Castles of Slovakia

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Castles of Slovakia

Post by SapphireRoad »

...or rather ruins. There's been around 58 of them in 4 states around, Slovakia included, decomposition of the once-great empire left our country with the majority of them, I think around 35 of them are solely in Slovakia.

1. Devin castle

Germans call it Theben, you know, like Thebes. It is situated on a majestic rock by the river Danube. Part of capital called Bratislava.
If you see it from certain planes (no photos) you can see how majestic the rock is... perhaps even more than Arthur's seat in Edinburgh, or that big cliff that supports the Edinburgh's castle. Lol, call me unhumble but it might as well be the most majestic place in Europe.
Legend of the castle was, that young prince and princess, instead of doing political w**res to public desires, jumped off the cliff together, committing suicide to be together in afterlife rather than being split by political schemings. Lol old stories where bit sad, yet had some dignity radiating from them.

2. Castle of Cachtice

Infamous by the rumours of Elizabeth Bathory bathing in blood of virgins to stay young.
Note that she lived in 17th century, the peak of witches' persecution to grab their wealth under false accusations.
Also true that royalty that was into occult used to amuse itself with whatever rituals so no one really knows.
Last time I stood at those gates post dusk I saw her ghost. I gave her from herbs that I bought so she became quite pleased and the encounter was of goodwill and friendship. No time to judge those who are friendly to me.

You can see videos of cellars on youtube but hey, prisoners in cellars slowly dying? Of course you're gonna feel the creepy vibe from looking at those places, torture or not.
3. Castle of Spis

The biggest that we have. I've never been there since I rarely visit eastern part of the country. Maybe one day.
Enjoy the view:
Spišský hrad.jpeg
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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Wow! These are all very beautiful and impressive! Thanks for educating us!

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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by Mr Crowley »

Thanks for sharing!

They're breath-taking at the least.

Then again, I like old stuff, so I'm biased, always like old stuff like this. Under all this beauty, does anyone ever ponder the human death/misery that went into appeasing The Lord & Master's amusement?

I'm a Yankee American, meaning my family served and felled, fighting for the Union during The Civil War. All around the globe, everyone preserves its history, even when its mortar is made of with blood. Even Hitler's stuff lives!

Why is it that my country is the only country who has to wipe its history off the map?
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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by SapphireRoad »

Mr Crowley wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:50 pm Under all this beauty, does anyone ever ponder the human death/misery that went into appeasing The Lord & Master's amusement?
Castles are energetically carrying mark of all that, frivolity, tyranny, nobility hence the castle areas if considered portals are of mixed nature. I love the huge stones that form the walls and similar since they carry a lot of energy. (nobility in itself I consider a good energy, its misuse less so)
On chase for cleaner portals one needs to looks for groves and standing stones.

Mr Crowley wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:50 pm I'm a Yankee American, meaning my family served and felled, fighting for the Union during The Civil War. All around the globe, everyone preserves its history, even when its mortar is made of with blood. Even Hitler's stuff lives!

Why is it that my country is the only country who has to wipe its history off the map?
I was told that "the little history USA have they protect intently" is that a false information?

There might be interest to push the idea of native American repression away from thoughts. Just like the Japanese American interment camps.
Slaveholding too, well... George Carlin said his country was founded by a group of slaveholders who wanted to be free. I'll refrain from commenting on that.
Hitler's stuff lives - yes in Austria and Italy but if you are enthusiast having portraits of gestapo officers at walls of your hotel you might get criticised so that is getting slowly erased as well. Mein Kampf books not really printed, Braum Am Inn aimed to be 'deHitlerised' you see no one wants to remember.

In the end it takes its toll. All those scary areas with heavy curses, stories based on houses built on ancient native American cemeteries. Those ancestors of the land are wielding heavy grudge and curses on white people. Which is sad, but natural. I said in Hopeful Child's topic, that in my opinion if people are living disconnected lives the best bet is to connect with the spirits of the land, ancestral spirits.

It must be a deep and challenging thing to do in the lands of USA in cases there's been so much blood spilled.
Much easier at standing stones sites in UK.
Mixed here and there in other regions, depending on what wars took place, what rituals and so on.

You can search images for Kahlenberg Mountain where Battle of Vienna occurred in 1683. Merely by looking at picture of that hill I can feel the sorrow that emerged from slaughter that happened there.
I wouldn't be going on such place to seek portals, but if I were to find ancestral site tamed with something like that, it might be worth, perhaps even needed to dig through the sorrows to find treasures that ancestors hold and that need to b released once again to help the world's restoration.
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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by SapphireRoad »

At Castle Muráň

I saw a flow of people who lived there right in the daylight's time. That place is dope on magic. ... &ia=images ... &ia=images
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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by Firebird »

What exactly do you sense there that gives way to magic?áň_Castle
The stones are amazing, I do wish buildings in general were a bit more beautiful than they are now.
BTW Crowley what do you mean by we are wiped of history? What little we have is pretty abundant if you get out there to see it. Especially in the east. Or do you speak of Native history?
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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by SapphireRoad »

firebirdflys wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 2:01 pm What exactly do sense there that gives way to magic?áň_Castle
The stones are amazing
I think the place is highly situated and remote - enough for spirits to move peacefully since it also provides quite low number of visitors. Stones carry magic and remember medieval times, ghosts of people tend to hang around places where they used to live.

Thanks for the wiki link, you can see that the Venusian story related to castle is quite appealing, I did not know details of that story.
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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by Firebird »

Ya, wow...I had wondered if you found a spot or room in the castle, (perhaps the dungeon) that revealed the ancients that lived/died there. Sometimes I pick up on things, (usually at a museum) ...once there was this mirror and I could see/hear, (feel/sense) hundreds of people screaming in terror, I think the mirror was from ancient Mexico, can't remember, but that was disturbing. Sometimes if I take the time to meld with the location, visions of what had been there will come through in a foggy spotty kind of way.

I thought it was interesting that the last occupant, Charles of Lorraine, was born with the name Nancy. I guess I hadn't really realized royal folks "take on" a name much like the Pope does. Interesting, I know of men named Marion, Lynne, Leslie, Stacy etc... but hadn't heard Nancy before.

We just don't have hundred of years old castles here, but there is ancient dwelling places of the Natives being among the oldest (these are the oldest structures ... ted_States) and here in California the Missions are great for historic exploration, yet I get really uneasy and downright angry at what the "padres" did to the Natives and then they (they = the Catholic church) go and canonize the guy who basically robbed hundred of thousands of Native people from their homelands and way of life, not to mention the illnesses brought on that wiped out much of the Native populations.

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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by SapphireRoad »

We have some caves that are probably closed to public right now. They might be glacial (such as Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa ... &ia=images) and I am really curious about presences there. Dungeons and tunnels under castle ruins are usually closed to public, not needed to feel the spirit of Muráň. (btw pronunciation is Mu as in mustard, rá as ruuu in ruuun and ň as n in new)

You put an interesting bug in my head.

I think the contact with ancients was brief, subtle, yet somehow they were acknowledging of my presence in various places. It might be possible to trace, in astral, some of their long term demands perhaps, might be the future scope and use of witchcraft abilities to come. Short-term they just appreciate gifts of food and herbs and intents of blessings, songs etc.

Much like you say. Lands of natives are cool in your country as you say. I wonder if I'll ever be able to see some of them, or wind up destined to dwell in here forever, deepening the bonds in birth area.
Who knows, much like Gengis-Khan, my greatest hobby is wandering around from village to village and meeting new people.
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Re: Castles of Slovakia

Post by SapphireRoad »

I saw a willow tree today, which reminded me how in spring or summer 2020 there was this huge willow at back road to Devin castle... gang stalkers from Slovakia ordered to completely cut away that beautiful tree - for no other reason than to attack my beliefs and try to force their ways on me.

I revoke all nice things I said about places in Slovakia.
Although beeches and oaks and willows make excellent places for fairy incarnations, unfortunately in that country even plants often feel 'worn off' just like people feel due to bad conditions in which they have to live - their emotional frustration possesses even the well-being of plants.
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