Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

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Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by mark.nnnn »

I have a question about witchcraft and servitors.
I think of servitors as servants for an individual and egregores as servants/gods/entities for a group. Maybe that is wrong.

Anyway, most of my instruction comes from Kabbalah and ceremonial magick. You may be asking yourself what I am doing here. A love spell brought me here.

I saw a ceremonial (a Rosicrucian) magickian do all sorts of stuff to make love happen. He banished, he invoked Haniel, naturally there were wands, candles,incense, robes and on-and-on, it was quite a production. Than I saw a witch do a love spell with an egg. Only herself and a hardboiled egg.
After witnessing both, anyone, including a child, could tell you that maybe the ceremonial magickian's spell might work but the witches spell was almost certain to work. The simple dignity and truth she put into her spell was far more compelling than all the props and other stuff the ceremonial magickian used. You could say she had the "form and the force" mastered, at least for this spell anyway. It was beautiful.

So I thought I would ask how a witch might create a servitor, a servitor that I want to be intelligent and long lived.
Do witches put their own power (some people were calling it a part of their soul) into the servitor or does withcraft have a way to power the servitor with the elements or something along those lines.

For instance, Kabbalah creates elementals/servitors but they only use Fire, Water, and Air. They leave off Earth because they associate it with necromancy. I see Earth as providing stability and durability.

Can someone direct me (or tell me) the witchcraft way to create an intelligent, long life servitor that does not require me to split up my soul. (I don't know how to split up my soul, but I don't think it is something I would want to do even if I did) It just sounds way too dangerous.

Thank you,
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by SpiritTalker »

You’ve asked a thought provoking question. I have very limited info. I found myself thinking of my spirit guide who I have been aware of since childhood. He‘s guided me through astral levels to teachers. He suggests books to read. He sometimes tells jokes. I didn’t create him. He’s not a fractured part of me nor my higher self who I’ve met through dreams. He’s an individual. My friend.

In what little I know of trad-craft a spirit might be invited through ceremony & meditation. A pact is made and terms arranged. A spirit house could be provided for the spirit’s comfort. Shadowbuoy aka George Hare on YouTube is my source, but I’ve since read about the practice.

In “Candle Magic Workbook” —by K. Pajeon it described creating a servitor, if I remember right. I read it years ago. I recall they’d stressed including a built in use-by expiration date. ... 69&sr=1-51
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by ThunderFog »

Oh I actually know a little about this my fiance knows a lot more from what I understand servitor is kinda like a servant from energy to carry out simple tasks that can eventually become an egregor that have their own sentience which I'm not going to say its necessarily dangerous but under the wrong circumstances can be from what I understand it usually feeds off your energy but its entirely possible for it or them to become self sufficient at which point I think could just leave, if I remember correctly tulpa isnt really a magic thing but more psychological in that you essentially try to create your own extra personality kinda like multiple personality disorder or more properly called D.I.D. but like more intentionally and under more controlled conditions I think I'm not too sure
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by TamaNyan »

Alright, so. Creating a servitor or egregore doesn't require any splitting of souls or such - that sounds LHP and not good overall.
A servitor is only going to be as intelligent as you are and to advance from there, you either send it to learn or give it the proper sentience from the get go to be an egregore. When your creating it, put much thought into its purpose, name, and that one day this might be an egregore - technically a spirit the way I see it. Also, consider how much intelligence or knowledge your going to be gifting it as well. Will it be a simple servitor designed for "protect xyz" Or is it to help you in the Craft or such?

Energy or foodwise, will it drain off surrounding energy passively? Will you actively supply it? Will it passively "feed" off your energy? Etc.

Given you want a long lived and intelligent servitor, I recommend treating it as anything but a servant. Ask, not order. It's a simple being and while you are its creator, its parent per say, it is still its own being. Given enough time, "evolution" of it can happen given enough intelligence, time, and experiences. I guess think of it like the life stages of a butterfly.
Neglected or mistreated egregores can be... unruly and troublesome and outright need banishing in worst case scenario.

The best advice to making one I can give is: focus on the idea and what you desire, what you want it to be and do and will it into existence. Chaos magick is a place to look as well for advice on servitors.

Tulpamancy isn't my forte but as my fiancé ThunderFog said, its similar to DID to my understanding except without trauma as the fueling factor. It is simply willed to be, to my understanding.
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by mark.nnnn »

"that sounds LHP and not good overall."

Could not possibly agree with you more. I don't need the problems and I surely do not want to be responsible for creating something bad that could get loose.

I hope my servitor will be smarter than me, in the area I am creating him for.

I read a Damon Brand book and a John Kreiter book too. I also watched a YouTube on "dragon magick" to create one. I watched some other stuff, but those were the big ones

The biggest thing I am concerned with is which part of me goes into it, if any part of me goes into it at all. Not everybody says that it must be created that way.

So I created a:
name for the servitor
general statement of intent
more specific attributes to help him/her (should I give it a sex, is that important to spirits)
than I left him a guideline to follow if none of my specific attributes/capabilities/skills worked
Then I gave him several sources of food, with my praise and affection being the sweetest food
I gave him a magick word to call him to come to me, to put him into hibernation, and to return his energy to source if needed. So if I say the magick word three times and say his name three times he must come to me, if I do all of that and add three times that he should "dissipate to source", then he dies.
I created a meaningful sigil and will soon begin pumping energy into the sigil
I am hoping to have this creature made by Sunday, if I can get 3 or 4 good days of energy that I am happy with
I am going to create a mantra for him, which will also be food for him too (for instance, my praise would include offerings like incense or a candle burnt for him or saying a mantra)

(I wrote a letter to him/her spelling all the above out, than I read it aloud so the universe would also know what the plan is)

He has a name but I read not to mention that.
What do you think about gender? Should he/she have a gender. I am thinking that is important.
Should I have an automatic death date, people say that is a good idea, but what if all it does is help me and than it dissipates to source when I need it. It will already be trained and good at its job, I would have to start all over.
Is there a real danger of the servitor becoming an egregore, especially if no one else even knows its name or anything about it. Also, I agree with the board that a servitor is not a slave, it is a trusted, helpful companion. An automatic kill date does not seem right for this purpose but I don't want to endanger other people either.

Anyway, please let me know what you think and thank you so much for the opinions everyone already offered.
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by ThunderFog »

From what I understand think of it as a servitor is a person with a very blank empty personality, a clean slate or blank canvas, you're creating it to serve a purpose but it is almost guaranteed to at some point evolve to an egregor with it's own personality and feelings which are likely to be formed partly by how you treat it. Also I couldn't say if giving it a gender or not matters but it's likely to develope one at some point. Either way treat it nicely I personally think a "kill switch" rather mean but if you feel better having a sort of insurance. Also be careful because I'm not sure that if it were to evolve into an egregor if your killswitch would still work. I mean they can learn to get their own energy without your help and at that point I'm pretty sure they don't have to entirely follow your orders.
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by SapphireRoad »

I don't know about entity creation as controlled process, I trust we are creators just like someone created us, so it might happen spontaneously quite often.
mark.nnnn wrote:After witnessing both, anyone, including a child, could tell you that maybe the ceremonial magickian's spell might work but the witches spell was almost certain to work
I'm curious, if such is your opinion on witches spell, why don't you rather focus on something like that?
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by mark.nnnn »

I might be going that way. It certainly does have an appeal, I believe there are some actual covens in my area, so at least there are witches around. For instance, the Golden Dawn have no lodges or anything in my area. Nor or there any Kabbalistic groups. Although, just because witches are around does not mean they would like/accept me, but at least there are some in the area.

Here is a concern of mine:

I have not really picked a path to follow yet, but I did read that a very famous occultist name Dion Fortune stressed that everyone sort of needs to pick a tradition to follow. Or else they are just dabblers in lots of things but not really good at any of them.

I see becoming a witch or magickian as equal to earning a Phd. Some people can have multiple doctorates but most don't. It is very rare that anyone earns 2 PhDs at the same time. Most people don't ever get a doctoral degree at all. Usually people just get the one and then pick up stuff as they go along. So sooner or later, if I want to be good at this, I will have to pick something. Become expert at it, than add to it as I go. I will be forced to pick an area of study or my interest may languish away. Somehow I don't see this fading away, it is a spiritual thing in me. It seems to be growing. And. I am feeding it, so I want it to grow. (too bad I could not have just loved beer and football, that is easy stuff, this magick stuff is demanding)
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by Firebird »

As I understand it and Egregore is formed of a group mind. It is a spontaneous formation and feeds on the energy created by the group, It will dissipate into hibernation with time if the group disbands. I also have a feelin the egregore is why some feel energy in place on the land that hasn't hosted the original group that charged the space to begin with in
The Servitor sounds very similar to a Fetch. A thought formed into a creature to carry out a task. When forming a fetch it is given a span of time to accomplish this, generally from moon to moon. If it is to remain active for a longer period than that, you request that it return for care and feeding, recharging and back to the astral for another moon span.
I don't work with the Servitor because they do sound a bit more complicated and possibly troublesome. A Spirit Guide however, is there to guide, protect and serve your spiritual knowledge while you trod this earth path. You may even have more than one. They don't ask for anything, yet acknowledgement and an occasional treat is nice to form a strong connection.
bb, Firebird
Ps about witchcraft being a doctoral ship is a start, :wink: this process of learning and fine tuning never ends.
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by ThunderFog »

By the way mark.nnnn you need to make an introduction post
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by ThunderFog »

firebirdflys wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:25 pm As I understand it and Egregore is formed of a group mind. It is a spontaneous formation and feeds on the energy created by the group, It will dissipate into hibernation with time if the group disbands. I also have a feelin the egregore is why some feel energy in place on the land that hasn't hosted the original group that charged the space to begin with in.
I think this is something else that's similar you might be referring to
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Re: Servitors, Egregores, Tulpas?

Post by uaya »


Fetches also fit in this category I think they match some of the info about Servitores here
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