Not aware of astral traveling.

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by thewanderer21 »

I met a psychic medium that claimed to know me before we even met. He said that we met in previous life times and as of right now he sees me very frequent into the lower realms. He said that I'm astral traveling 9/10 of the time.

Now, it got me thinking because I barely remember anything from my dreams. Sometimes I'd remember how real the dream would feel and the things I would its not even from this world ! I started to write down everything I remember so maybe I can connect them.

However, I am new to meditation and would like to get better. I went and read about Gemstones how they can help you remember your dreams, astral traveling experience and past lives experience?

Which gemstones should I use and how to use in case I would like to contact my spirit guides, ascended masters and gain knowledge and experience regarding my past lives.

The psychic medium also said that there are negative entities that are trying their best to delay me from finding my true self through meditation so that is why I am trying to get my hands on some gemstones. Already ordered 8 different kinds and would very much appreciate if somebody would offer some assistance regarding how to use.

Thank you! :mrgreen:
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Which realms are you talking about? The 10 (6low/4high)buddhist ones, or the 6 ones (3low/3high)? It doesen't make a big difference, but it is still a starting point.
He said he sees you in the lower realms; as far as I know, those are the realms of defects of the human being. You might be aware of your own defects and have the desire to change, which is taking you to those realms. Which make me wonder about the psychic who is aware of the himan power and still travels in the lower realms, but again, I am not very experienced in reaching these realms.

Astral travel is usually done whole sleeping, when the mind can seprate itself from the physical body. The logic mind, usually can't let this happen while you are awake.

Stating before you fall asleep that you are going to travel astrally and remember everything, might help. Your subconscious can do a lot of things; it only has to be asked to do them.
And writing them down is a great idea. You can see patterns, and wrote about places that you will maybe get to see physically too. Such things can give you the certainty that you were actually astral travelling.
thewanderer21 wrote: I went and read about Gemstones how they can help you remember your dreams, astral traveling experience and past lives experience?
Which gemstones should I use and how to use in case I would like to contact my spirit guides, ascended masters and gain knowledge and experience regarding my past lives.
It depends on what you want to try first. You can't learn all of them at the same time. And gems are just aiding, you will also have to learn how to do these things. There are different technique for each andevery one of them, but you can adapt them in order to feel right to you. It may come naturally, or you will have to work for it, but it is possible.
thewanderer21 wrote:The psychic medium also said that there are negative entities that are trying their best to delay me from finding my true self through meditation so that is why I am trying to get my hands on some gemstones.
Banish them. Burn sage, cast a protection spell, cast a circle on your entire house, ask good entities to protect you and maybe also wear a pentacle or a sumbol that is charged with protective energy.

Gemstones are helping too, but I don't use them much.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Which stones have you got? Herkemer diamond, a quartz and not a real diamond of course, is quite useful for dream work. Pair it with amethyst in a pouch or dream pillow with lavender and chamomile flowers to help relax. Inhale their scent before sleeping and tell yourself to recall your dreams. Give yourself permission or suggestion to travel in higher realms and to travel only with your spirit guide. And ask your guide to pitch in and help. Just speak out loud as you relax. Keep a hematite or other grounding stone on your night stand to help when you awake.

I agree with BW that you can banish any negativity that might hinder your intentions. The lavender will also aid this. It's best to do this yourself to establish your will and you should read the forum's shielding topics. Amber, which is fossilized resin, balances & uplifts etheric body's energy which is like a natural shield.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by corvidus »

Gemstones which will provide you the energy/influence to concentrate during meditation.

Also, if you keep to a particular routine, it will be more effective.

In my experience, dream journals are the best way to start remember wring more of your dreams. They bridge the gap between conscious and subconscious.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by Firebird »

When I was sleeping in the treehouse many years ago, I kept a dream journal. The more I recorded the more I remembered. One problem though is it took at least an hour or more to transcribe the nights events. When I moved from that house I stoped recording (for the most part) and it has consequently become less easy to remember. I have a sense that sleeping in the out of doors helped too.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Brilliant Corvidus and FireBirdFlys! Journaling & routine definitely aid dream recall.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by thewanderer21 »

@Bychan Wulf

He did not specifiy which lower realms but he also said that I am a very ancient being, also a warrior on the other realms and that I am part of his team during my astral traveling experience. He introducted me to my spirit guides and ascended masters that he says I've met them in my previous lifes. Their message was to focus upon meditating and asking the spirit guides for knowledge and experience regarding my past. The psychic said that there are some things that need to be clarified regarding the past and I must know who I am first before I do anything in this life since of as right now I feel like I do not belong here, not knowing who I am and also feeling like there is absoluteley nothing to do besides FINDING MYSELF.


I did not know of Herkemer Diamond until you mentioned it. I bought a clear quartz crystal but since the Herkemer Diamond is of higher power, I will get it too. Here's the list of the other Gemstones/Crystals that I bought;

Angelite Tumble Stone
Blue Apatite Healing Crystal
GeoFossils Azurite Healing Crystal
Turquoise Howlite Tumble Stone
Black Obsidian Tumble Stone
Blue Kyanite Healing
Iolite Healing Crystal
Agate Titanium Druzy Gemstone
Amethyst Crystal
Rose Quartz
Tiger Eye
Green Aventurine
Rock Crystal Healing

They will be delivered next month so until then I will have some books to read !

Sleeping outside might boost the spiritual experience I see. Well, I will keep that in mind the only time I slept outside was in the militry training down in the trenches haha

Now, I have another question regarding the Gemstones only;

How do I cleanse them? I read online that you cleanse by placing onto the moonlight. Also, you charge it into the sunlight.

Are there any other ways to cleanse/charge?

Regarding Crystals only - White Sage and Turkey Feather to cleanse. How about charging? Sunlight?

How often should the stones and crystals be cleansed/charged?
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by SpiritTalker »

You have mostly blue stones in your collection, so I'm guessing you chose them for their spiritual qualities. (oh wow, I love green aventurine. It's soothing) and you have an obsidian for clearing negativity. Amethyst, rose and turquoise can fade if left in sunlight so limit their exposure. I find just holding stones under cool, running water resets them after heavy use. Selenite is self-cleansing & selenite, angelite and turquoise are too soft to put in or hold under water, maybe kyanite is too. Probably the safest cleansing methods are smudging or laying them on the ground, or in a bed of fresh or dry herbs. Use whatever feels good or smells good to you. When stones feel heavy or drag on you, they need refreshing.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Stones don't need to be "energized". When we charge a stone, we imprint it with our intent and it will hold the intent until something dislodges it, such as sun and moonlight. When people say they are "charging" something with moonlight, it's going to clear away whatever we had programmed in. It does not empower the stone with extra go-juice. Stones aren't plants. They don't photosynthesize. That's not to say that infusing a stone with moonlight or sunlight won't effect does clear the cooties of amassed psychic energies so the stone's natural properties are uninhibited, but it won't increase their natural properties. Sure it feels brighter, because the sludge is gone. Stones are created under intense heat and pressure, then shaped by forces of motion, like earthquake, & erosion by water, rain, wind and sand, intense heat & cold.

We can cleanse our own auras by standing in sunlight and wind, but it won't charge the battery. A moonlight bath feels wonderful because it's gently clearing away psychic garbage that sticks to us like cat hair to a pair of wool slacks. So I'm just saying don't confuse the terminology. :mrgreen:
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by thewanderer21 »

I cleansed the angelite and obsidian stones by smudging, but I already put them to charge on the sunlight. You mentioned that the stones don't need to be put under the sun to charge, in fact they don't need to be charged at all according to what you said. Only cleansing through is required from time to time when they feel heavy on you...I see, and thank you.

However, I just bought a gemstone bible that says blue Kyanite doesn't need cleansing since it can not hold negative energies.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh i dont think a one time sun bath will fade them, unless it was 8 hours. Ive faded an amethyst in a day in the sun, and faded angelite by soaking it several days in a dish of water. I'd hate for anyone to learn the hard way. I did say we cleanse stones and program (or psychically charge) stones with the intent we ask of them. I'm glad you found something on Kyanite. It wasn't sure.
If you feel your stones want something done differently, as you learn their energies, then follow your feelings. It's when we don't listen to that nagging inner feeling that we'll wish later we'd paid attention.

For example, all the things I'd read in different books said I could clear a stone by laying it on a crystal cluster...and the stone I had in my hand was saying noo-0-0o. I put my faith in books and what everybody else said rather than listen to the stone. It was a Boji stone. By placing it onto the cluster, in a few hours it turned from natural dark brown to chalky gray. I hadn't learned to trust my gut yet. That was another lesson.

While I'm confessing my stony sins, let me mention that stones do respond to our emotions, particularly crystal. Crystal is known to carry a piezo electric charge. That's why it works. I once grabbed a quartz while I was in a passion of anger, and the moment I held it, the stone broke in my hand...split itself length wise...another lesson. I was able to glue it back together. But I will never, as long as I live, forget the sound. I don't even know if it was an audible noise, but it felt like a short, piercing shriek. Fortunately I don't have any more tales to tell.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by thewanderer21 »

The stone's color did not change at all. They were only put for 5 hours and it was cloudy all day. I don't think it affected the stone at all. I did some digging and apparently with stones you may only CLEANSE them with either smudging, washing, or putting in the ground especially near a tree.

It's just with crystals that require charging from what I've noticed myself...
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by SpiritTalker »

By all means, follow you inner guidance. I can only give my own opinion, and we all do things differently. What do you feel, or experience, that light charging your crystals does for them? And I've read that about placing stones near a tree, but not why. What do you think the tree contributes?
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by thewanderer21 »

I believe that you're right. Doing what my inner guidance says is what is most important. I placed angelite stones on my third eye and crown chakra during my meditation. I felt a vibration on my handsthat i never felt before but the blockage was still there unfortunately. My Herkimer Diamond should come by the end of this week it should help me work on the blockages so I can connect with my spirit guides.

Since the trees are full of energy and are of course part of the mother nature, it would help energize the stone a lot faster I believe.
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Re: Not aware of astral traveling.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Energize them as in wake them up? Is that what you mean?

I'd buried the poor Boji I'd told you of. I never have dug it up.
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