First time openly talking about this.

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First time openly talking about this.

Post by Wolf »

I have never really talked openly about this to anyone but my wife. I have always said I believe in aliens if asked, but it goes deeper than that, and I thought this would be a good place to openly finally, say something about it.

For as long as I can remember I have been terrified of the Greys. Just the image of one on TV would cause me to shiver. But this was oddly always partnered with a morbid fascination. This lead to many sleepless nights as a young teenager because spent the day reading about them or watching documentaries. Thankfully this fear has subsided a fair bit as I got older, but they still creep me the hell out.

But I would still from time to time wake up in the night as if I had a night terror when I would not even have thought about them that day with strange marks on me. The most memorable happened when I was, I think, about 13-ish. I woke up with a triangle mark on my arm, it was like a pyramid of a dozen or so perfect red dots. I have no idea what could have caused it.

This ontop of the strange dreams. Alot of them are the typical laying on the metal table, seeing them peering down at me. A couple times wondering around the ship, and vague memories of talking to them, and very clearly remembering the sight and feel of their hands.

Over time I also learned that my dad has had some rather strange experiences. Such as about 4 hours of missing time when he was making what should have been an hour long drive. Along with seeing things in the sky.

The most terrifying experience was very simple, but recent. My wife and I woke up early one morning at the same time to find our baby son cooing on the floor. We both screamed but thankfully calmed down when we realized he was okay. But he sleeps in a deep crib and there is no way he could have gotten out. He couldn't even roll over properly at the time.

I don't really have a point to this, or questions or anything. I just thought it would be interesting to finally get it off my chest in a more open way.
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by SpiritTalker »

I think it helps to just say the thing, or put it in type. That's the first step to reclaiming a positive acceptance of what happened. I hear you.
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by Firebird »

We have a topic about MIEC. Do you have a family member in the military or who worked in the aerospace industry? Seems these folks have a greater chance of having encounters.
Thanks fior sharing, it is a bit if an uneasy topic.
Many blessings, Firebird
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by SnowCat »

Our MIEC thread is not in the public area, but we do have an abduction experiences thread in the main forum. I can relate to reading about Greys or others, and then staying awake because I freaked myself out.

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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by Firebird »

Yes Snow :D thank you, I was thinking of this thread, ... 26717.html
Anyone who wishes to talk about this please do so only at your comfort level.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by MamaMagpie »

It was scary to see Baby on the floor like that. He was fine, luckily but Wolf and I both are scared of those things. It's irrational. I've had dreams where I think I've seen one, or felt 'sick' for no reason. It's just weird. Neither of us have openly spoken about it before. Thank you for being so kind everyone :)
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by SpiritTalker »

You have our support. Several folks here on the Forum have had similar experiences, submerged memories, dream-like or in your face physical encounters and awakened in the daylight with markings or inexplicable conditions. So don't worry about talking about it. The experience in no way means you're nuts, crazy, unhinged or deceived. You're normal.

I think it is encouraging that they allowed you to have proof by leaving the baby out of his crib. These people aren't careless. They wanted you to remember and know he was unharmed, to see that you were all Ok afterwards. In my experience, that is a big plus. (ive had 60 years of abductions). Even though it scares the crap out of a person, they are showing you what is almost an olive branch. The whole danged tree couldn't make a difference but as we witches say, intent is everything.
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by Wolf »

Seemed more like an accident to me, like we woke up sooner than anticipated and they had to run. But I may just be cynical. I'm just so tired of this "hit and run". If you are going to shove me full of needles and such, at least have the courtesy to let me remember completely.

Even though I get it....Something like that could shatter my brain. How could I lead a normal life after that? At least this way I have the psychological fail-safe that lets me somewhat shake it off as a dream state. But even still, if they can do that they could at least remove the fear I continue to experience.
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by SnowCat »

I remember something on the History Channel some years ago. A man had talked about seeing something looking in his window at him when he was a child. I recall that same experience. I used to pull the covers all the way over my head, with just a tiny space to breathe. In more recent years, I have had cats go missing from inside the house. Two if them were returned dead, with indications of trauma. The third one lived for several years longer, but he was never quite the same.

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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by Hagerman420 »

Triangle with red dots

I have experienced something similar, however, I figured it was just because I had been scratching that area during sleep... One time was on my arm.... wasn't a triangle... but had red dots that I figured formed from excessive scratching during the evening. Another time was a similar situation with scratching during the night, only this time it was on the inside of my upper leg..... looked like a circle with a bunch of red dots, it was very itchy...

I have not experienced this issue in awhile.

I have experienced dreams where I am running from aliens... I literally lose all my energy while running and become heavy like I would in real life... I always get away but the fear of being caught is real.

I have had other experiences where I wake up bruised like I just got beat... large black purple blue looking bruises ... I can not for the life of me explain those or how the hell it happened for that matter...

As for grays, I am not sure I have even ever seen one in a dream yet alone actually seen one..... my aliens look like the alien from the movie Aliens haha.... with a mix on demon.. :/

I feel if I ever had an experience similar to your situation and could be conscious while it was happening I would become violent and scared at the same time which is a super bad combination in my opinion.

Have a Great day!
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Wolf wrote:Seemed more like an accident to me, like we woke up sooner than anticipated and they had to run. But I may just be cynical. I'm just so tired of this "hit and run". If you are going to shove me full of needles and such, at least have the courtesy to let me remember completely
Now I'd think they'd just jab us and put us under again for a few minutes. They make it possible, even probable to forget, and I'm learning that we control how much we can remember ourselves.
Wolf wrote: Even though I get it....Something like that could shatter my brain. How could I lead a normal life after that? At least this way I have the psychological fail-safe that lets me somewhat shake it off as a dream state. But even still, if they can do that they could at least remove the fear I continue to experience.
Normal life is relative. I've found daily routine over shadows the memories, & the high strangeness becomes routine, in spite of having the willies and jumping at shadows. And fear is instinctive, it's hard wired into us. Sometimes I'm more afraid of the fear than of the memories. I don't have full recall by any means. When I'd gotten the clear, undeniable recall of specific episodes, I had to stuff a pillow over my face to drown out my screaming and swearing. I ran in mindless circles for an hour. Then-shrug, what the heck, I'm alive and mostly unscathed. I'm just sharing in hopes it helps to know you aren't alone. Don't want to hijack the thread.
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Wolf and Mama Magpie:

(firstly, hello, Mama Magpie, congratulations to you and Wolf on your son)

As Wolf said in my intro here, I seem very experienced and a little "mad".

Well yeah, lol.;)

But, if you two would give me permission and are willing, I *can* explain
things most you do not know outside of what are called initiates or the A∴A∴

Which, if you read a couple of things I link you to and follow some posts
on the code I teach and work with, you shall understand much about the
ones called the Faery and waking up to the code we and the universe is
wired with.

Because this is deep and can trigger memory, I ask your permission first,
out of deference especially to Wolf. I believe you can understand that, Wolf.


Your choice...wake up...or keep "sleeping" in the life we are programmed to exist in
until we are ready. Peter Gabriel put it well, "shock the monkey".

I shall check for your to you...Shawn
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by Wolf »

Well Morpheus, I suppose I'll take the red pill.

With the systems I am working with and learning, I can't guarantee I will be able to follow what you are saying completely or devote the time to it completely though. Especially as I don't have a head for numbers. But I would like to see what it is you have to say on the matter and I can then decide to stay where I am or see how deep the rabbit hole goes. I'll also try to keep future references to "The Matrix" to a minimum.
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by planewalker »

You could set up a video camera ( Nanny cam type ). Hidden would probably be good. Even a sound recorder might give you a clue of just what 's happening.
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Re: First time openly talking about this.

Post by Wolf »

We've talked about it but Magpie isn't too comfortable with that idea. Can't say I'm 100% with it either, ontop of how sporadic they are, it doesn't seem worth the effort unless it starts occurring with more frequency.
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