The Pathfinder Psychic Talking Board

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The Pathfinder Psychic Talking Board

Post by esseiker »

Yesterday I purchased the pathfinder psychic talking board from Borders. So far I really like the way in which the included materials preset the board. From what I understand the board is shamanistic/native in it's workings. The board is well designed with number, letters, words, animals, gems, and symbols.

I used the board for the first time today. I first read all included material and then did a quick relaxation per instructions of the included material. I asked what my power animal was and waited. With my eyes closed the glass indicator slowly by powerfully moved to "Rabbit". Then with my eyes closed again I asked "Is my power animal rabbit, and the indicator slowly and powerfully moved to "Yes".

I then got excited that it worked so quickly for me (my Ouija board would not work). I'm not sure if it's the relaxing or anticipation that this board might work better. I also asked if my EMF meter that I had ordered would arrive today, but the indicator kept going to "Blessings" which according to the book indicates that the spirit wishes to leave or you go to this yourself when you are done with a session. I thanked the spirit and closed my session.

All in all I must say I am very pleased with this board and plan to work with it on a daily basis. My primary goal of using this board is to develop my intuition and awareness of the world around me.

P.S. To all of those out there who fear the Ouija or think that it's a tool of the devil or even that the board is evil of it's own accord please understand that the Ouija and other such boards are merely tools to access and use our own higher intelligence to either communicate with the spirit world or our subconscious minds. Like anything in life we tend to cast doubt or fear towards anything we do not fully understand.

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