Firebird's Musical BOS

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Firebird's Musical BOS

Post by Firebird »

I thought I would start a musical Book of Shadows...of sorts. Some Pagan music, and some that I just feel resonates in my soul, be it rock and roll, country, classical, or?... This personal thread is meant to evoke the emotions as well as a sense of spiritual wonderment and Pagan pride. (or it might just be a song I really really like! loveface ) I've added some comentary refecting love life and loss.

[I've locked the takes a moment to load up. If you have a comment or question feel free to PM me.]

PINK FLOYD Wish You Were Here.
This is for everyone who has ever lost someone they love to addiction, insanity or death. We miss you.

LED ZEPPELIN Stairway to Heaven
an all time favorite about the Goddess of Spring our Lady of Life, Queen of the May,

(uh, and dad were right they were heathens!)
It's all right there in The Battle of Evermore;
"the ground is rich from tender care, REPAY DO NOT FORGET, NOOOOO" /
"the magic runes are writ in gold to bring the balance back, bring it back"
...and would one be waiting for the Sun to return on Solstice? with, "tired eyes on the sunrise waiting for the eastern glow" :fairy:

JETHRO TULL w/ LUCIA MICARELLI really great version of Kashmir (hold on to your hooka this is good ::coolglasses::

This woman is from the Faroe Islands, she has an amazing voice, and if you follow a Heathen or Norse path you are going to love her drumming...check out Eivor Palsdottir and her Trollabundin chant

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Re: Firebird Flys Musical BOS

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×+× Variations of Road...


Great vintage footage of Jim Morrison (boy I miss him,what a loss) they're traveling through what looks like the Mojave desert. (Circa late 60's I'd say)
THE DOORS Riders on the Storm

I had the great pleasure of seeing Johnny Cash and his family on a small stage at the mid-state fair what a treat that was, my daughter even remembers smiley_dance
these "Highwaymen" sing of the return, I'll be back again, and again, and again. :surprisedwitch: :surprisedwitch: :surprisedwitch:
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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Re: Firebird Flys Musical BOS

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Dedicated to Our Mother Earth

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
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Re: Firebird Flys Musical BOS

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A little shift in the seasons we turn to face the impending darkness here in the US we will be celebrating Thanksgiving soon. Melancholia slips in on me easily this time of year. As much as it is invigorating to be cresting on my Solar Return I am forced to face the shadow.

(s.c. IMY)
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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Re: Firebird Flys Musical BOS

Post by Firebird »

On the matter of death and endings may the time be perfect for us all¿

The queen of death and endings is well portrayed by this band I can envision the Morrigan changing into the raven.
OMNIA Morrigan

Nothing evokes a standard of chills like the bagpipes at a memorial ceremony. This young man has got the "Flowers of the Forrest" down quite well. Bagpipes @ Weavers Needle

this is the end beautiful friend, this is the end my only friend the end, it hurts to set you free but you'll never follow me, the end of laughter and soft lies....the end of nights we tried to die...this is the eeeeennnnddddddd
The Doors- The End

War is a conundrum, I hate it. Seems to boil down to what God one worships. Until it is clear to all that we shine unto ourselves and inner peace within IS ours, the battle rages on.

This is a heart wrenching rendition of The Green Fields of France by our lovely ladies of the Renaissance Faire, The Merry Wives of Windsor
and animated by LordDrakoArakis… (that's the piper 2 videos above playing "The Flowers of the Forrest" mentioned in this video!!)

When the end draws near let me be clear, That I will not be here. I Unto the Goddess her arms unfold, a new mystery yet to be told. BB, FF
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
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Re: Firebird Flys Musical BOS

Post by Firebird »


Walpurgisnacht is May eve. The morrow would be Bealtaine. The most sacred of holidays are observed the "eve of"
Witches would gather on the Brocken to celebrate this life affirming Ritual.
We give love chase, dance the maypole and jump the bonfire
FAUN Walpurgisnacht

Rain brings the spring flowers right? Well it brought tears too. Little trickling Hot razor blades cutting through your acid rain drenched face. Spring lovers come ..ehem, and then they're gone :cry: these tunes tie into the dna of music and the great mystery of life, and the effect on my brain.
LED ZEPPELIN Rain Song (studio version is best, this is from the movie "song remains the same")

This is for SI....yes you, I mean train tunnel, wtf...what was I thinking?. I guess I wasn't. 8 tracs that play on endlessly was our comfort. With the truth that has gently fallen with the rain, now moving forward I can be healed fully and wholly.
THE MOODY BLUES You can never go home

The end of innocence ...when life was perfect and fear was not a factor. We had it all yet screwed it all up. Bliss was intense but brief, then reality sets in. Virus's are many they will suck your soul, after all, they want to live too.
Once upon a time this song gave me hope in a perceived future, now it is a tingling skeleton of tomorrow's that never came to pass.

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
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Re: Firebird Flys Musical BOS

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[media][/media]Amazing the time that flies, hours, days, weeks become blurred. Suddenly reality smacks one upside the head and you are in a different place ...a space that no one can relate but the self. The self, Huh...what it that? who is that? why is that? matters not.
We are here now and have survived.
Procol Harum, Whiter Shade of Pale.

beyond this where does one turn? right? left? heck...turn around??? cross the roads all the way... the choices are unclear in many ways.
I am sad today. Been one year since Dan left us. I miss you my cousin. :cry:
King Crimson, Epitaph

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
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