditions.

Part II:
Bringing in the Good

Creating Good Luck Again

In rootwork, workings such as "Road Openings" or using products called like, "Crown of Success," and other such things help attract good energy. Depending on the wording, this work could cover anything from one's physical health, to employment success, to tranquility in the home (there's a line of products called, "Tranquil Home" products that are good for this, and really should be used on a regular basis), to all of the above. This is to restore balance again, to create harmony and peace, and to promote success.

Relationship Work

All the misfortunes you guys are experiencing, plus dealing with all the exes on both sides, could understandably take a toll on your relationship. Some "bringing together" work akin to "love spell" work might be good to do for your relationship. Personally, I think love spells are best done for people already in a committed relationship, like a marriage, or other committed partnership. This working might be designed to do several things:

1. Tighten the bond between you. This might involve some candle work, such as using two figurative candles that represent you guys, anointing them with select love-related oils and herbs (and personal effects), and tying a red cord around them, etc. This might be part of an altar that you keep regularly in your home going forward, preferably in your bedroom. Like a fireplace, you could renew it from time to time, "stoking" the flames of love between you.

2. Remove obstacles and meddlers. Somewhere within this working a banishing component may be a good idea, to "remove" the energetic presence of anybody around you guys who might be meddling in you business, like an ex who might be perpetuating any kind of curse work they had done on you, or who is just resentful in general with no curse, sending bad vibes.

3. Protect the space of the relationship. Finally, this working might end with some kind of protective work, ingredients/wording that is symbolic of protection over your relationship to help prevent future misunderstandings and irritations, both from the inside and the outside, and protect whatever good is generated within that space, so that it does not seep out (get utilized somehow by the wrong person(s)).

Part III:
Protection & Maintenance

Protective Work

Finally, once the home has been cleansed, and new, positive energy has been brought in, everything should be sealed with some protective work. It's like painting a clear coat of protective enamel once you've re-stained a lovely old piece of furniture, lol. So, your home, cars, family members ...and especially your finances, all need protective work done on them. People don't think of protecting their finances with magic, but why not? Curse work often involves zapping peoples' finances, as well. After all, it's all just energy. A "Firey Wall of Protection" AAFM working is a strong protective measure often suggested in cases of extreme crossed conditions.

Regular Cleansing

Then, as regular spiritual maintenance, you guys might do what firebirdflys recommends above on a regular basis --sage out your home once a month, pray over everything, banish the bad, and invite the good. Also, if you don't have one, it could be a unifying factor for your family to follow a spiritual path of some sort (I don't know, like go to church regularly or something, or pursue pagan path of some sort together; the religion isn't as important as just doing something as a family in a united front). That is the one good thing about religion I think, though there are many bad things I could think of, such as the abuses. But, it's true --family that prays together, stays together...well, I think their chances might be a bit better, at least.

These are just some examples of the kind of workings your spiritual consultant may recommend. You will have to get a detailed reading so that whatever work they will do for you and/or that you need to do for yourself, could be properly prescribed. You could work with one person who does the reading, then another person to help with the ritual/spell work. Most people like to work with the same person to do both, otherwise the spellworker's take on things might be different from the reader's. Everybody who does readings does not necessarily do spellwork too, so kindly ask all parties (or, carefully read their websites before contacting them, etc.) so you know who does what.

Good luck.

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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Kassandra »


Sage50 wrote:...I have had rotten luck since I split up with my 1st wife. Now her 1st husband's mother is into all of that spiritual old wives tale stuff. She is the one that helped find the cleaner before. She wanted my wife and her son to get back together as well. We did spend a little time a couple of weeks ago with her ex husband and his mother at my wife's daughters house. We all had dinner and everything seemed fine.
P.S. I wouldn't do this again if I were you. Just touching their doorknob to enter, or walking over their porch...the knob could be "fixed," that is, rubbed with jinxing or cursing oil and/or powder, so that the next person that touches it is affected. Or, they could do what's called "footrack magic," where a jinxing or cursing powder is sprinkled over the area where the target is to walk. You get it on your shoes, and then "walk" the curse into your home, and therefore into your life.

Also, curses could be put in food, another frequent feature of many Hispanic and/or African Diasporic spiritual paths. It wouldn't be to make you sick, but to curse your life.

Also, don't accept any gifts. If you do it "to be nice," take it/them and destroy it/them (you know how dumpster divers are --you wouldn't want to pass on a curse), and then re-gift it to the nearest cross roads, walk away and don't look back.

Not saying that any of this happened to you, but just going by the little bit of info you've presented here about these people, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Sage50 »

Thanks to both of you. I didn't expect so much help. We are going through so much and it is getting worst. I think your advice will help us more than you will know.

When I think of all we are going through it scares me. On top of the ones we told you about there are more. We have little shadow things in our house. My wife said the one she sees looks like a mouse. The ones I see look like little people. So I look this up and found they are shadow people. What do they want? Then there is this nasty odor in the house that comes and goes. Christians say it is a demon. I don't know maybe but its got to go. So that's a couple of things. The other things may just be normal. Like dogs barking at nothing and we are all having pain and injuries.
Another thing you might want to try is a thorough smudging, of car and home, always work in a counterclockwise manner around the place you are clearing ...demand any malevolent energy to exit the area and be gone. Follow through with a asperging of some saline water. You can seal the space with an anointing of oil, requesting the place to stay safe and functional
I am willing to try this but I don't know how to smudge. Also Do I have to be grounded?

Kassandra I feel much more comfortable with your suggestion, although it seems hard to do. I am going to do my best I am new at pagan ways and haven't fully converted. I am sure it is easier than what it seems.
As far as your surroundings go, a good reader will look for any areas of your home that need "healing," like for instance, something funky on the land that you're not aware of. Or, some kind of portal present in one of the rooms letting in icky things, unwanted "visitors" present and meddling into your life, or something else. I don't know. Again, a reader will have to investigate this for you. If the person is really good, they could "see" the energy of the place non-locally, and an on-premises visit won't be necessary. But, it doesn't hurt to work with someone in-person, either. Again, you make the call on that.

What is a reader, are they psychics, and how do I find one locally? How will I now if these people are for real?

I feel like my home is being invaded by Demons and spirits now. I don't know if this is do to the curse or what is happen or even how to stop it. So I guess that's all thanks again.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Naudia Threng »

A good way thing to do would be severing etheric cords. And it may not even be a curse. It could have been a negative energy the whole time and you've royally pissed it off. If your still having things occur, and believe there is a negative spirit, I could refer you some things. Spirits are sort of my specialty.
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Sage50 »

Noah I don't want to leave no question unanswered and no helping hand unwanted. If there is something you got that can help, then send it my way please. There is something happening here and we think it is from a woman who died here. My wife sees spirits and I can hear and sense them. So its not out of the ordinary for us to have ghosts around us. We have come to believe they won't harm us, so live with it. If you think it's her doing this, then can we get her out of the house?
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Re: Am I cursed?

Post by Kassandra »

Sage50 wrote:I am new at pagan ways and haven't fully converted. I am sure it is easier than what it seems...What is a reader, are they psychics, and how do I find one locally? How will I now if these people are for real?
Hi Sage50, if you're still there. Me and NoahC never got back to you regarding your last few questions. Hope you have resolved this issue, though by the looks of the extensiveness of the problems I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't.

Haha, no "conversion" necessary in my book. Yes, people do "dedicate" themselves to a particular coven, or goddess or god, and maybe that's what you mean. But, I find nowadays people just believe what they believe, and it's more a private matter. And yes, workings are usually easier than what it seems written, above. Your energy will rise to the occasion (unless you are sick, or feeling tired or otherwise imbalanced; if so, you should not be doing workings until you feel up for it). For instance, if one gets really mad about something, isn't it strange how suddenly one has this burst of adrenaline and could put a lot more "power" and intention into a thing, versus when one is feeling peaceful and serene. So, if you get fed up enough with this situation, you will make a stronger effort and find this process a lot easier, then if you made a half-hearted effort you aren't really "feeling."

As far as finding local psychics, I believe the best thing is word-of-mouth, like any other service. That's how you could determine if they're "real" or not. People aren't going to recommend someone whose services they were unhappy with. They're going to recommend someone with whom they were pleased. As far as doing an online search, I suggest this site, or this one (I was personally acquainted with Bob some years back, and believe him to be a fair business man of integrity). ALL the rest of the sites I've seen I would not recommend at this time.

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Re: Am I Cursed?

Post by Naudia Threng »

Hey! Kassandra reminded me that in my absence, I had forgotten to finish helping you. So, if you still have issues with this energy, I have a spell process that generally works. It's a male/female partner spell. But if that wont be do-able for you, I can give you another one.

1 pink ritual candle(s)
5 black ritual candle(s)
5 light blue candle(s)

an object to draw out the circle with (i prefer chalk)

a partner

2 white ribbons of about two feet long

another object to draw the runes (must be a different color than the circle)

PROCEDURE: First we will try communicating with the energy. And to do so safely we will need a circle of protection. You will need to draw to triangles. With only a single vertices of each touching the other. This is NECESSARY to the ritual. Draw a circle around each triangle. Then on the farthest side of one of the circles from the center of the two triangles, draw an Algiz (with your wine writing utensil) and then draw an Ansuz, Eiwaz, Algiz, Gebo, Algiz, Eiwaz, Ansuz. In that order, counter clockwise from the the first Algiz to complete the circle. On the other circle, draw an Ansuz on the farthest side of the circle from the Gebo (which should be right at the center of the two triangles). Then counter clockwise from the Ansuz, draw an Algiz, Eiwaz, Ansuz, (Gebo should be there from before), Ansuz, Eiwaz, Algiz, in that order. Draw. A circle (with what you used to draw your triangle and original circle) around each rune. Place a black candle on each Algiz and a light blue candle on each Ansuz. Then on the Gebo place your single pink candle. Again using your rune drawing object, draw an Hagalaz rune in the center of one triangle, and a Ewhaz in the other. Put no candle on the Eiwaz, Ewhaz, or Hagalaz. After lighting each candle you and your partner must wrap the white ribbon around each others hands, on each hand. Then recite the incantation.

I can give you a general incantaion, but if you have more info on the energy, i can make it better. Also, the more passion in you and your parents relationship, the better. This can also be worked into a banishment spell if the energy remains hostile and refuses to consider peace.
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Re: Am I Cursed?

Post by Kassandra »


Nice suggestions, NoahC. Maybe Sage50 already resolved this situation, but at least we did our due diligence.

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