My mom and I

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My mom and I

Post by kalicokitty »

I screwed up. big time. and I need some advice.
So my family is barely able to buy food for us and we took in a pregnant girl from my school. I use the term "we" loosely as I didn't find out about it until she was on her way to my house. I do not like this girl. She used my best friend's phone to text her boyfriend WHILE SHE WAS GOING OUT WITH MY BEST FRIEND. She has always been rude and insubordinate to the teacher and then gets pissed and calls the teacher a bitch when the teacher punishes her. Anyways, I don't trust her. Well, I made this clear to my mom and she told me that I had her pegged wrong. That she's actually a very sweet girl who is just in a lot of trouble right now. I know this girl. Most of the trouble she's in is her fault. She is manipulating my mom and my mom can't see that.
Well, I tried to accept the fact that she was staying in my house and I couldn't do anything about it. But my mom has been driving me crazy about it. We have hardly any money for gas, but at the drop of a hat, my mom will pitch everything she's doing and drive this girl all over hell's half acre cuz she needs or wants to go somewhere. Something my mom would never do for me. Then I wanted to go to a friend's house. There had been a lot of drama from my sister and I wanted to get away for a while. I asked if I could hitch a ride with my stepdad into town and hang out with my friend. My mom and stepdad said no, because he had to take my brother with him to work in the morning and he was also taking the girl into town. When I got up that morning I discovered that my stepdad had made a special trip into town just for her and after he'd dropped her off he turned around and came home, got my brother and left. By this time I was seeing red. But I wasn't going to let them know how much it hurt me that they'd scramble around and over eachother to help her, but they wouldn't do something as trivial as take me into town when they were already going that way.
So the final straw was this: we are not allowed to take naps. Doesn't matter how tired we are, it's against the rules. My mom offered to drive me into town after I got my chores done. I got them all done and got ready to go. I came into the dining room and told her I was ready to go and she said, "I didn't say I'd take you as soon as you get your chores done." I asked her what she meant and she said, "I have to wait and find out if," the girl, "still needs to go to town at three." Said girl was taking a nap on my couch. Then she told me to vacuum my room. While I got out the vacuum cleaner, my chihuahua/wiener mix puppy jumped on the girl's head. My mom yelled at me and told me to keep my dog off the girl's head. Then she started chastising me for not doing something. I told her I'd been doing my chores and would do it later. She said, "No you haven't, you've been gettin ready to go to your friend's house." I was so angry at the point I stomped my foot and yelled, "Why don't you believe me?!" At which point she whispered, "Stop yelling you'll wake up," the girl.
Here's the part where I screwed up: I was so hurt and upset by this point that I went into my room, shut the door and called my friend to talk to her. I wanted to color (I know it's kinda childish to color, but it calms me down) so I put her on speaker phone and turned the volume as low as it would go. I set the phone down and we began to talk about all the stuff that went on. I ranted and raved about how hurt I was and we talked about how mean my mom can be and how neither of us agreed with the situation. To say the least, I wasn't very nice when discussing my mom. But here's the thing, I was angry, hurt, and upset. I just needed to vent and I didn't wanna vent on my mom.
I came out of my room a lil after my phone call ended and found my mom in her room. She was crying. She looked at me and said, "I heard you." I told her I was angry and she just kept crying. Now she won't look at me or talk to me. I need advice. I didn't mean for her to hear what I was saying. I just needed to tell someone how I felt and have them listen. Now my mom is hurt and I can't think of a way to apologize and make it right. Can someone please help?
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Re: My mom and I

Post by WindStorm »

The best thing I can think to do is let everyone calm down for a few days. Then, you should approach your mom, and ask to talk to her about what was said. Apologize for how you acted. Tell her you were upset and angry, and that you just needed to vent. Everyone’s had a day like that. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t expect to be forgiven immediately, depending on what was said. But remember, she’s your mom, and loves you no matter what.
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Re: My mom and I

Post by Isabella »

Just have a heart to heart talk. With all family members and guest. Tell your mom its just a vent and tell her your sorry. I usually do this with my parent and it works.
Peace and Pasta!~
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Re: My mom and I

Post by kalicokitty »

We started talking again. Things are on the mend. We are working things out. :D
"There is nothing more melodic, than the purring of a cat."
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