Craft name and Patron deity?

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Craft name and Patron deity?

Post by DaRkMoOn »

I know this question might sound a little silly but i really need some advice.
So, here's the deal, everytime i try to find my Craft name & Patron deity by meditation, i end up visualizing myself in a forest. Does that mean my Craft name would be something related with the forest and my Patron deity would be a Earth Goddess or a forest Goddess?
Thanks for answering my questions...:)
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Re: Craft name and Patron deity?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Replying to an old post - That never got a reply but is still being browsed.

Well that’s hard to say without more info. Do you seek a craft name at the same time you work for a deity ID? They’re different intentions IMO. And how often is every time you meditate? Daily, twice this month? Are you predisposed and attracted to forest scenes? What’s outside your window? Have you ever been camping in woods? Got a park nearby? In short, is there anything in your daily environment to tip the scale towards forests? If you can rule it out, then probably one of the Earth deities has your back. Are there any synchronistic clues like a branch falling on your head as you walk under a tree, or something more subtle? Do you feel in your heart that an earth deity is calling you?

In the long run, we’ve only the one planet. You can’t go wrong with an Earth relationship in Wicca.
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