Redo A Situation

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Redo A Situation

Post by casnarl »


So I'm not sure if something like this exists because it does kind of seem in my head as if it'd manipulate quite a lot of worldly processes like time and whatnot...

Anyways, I ran into my ex today. We're kind of friends we text here and there. What happened was I was on campus waiting for my ride home and at the same moment he was getting there and I saw him getting out of his car and I made this face --> :shock: and practically *poofed* out of there. I turned around and speed-walked the hell away from there hoping he wouldn't see me. I don't know that I've ever moved that fast. I don't think he saw me and even if he did I don't think he'd have known it was me 'cause I had a new coat and my blue hair was hidden under my winter hat and since I practically ran out of there he was behind me.

But immediately afterwards I had this like shit moment and immediately wished I hadn't ran out of there the way I had because I DO want to see him I just guess I was caught way off guard because it was random and I was hoping the first time I'd see him would be planned.

So I was wondering if there was a spell or something I could do to recreate the situation so I could do it over and do things differently. I am very mad at myself for letting my anxiety dictate my actions and if I could do it over I would not have turned and ran. I do plan to text him and ask him to have lunch or something like that so I can see him in a planned and controlled environment, but I am still very mad at the way I handled bumping into him today and I want a do-over.

Edit: I also want to include that I felt like this was gonna happen today when I woke up this morning, I felt so weird and I even joked with myself like "jeez, am I gonna see [ ] today or something?" and so now am even more angry at myself for running away because some part of me knew and had all day to prepare!
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by corvidus »

Haha sounds like a fun day.

I think what’s more important is your awareness of how you responded to the situation. There is a meditation technique you can try which is similar to what you’re looking for. Instead of recreating the situation in real life, find time to sit quietly and bring to mind the complete memory of the moment.

The time of day, the thoughts in your head, colors and sounds as you’re walking and the idea of unawareness of the reaction (as if it hadn’t happened yet). Basically, go back in time lol.

Next, move the moment forward to when you saw him. It’s important to FEEL the reaction. The panic, the tension, the anxiety. Try to relive it as long as possible.

After this, take deep breaths and calm down your body. Rebalance yourself completely.

Repeat the meditation, but each time spend less time on feeling your reaction and more time on being at peace.

The idea is to reprogram the memory, so that when it happens again, you’ll react differently :)

Our situational reactions are based on our memories of similar situations. It’s how you know not to hold your hand over a flame for too long.. If you keep the same physiologic reaction attached to a memory, the same reaction is inevitable.
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by casnarl »

Thank you, I will definitely try that. However, how can I make it so it does happen again in real life too, not just in meditation? Or can I not do that?
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by corvidus »

It’s possible, yes.

Do the same meditation, except focus only on the synchronicities which lead you two to meet. After that, project those synchronicities onto a pair of magnets (one dedicated for each of you). Carry the magnets with you.

Remember that the magnets will attract any emotions at the time of their preparation. So it’s good to clear yourself first.
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by casnarl »

corvidus wrote:except focus only on the synchronicities which lead you two to meet.
So, things like that I got out of my class early, had a different family member pick me up than normal, things like that? Or? 'Cause today was not a normal day which is why we hadn't bumped into each other sooner. So there's a lot of very specific things that'd need to happen for it to happen again exactly as it did. Maybe I can just use the magnets for us to meet in some other, less specific way....but then make sure that I don't run that time :P
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by corvidus »

Haha well traditionally it’s much easier to make two people meet again rather than recreate an exact situation. Nature has a special relationship with variation ::coolglasses::

If you’re just looking to run into him again, you could use one magnet, dedicated to attracting him towards you, which would be carried around in a white fabric pouch (not silk though, silk is a magic insulator). Feed it with iron filings or black sand on waxing moon phases, cause even magnets need to eat :)

It’s also important to forget about the magnet, and let it work on its own.
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by casnarl »

corvidus wrote:
If you’re just looking to run into him again, you could use one magnet, dedicated to attracting him towards you, which would be carried around in a white fabric pouch (not silk though, silk is a magic insulator). Feed it with iron filings or black sand on waxing moon phases, cause even magnets need to eat :)
I can definitely get a little white pouch, or even make one rather. Do magnets eat anything a little easier to obtain? :p
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by barker »

I used to do that at uni a bit too. I got thru it... for me, it was not being sure of my IDENTITY. It had nothing to do with being bad, wrong or afraid of humans. I suppose, the way thru it was my purpose/calling. An identity is a very precious thing we don't just give it to peoples.
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by corvidus »

casnarl wrote: I can definitely get a little white pouch, or even make one rather. Do magnets eat anything a little easier to obtain? :p
Any sort of magnetic metal filings will work. But it does need to be something magnetic
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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by blue_moon »

Casnarl - better trust your instinct next time ;) i know what you felt. If i wake up with a feeling like that i shield myself with the intent to be the first one to see so i can be prepared.

I really like what you wrote corvidus! That is absolutely worth remembering and doing!

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Re: Redo A Situation

Post by casnarl »

blue_moon wrote:Casnarl - better trust your instinct next time ;)
I know! When I was telling my grandma about what happened I told her it was the same sort of feeling I remembered having the first time I was going to see my previous ex before this one, which is why I joked with myself if I was going to see him or not. Although the meeting with the old ex was planned, and seeing the recent ex was not...either way the feeling was exactly the same. I should have listened! I know me better than anyone else does!
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