Religious clash

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Religious clash

Post by Zale »

Is there anyone that is in a relationship with someone who is Christian? If so any suggestions on how to keep a good relationship going when there is a difference in religion?
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Zale »

Well to be a little more specific. Here is my dilemma. My girl when I decided to choose my spiritual path from Christian to druid she was supportive. And all I was doing was reading and learning as much as I could. Now that I feel ready to actually do and am making my alter tools and divination tools. She is really uneasy about my path even hinting once that I need to be careful with the answers I get cause I am talking with the devil. I'm not understanding the situation she knew about what I wanted from the get go. Even learned a little bit about the tarot and she was cool with that but now she wants me to clean out the shed and do all my stuff away from the house cause she is afraid I'm gonna bring bad entities to our home..... Help
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Heartsong »

My husband isn't Christian, although we were both raised in that faith, but although he's agnostic (and that has been challenging in and of itself), that background has naturally shaped how his views. He'd voiced more than once that he wasn't entirely comfortable with my chosen spiritual path, and it was only through MANY, MANY heart-to-heart conversations that we were able to reach a point where he can at least glimpse my altar without wincing. Thus, the most important thing to do is communicate. Even if you've had these discussions, have them again. Let her get all of her fears and apprehensions of her chest, and really listen to what she's saying. That will in part allow you to assuage her concerns point by point.

Secondly, do your research, and do it *with* her. Show her the material you're reading, and if she'll allow it, read it together. If both of you are sharing this learning experience, it can lead to both mutual understanding and actually growing closer in your relationship. It can also help clear up any misconceptions she has about Druidism, the tarot, the nature of spirits, etc.

Thirdly, ask her to participate in something dealing with your spirituality. If she isn't comfortable with that, then just ask her to watch. Keep asking her, even if she refuses each time. By doing so and by explaining why you're doing so, you're indicating to her that you want to include her, and make her feel comfortable.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Firebird »

Oh,... if you could just get her to understand you don't work with the devil. That may be huge.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Vesca »

Relationships are held together by mutual communication and understanding (ideally). Have you actually sat down and really talked to her about what you've been reading? What direction you're taking, what it's about, why it draws you? It may take some time to get on the same page as each other, but finding a way to really communicate your path and feelings to her is (imo) the best route.

The flip side of that is that you need to be willing to understand and respect her situation as well. Compromise is a pain, but it is useful. :) Good luck.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Alura Noel »

Everything everyone have suggested is great advice!

It's probably going to take a lot of talking and listening/understanding to help each other out.

In addition to what everyone else has suggested already, one thing that has helped me the most when it comes to discussing religion with people who are uneasy with it, is to focus on the similarities between them. It makes Wicca and other religious paths seem less foreign and different (which can cause fear and anxiety for some people) and make it to where they feel a bit more comfortable.

Another idea, if they aren't ready to have a discussion about it, is to leave appropriate and non-threatening information about it around the house (depending on if you live with them or they come over a lot). With my husband, when we first got together, I would leave a book in the bathroom and take out the other books... And sometimes he would read it lol And usually later on, he would come to me asking questions about what he read.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by p3nathan »

I have never been in a romantic relationship with someone Christian, however I have very close friends who are Christian and Muslim. Now, they are very liberal and modern and I'm sure many would be less understanding, but we've always had a very open dialogue about our lifestyles and it's only done our friendships good. We'd gotten to know each other first, because upon later discussion we established that we all want people to get to know us without the preconceptions that religion often connotes.

I like Alura's suggestion about leaving info around the house. That's a good way of weening them into what you're about.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Violet »

My husband is Christian, and I am pagan. We relate our beliefs to each other through conversations and keep each other pretty up-to-date on what we believe.

One troublesome area is church. We have gone to liberal churches, including Unity and Unitarian churches, but I have not found one where I feel comfortable attending regularly. At this time, we are not going to church, and his need for a spiritual fellowship isn't being met.

I would not have come so far in my spiritual journey if it wasn't for him. Last night I was trying to describe my beliefs to him, frustrated, and he googled "theosophy" and we read up on the term together. It was enlightening for us both.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

My partner and I are both Pagan... I think if you're with someone of a different religion and you each respect each others beliefs, it isn't an issue. But if you're with someone who wants to tell you how to think, and that you are 'bad', or persecuted you for your beliefs, that's not ok.

We have laws about this in society for good reason.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by annie »

My sister was never comfortable with our little brother being Pagan. When he died, I took over where he left off, again she was never comfortable. Now that I am getting back into things she still is not comfortable. But we respect each others wishes and beliefs sometimes it is hard . But for the most part we deal with it day to day. Best of luck, and please never let someone control you and make you believe what they want you to.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Kat »

-Dark-Moon- wrote: if you're with someone of a different religion and you each respect each others beliefs, it isn't an issue. But if you're with someone who wants to tell you how to think, and that you are 'bad', or persecuted you for your beliefs, that's not ok.
I ve been 7 years with an atheist and never took interest in my faith and altar. but a simple friend asked me about my faith and is cool with it tho he's a christian and I know him for less than a year. it's a matter how openminded both are. and not indiferent or preachy.
ah of course I know everything about his faith; i was raised christian and this is a christian country. my parents still are.
the friend works with a satanist whom I don't like.
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Re: Religious clash

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I really hope this works out for you! I just had a similar situation with someone else, but I had to end it before it even started. ): I wish you the best of luck! I like all of the information everyone is giving you, it's great advice! I'll keep that in mind if I ever enter this kind of situation again. (:
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