A happy cancer story

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A happy cancer story

Post by wiccachicken »

Okay so this is very personal to me but I think it's such a phenomenal story that everyone should hear/read it...hopefully it will cheer some people up who are feeling like life is a little unfair....

My mum is the most wonderful person I have ever met...she's so chilled, so understanding and I absolutely love her to bits. She has been a perfect mum....made some mistakes, admitted them, been through crap and come out the other side so strong...she's my rock.

A couple of years ago she got breast cancer. I was positive and thought "It'll be fine...there are loads of treatments out there". So I wasn't too worried. However, about 4 months later, she sat me down one night and told me she had a scan....the cancer had spread from her breast....into her kidneys, liver and stomach. They couldn't operate because the tumour was so close to her major organs. She told me she had about 6 months to a year to live.

I was devastated. I cried my heart out. You know when you've been hurt emotionally and you cry and cry, but you also get that physical pain in your heart...I had that. It was so painful. So many questions were swimming around my head....why Mum? why now? I couldn't understand WHY???

Over the next few months, I had to watch my Mum deteriorate. Her skin sallowed, she got black rings around her eyes, her hands went very puffy. Unfortunately, these are all signs that a cancer patient is close to death. She was in so much pain....her painkillers would make her fall asleep whilst eating, she couldn't eat alot, she couldn't wash her hair on her own. She was sick alot...and I could hear her moaning in pain alot which hurt.

Through it however, I got closer to my Mum than ever before. About 2 weeks before her wedding day I skived off school, went into town with her....we got her wedding dress, jewellery, make up....and I got my belly button pierced!!! Other days I would pamper her....wash her hair for her, do her make up and nails. Real girly days where we would spend as much time with each other as possible.

Other people's reactions were horrible...it wasn't their fault...just most people don't know how to react...when all I wanted was a big hug....no words....just hugs.

So...this jehovas witness lady came to our door once and found out....she was a right nutty old bag, bless her...lol! She told my mum about her son whose wife had had cancer (terminal) but got this medicine off the internet and had 5 kids since then.

So my Mum tried it. I was very sceptical....I didnt want to build up my hopes for it just to get knocked down again. But 6 months later my Mum was still alive and looking alot better. She sat my sister, Grandad and me down and told us of her doctor's appointment that she had just been to. She said that all her tumours had gone, and that she was totally clear. She also said that the doctor was totally puzzled as to how she did it. I cried my eyes out....it was like a massive burden had been lifted from my shoulders.

We all cried and hugged....it was the happiest moment of my life!! Even though that was the toughest thing ever in my life....so many good things came out of it....I never take my Mum for granted now and I became closer to my Mum in those days more than ever before.

So even though sometimes, life sucks and if feels like you'll never get out of that shit-hole...just remember that life is in balance....life needs to suck at sometimes.....and that you will come out of it stronger than ever before.

If anyone wants to talk to me about this or the medicine please contact me. I will be more than happy to help. I hope this story hasd cheered people up a little....

love, hugs and blessings
wiccachicken xxxxxxxxxx
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Post by Wolf Heart »

That is a beautiful story and I'm so glad your mother came through. I lost both my grandmother's to cancer, I'm only 18 and niether of them will be there to see their great-grandchildren, both my grandfather's died before i was even born. Because of that though I have made sure to stay extra close to my parents. They piss me off quite often, but I love them terribly. What kind of medicines was it? I have a horrible fear of my mother getting cancer, she smokes on a daily basis, as does my dad, and I'm so scared one of them will get it since both their mom's died of it.

Blessed Be,
Wolf Heart
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Post by wiccachicken »

Well, it's called B17 like the vitamin. It wasn't just pills though, there was a tincture my mum took that helped shrink the tumours as well as eating food enriched in Vitamin B17. If anything happens, feel free to email me and I'll give you the links...they're a company in South America....they have a clinic especially for cancer patients and most of them get through it with the medicine.....it's incredible.

And I know exactly what you mean bout parents pissing you off...my mum does alot but I just grit my teeth and bear it....lol!
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Post by [EarthWitch] »

I would appreciate the information...you never know when you may need it. My mother died from pancreatic cancer, my aunt from cancer that we never found out where it started because it was all over, another aunt with lung cancer...and well, like I said, with all the crazy stuff in the food, air and water, you never know. Do I sound a little paranoid? yup, maybe. But I'd appreciate the information. Thank you!
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

wiccachicken, I did some Internet research and you're right about the B17. In our country it was known about as a cure for cancer over 35 years now. This was because of a study done by scientists, hoping to have found a cancer cure. Unfortunately, there has been a big cover up, it seems some of the scientist actually got arrested for telling people about B17. Raw apricot seeds contain the most, more than all other plants, trees. Most fruit tree seeds have the B17. Apparently raw apricot seeds can't be bought in health food stores, just Sun dried one, which have an essential emzyne destroyed in them.

This is from one article I found...
The pharmaceuticals companies together with the medical establishment pushed the FDA into making it illegal to sell "raw" apricot seeds or the B17 vitamin with information about its effects on cancer. Even to this day, you can't get raw apricot seeds in your health food store, only the sun dried seeds which have all the important enzymes killed off.
For people who are without cancer, to prevent it 1-2 seeds a day to start out, work your way to 7-10 seeds a day. People with cancer need the B17 treatment plus eat up to 6 seeds a day.

In our country the drug companies fund scientific research on chemicals and expect millions of $$$ of profit in return. There is no way a drug company can make huge profits off natural cures.

I would like to have that link you mentioned...for the B17 treatment your Mom got off the Internet (tincture). Would be much appreciated. :D
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Post by Wolf Heart »

I think I shall keep that information very very close. After talking to my mom last night I found out that there is a possibility of my dad now having Cancer, it does run in his side of the family quite a bit, so I'm hoping to the Gods that it's not, but we shall see.
I'm so glad you posted this so now we may have something to work with if it comes back positive.

Blessed Be,
Wolf Heart
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Post by wiccachicken »

OK guys so I have to do this quickly as Im late for a lecture but here are the links.

For the tablets called B17 go to:

For the ticture that dissolves tumours go to:

Now please bear in mind that my Mum was in fourth stage of cancer, she had metastases all over her so this is pretty strong stuff.

Hope this helps you all, love and best wishes
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

Thank you very much! :D
Here is a link to books on B17 World Without Cancer.

And these emphasize eating B17 foods, of raw uncooked fruits and vegetables. Ok, they claim to have been under attack by the FDA labeling them as fraud, Quack, etc. FDA insists B17 info fake, what a bummer! Medical Science should be to help us, not keep people ignorant, sick, and dying.

I'm going to post the links you gave at the Native American site where I am a moderator.

Thanks! :lol:
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Post by wiccachicken »

Unfortunately....its all about money in this world!!
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Post by Peregrine »

My husband went for a routine colonoscopy earlier this year and they found a tumor that was getting ready to metastasize. They removed the tumor and have been keeping him on a home-infusion chemotherapy as a preventative measure. I have been delegated to handle the paperwork and it has made my head swim, the invoices the hospital has given to my husband's insurance company.

It makes me wonder as well, about the money. I am in a career change to become a pharmacy technician but people should have a right to know this and have access to it. It could have helped my husband, and not been so emotionally draining for me and physically harsh on him.

My father went to the doctor as well recently, and they found a cancer in his bladder. It is the most malevolent one in existance, but they found only one and they got it out at a very early stage, luckily. Another lucky thing, he knows about the raw veggies and he relayed some interesting info to me, something his own doctor told him. His doctor and a few others confirmed this, that a shoe-in preventative is just a small handful of raw broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, or cauliflower daily will keep it away. You can beat it down and drink it fresh if you want, but as long as it is raw and it could be any of those four. All you need is just enough to fit in the palm of your hand. I want to tell him about the apricot seeds. They found a cancer in my uncle's collarbone just last week.

It is funny, an odd thing, but all my life I have had an interest in natural cures. The teas, the veggies, the fruit, the seeds, the herbs, etc... My family began to get an interest too and then the interest began to spread like wildfire where they went to church. They did not get huffy like "Oh that is pagan stuff" but just believed that God put plenty of things here to help us and we just have to have the wisdom to look. No matter what your belief, it seems this has grown in popularity. Now with the price of oil through the roof, ethanol is getting popular as is other forms of energy, but I digress. Just for giggles, I took a past-life karma test on one of those astrology websites and my results said I was a healer of some kind in South America, a medicine practitioner using herbs and such. It was kind of spooky but in a good way for me.

Anyways, thanks for that info. I am going to relay that one, about the apricot seeds.
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