Spell to make Witches Bottles?

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Spell to make Witches Bottles?

Post by creativemind243 »

I've been interested in the topic of Witch's Bottles as of late, and I'm curious to know if I have to do a full fledged ritual to make one? Like, do I have to call the quarters, invoke the God and Goddess, cast a circle, etc?

Also, does the bottle have to be sealed with wax? Or is there other ways of sealing them?
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Spell to make Witches Bottles?

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

I am not Wiccan. I have done witch bottles. I don't call corners or any of that. It is all a matter of personal preference. Some people love the ritual of spells and some are simple. I'm simple. I want every bit of my focus on the exact work not the grandeur of it all. Although I am guilty of putting on some witchy music while I'm working. Heh. I usually save the flourish for gathering items. I do a lot of thanking and cleansing .. Gathering your own essence could take a month or two depending on how you do it and what you are using . Things like that. My witch's bottle took two months to complete. I did seal mine with wax. The reason is I use glass bottles and cork. The contents of a witch bottle eat through cork. Not sure why. (I haven't researched. It's just something I've experienced. ..)But it does.
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Re: Spell to make Witches Bottles?

Post by Becks »

I agree with Mrs. David completely. You don't need to use Wiccan ritual to make a witch's bottle. You may wish to define what your practices need to look like for you however. Do you need that kind of ritual? Do you need to create your own ritual? As Mrs. David said..it's about material collection and about intent. Ritual serves to focus intent and 'will'. What do you require to focus? Mrs. David likes her 'witchy jam' and for me, I do my work outside when I can. That is what makes the magic.
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Re: Spell to make Witches Bottles?

Post by Seraphin »

Yep! I always try to promote the idea that charms, amulets, talismans and devotional arts are deeply personal crafts and it's impossible for an outsider to help you what rituals, spells or procedures you have to do and perform in crafting them. They have meaning only to the person making them -- unless of course you are making them on behalf of another.

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Re: Spell to make Witches Bottles?

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

Becks wrote:I agree with Mrs. David completely. You don't need to use Wiccan ritual to make a witch's bottle. You may wish to define what your practices need to look like for you however. Do you need that kind of ritual? Do you need to create your own ritual? As Mrs. David said..it's about material collection and about intent. Ritual serves to focus intent and 'will'. What do you require to focus? Mrs. David likes her 'witchy jam' and for me, I do my work outside when I can. That is what makes the magic.
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