Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

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Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by JaceGem »

Hiya! So I'm fairly new around here but I've been practicing witchcraft and wicca since October last year. I've always had this very strong attachment to the Greek pantheon, I remember when I was in middle school and we were studying Greek mythology I was completely fascinated by every single aspect of the pantheon, every god/goddess seemed so interesting and I wanted to know everything about them. Problem was my folks raised me in a super strict Christian home where magic was forbidden to be so much as spoken of. Hell my dad hated that I read all the Harry Potter books and watched the movies with my friends. Anywho, I've been praying for a few months and inviting various deities to join me whenever I meditate and to speak with me. For awhile I was getting radio silence, but yesterday while meditating I saw a man on top of my usual grassy hill with a laurel wreath, he didn't say anything to me but his presence was very clear and obvious. When I was done I was just mostly confused, so I did some studying and found that the laurel was sacred to the god Apollo. Then later, while I was poking around online crows kept popping up, in places like my twitter feed, my tumblr dashboard, etc. The people I'm friends with very rarely post anything animal related, and when they do it's usually a cute puppy or kitten, but never birds or anything like that. Apollo has always been one of the more interesting gods in my mind, in school I remember we had to do a project based on the greek gods and I did Apollo.

As I was studying and reacquainting myself with his story and personality I noticed this warm feeling, and as I read on I felt more and more.... respect, I guess? I can't say what that warm feeling is exactly, if it's love or admiration or just respect. I guess all three apply. Either way, is it possible he's trying to grab my attention? Possibly to offer to be my patron?
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by Firebird »

Don't feel pressured to commit to any one particular deity. Spend time with him but read up on others too,
the Greek pantheon is fascinating. I remember is was part of English curriculum when I was in high school. Course that was forever ago. :roll:
Is there a greek deity associated with ravens or crows? They may be trying to reach out to you. :fairy:
The god Bran actually means crow in Gaelic maybe Bran seeks you out.
By the way, when you get a chance please swing by introductions and tell a bit about your journey.
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by JaceGem »

Well, I've read that crows are sacred to Apollo so that's why I think it might be him. I don't really feel pressured to commit, I just think maybe he might be trying to get me to pay attention. But, I'm not too sure that's what is going on, hence why I needed a second opinion.
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by planewalker »

Crows were messengers for the Greek Pantheon. They're feathers are black because Athena cursed them when they brought her bad news. Sounds to me like someone would like your attention for an incoming message.
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm more skeptical. As a 2nd opinion, I feel the laurel wreath image just might be wishful, stemming from what you want to have the response be, and the crows are not clear enough indication of significant meaning. If these images were to continue over several weeks & in various different ways, they would carry more weight. Sorry if that's not what your wanted to hear.

So Id suggest wait and see. Record them in your journal, and any other suspects, and review when you have more to work with. Be open and be patient. Wait for patterns to emerge with clarity, so you KNOW, and won't have to guess.

Edit: I've read your post 4 times to see if I could be more supportive. My sense of the wreath is it's an acknowledgement at least, like "we hear you" , but not yet an invitation.

What does laying down a laurel wreath mean? Is it like a peace offering? And what ismthe meaning to you of your "usual hill"?
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by planewalker »

I'm in full agreement with Spirit and Firebird. I think your being given a heads up for mutual introductions. You need not rush into things in the Arts. There are OLD users of the Arts. There are BOLD users of the Arts. There are NO old, bold users of the Arts.
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by autumn swan »

You're feelings of love and adoration smileylove are sure signs to work with Apollo! Why should she wait? If it's not him the true spirit behind it will show themselves soon enough.

About ravens, well, they are pretty much sacred in every culture of the world. I mostly think of Morrigan or Odin when I see one. It doesn't have to mean anything...but if it does you'll know by your own feeling!

Getting other opinions is good but always let your feelings be your first and most important guide. Yes, they can mislead you, but you get experiences and that way, I think, they can not mislead you after all. Hope you get what I mean blue_flee

BTW, don't think about patron and such. If that will happen, you'll know, and maybe it won't, so what. Don't put any pressure about this on you or the god, because that for sure could be misleading. Okay, yeah. :P
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by Shireside »

Ye, signs or no signs, I feel that if you have a strong interest and leaning in a direction spiritually...just go for it. You don't have to overthink it as some great fated thing written in the stars, and though the community can be a bit divided on the matter of gods choosing people vs people choosing gods...I frankly fall into that latter camp.

Maybe a deity is trying to catch your attention, or maybe they don't quite roll like that. YOU can certainly endeavor for the attention, if it's what you want. Claim that power!
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by SpiritTalker »

Y'know, Autumnswan and Shireside make some good points and with that Wiccan freedom of spirit that attracts us all :) I agree fully that following your heart is prime directive ... Tempered with a pinch of headology.

And just to be clear JG, when I wrote "wait and see" it was as a suggestion on how to interpret a sign, not yea or nay on deity choices.
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by Firebird »

JaceGem wrote:Well, I've read that crows are sacred to Apollo
:oops: oops, must have missed that in English class :shock:
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by JaceGem »

I think everyone's made good valid points, hah. I don't necessarily think I 'need' a second opinion on what I should do in regards to what I've seen but I wanted to get a few anyway just because I'm still relatively new to Wicca and Witchcraft, and being raised in a strictly Christian household, I'm still learning that it's about making your own path, not following one that's been paved for you. That being said I do think my head is full of fluff sometimes, hence why I also wanted to ask what others thought.

Also Spirit, what I mean by my 'usual hill' is when I meditate there is this grassy hill I sit on in my mind and just think about things.
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh - that's a good start for a place of power. And that's a name for a place of solitude, but it's where we go for inner strength.
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by Deerstep »

Choosing a deity to work with is no small matter. Sometimes, more than one god(dess) may have an interest in you (or vice versa).

What are things that are important to you as a human being? Arts? Music? Strength? Protection? Love? Wealth? Friends and Family? There are patron deities for every single one of these.

If Apollo shares common interests with you, that's a good place to start. But don't limit yourself to just one pantheon if you feel like you simply can't connect. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. Look around. Branch out. There are thousands of god(desse)s out there, but Hellenic witchcraft is the branch most of us are familiar with.

I'd keep looking. Don't completely disregard what you saw, but keep your eyes peeled. Bb!
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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by SnowCat »

Keep listening. Be open to conversation with deities. My path started with studying Greek mythology in 7th grade. I was 11. That was almost 50 years ago, and my path has evolved and included a lot of different deities over the years. Knowledge is power.

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Re: Need a second opinion on possible 'signs'

Post by JaceGem »

Small update to this. I spoke with Apollo for a bit and got a definite 'yes' that it was him trying to reach me. :D I honestly didn't know what to expect speaking to him, thought it'd just be a light energy but not at all. When he joined me I knew immediately, his presence is really strong and heavy. You know he's there.
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