how do i tell my parents?

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how do i tell my parents?

Post by dark_babe13 »

do i tell them or do i keep it a secret that i want to be a witch and have practiced witch craft behind there backs? :?: :?:
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Post by Sobek »

it all depends on if you think they can deal.

basically if you feel they wont accept and you practice behind thier backs. in reality practicing behind thier backs isnt a fair assessment because its a choice you choose and it doesnt matter what your parents think. but in so saying i wouldnt make a deal of telling them. its not that your ashamed its just knowing that it may complicate things, hell they may even take your door so you can do anything(i know thats a melodramatic thing and i doubt many parent would do it)
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Post by Smolly »

why dont u have a general talk to them about other religions and cultures and see how they rect?
ask them 'how would you feel if i wanted to be a _____'
i straight out told my parents, i didnt have much choice because my mum always finds out things.

my mum laughed and called it a phase (this was about 2 years ago) but now she totally accepts that i walk my own path and that i do the things i want to do for a reason or because i want to do it.

2 years ago she might have refused to buy vegetarian food for me or refuse to spend ages looking in health stores trying to find vegan chocolate.
either way i wish you luck
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Post by Addalaide »

I'm not telling my parents at all, hopefully ever. My mother tells my aunt evey time she talkes to her shes going to hell and blah blah blah, and my mom thretond me when i was a younge teen if i got into that stuff i was going to the paster then a psych word. I am not liveing with her but should whould bring the paster and like 20 other people to my apt and thay whould tell me i am a sinner, and prey...blah blah blah. Then after that beat me with a bible thay whould tell me there leaveing and i should go prey. Ok sorry my mother isnt opend to any religion at all, she whould be mad if i became jewish.

But i think what smolly said is a good idea. Go threw a full list of religions, starting with like jewish, then muslum...then buddist, take it slowly watch reactions

( oh yeah and i have been in a gothic "phase" for like 6 years. And she still tells her friends its just a phase i will grow out of it. )
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Post by Smolly »

addalaide: im also into gothic stuff and that sort of music, have been for a similar legnth ive been interested in paganism.
my mum was quick to clue them together and call it a phase but shes over that now ...

i must give thanks though to this lady who owned this wicca stall in a shopping centre reaby.

my mum was like 'yeah shes going through her gothic witchy phase, she'll soon grow out of it'

to that the lady replied 'well she looks like shes old enough to start learning about other faiths and even make her own choices about it, we have to let go of them sometime ..'

and since then my mum eased up on me.
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Post by Witch1693 »

Well my parents are very acxeptive. my dad is a reiki master and my mom is a 5th generation with and we celebrate, hannukah, christmas, and yule, we are only one but we celebrate all, so my parents kinda always knew i was a witch and i told them and they said, yea ok, thats WONDERFUL!.

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Post by Suki1016 »

Well, I still haven't told my mom and ive been doing this for 6 years. She trusts me but that took awhile because about 2 years into the craft she got wind of it and said she'd send me to a christian school and take away my incense and candles and other "witchy" things. I will never tell her probably, but she is an accepting person. She bought me tarot cards for CHRISTMAS (lol) and a pendlum too. Its just odd. She likes the supernatural, but witchcraft is of satan. I guess it depends on your parents veiws.
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Post by Sercee »

Try educating her. If she bought you a pendulum and tarot cards, she's got to be at least partly ok with what you do. Plus you said she threatened to take away your stuff 4 years ago (practicing for 6 years, discussion 2 years in). Maybe she's always known and is starting to accept on her own.
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Post by Suki1016 »

I've thought about that and I kinda hope thats the case and maybe I don't NEED to say anything, but then if I do I'm too scared. I love my mom to death because she's really all I have now and I fear losing her love. I guess all children do. But I catch you drift. We've tried dowsing (sp) and tarot and stuff together and she always says I have alot of talent and that she doesn't think its bad that I can do these things. I don't know...I guess fear rules right now. Maybe things will change soon. :D
The world seems not the same
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Post by Sercee »

Just don't fear losing your mother's love. That simply won't happen. As for the rest, it'll come.

Post by cascade09 »

I haven't told my parents either. It's not that I'm terribly afraid that they'll stop loving me, but more that I'm afraid that they'll shun me and treat me like I'm a shame to my parents. I think it would possible break there heart when they thought that the good, innocent girl they've raised turned out to be... betraying (I don't know if that's the word I'm looking for, but it will do) them.

They have no acceptance of things that are different to them. We've watched TV shows that mention Wicca and the sit there and basically laugh at it and say that it's foolish. I really don't know if I'll ever really tell them. I don't really think that I need to, I guess.
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Post by Suki1016 »

Yeah, I think thats another concern of mine. That my family will shun me. But if I ever work up the courage to do it then I might just come out and say it. It's really bothersome to keep hiding it. I think all lies are like that. They just get really heavy after awhile. sads That is the most sad looking smiley ever! :lol:
The world seems not the same
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Post by Sercee »

I really don't know if I'll ever really tell them. I don't really think that I need to, I guess.
You're right, you don't need to tell them, just as you don't need to tell anyone. These are your personal experiences and beliefs and unless you feel comfortable talking about it to someone then don't. I think I push the parent-communication issue because I just feel guilty sometimes; I didn't tell me parents much when I was younger (actually I treated them really bad. They didn't deserve that.) but now it's okay anyway because we have a great relationship and I'm open and honest about (almost) everything. In the end when you're seen as an adult and you're own, responsible person then it won't matter anymore.
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Post by JamesDean »

I'm a bit old to be a teenager (21) and I'm not pagan (I'm in between right now, seeing all there is out there), but I haven't told my parents about my ability.

My dad would think I'm nuts and that somehow Melissa (my fiancee) is somehow responsible. He don't like her. He seriously thought I was joking when I told him her and I were engaged.

I'm not sure how my mom would react. She's always been supportive, but nothing remotely similar to this has come up before. I think she wouldn't know what to do, because she doesn't believe in ghosts and spirits, but she also knows I'm a very grounded person that doesn't lie.
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Post by Storm »

How might they respond? Are they religious? If you think there's a probability that they might be upset/ angry/ intolerant then perhaps you should wait until you have left home, or start introducing it slowly to help them deal with it?

It's hard I know. I'm lucky because my parents are absolutely fine with it (although I am 31, so it's a little bit different, lol).
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