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Any Tattoos?

Total votes: 101


Post by Gaia »

I want a tattoo of the Japanese character of Strength, but my mom said that high class women don't wear them. I told her that, one, maybe I didn't want to be a high class women (that was kind of a lie, I'm aiming to be the best I can be :D ), and two, women can be high class and still have tattoos. She said "No, there trailer trash! Do you want to be trailer trash!?" With my lack of a comeback, I said no and dropped the conversation. Ugh, I love my mom, but she can be so judging.

Post by heartlesslittlegirl »

I have a total of five holes in my ears (three on the left, two on the right), beyond that no other piercings... mostly cuse I am not big on jewelry anyway.

I have two tattoos currently. A monkey juggling four balls on my lower back, each ball is for each of my baby girls with thier favorite color and astrology sign.
The other tattoo is a knotwork cresent moon with an Aries sign in the middle on my right lower arm. I got it to remind myself of my own personal strength I was born with. My sister has a matching one (she is also an Aries) on her left arm.

I have plans for a third just not sure where to place it. My profile pic is actually the tattoo design. My sister in law drew it up and will be the one doing it. It is me as a fairy and will have my nickname written underneath. It is to remind me of my playful child like side. :D

Post by Brandi »

I have 4 tattoos one of a trinity and pentagram on my right foot, a apple blossom type pentagram on my upper back , a Japanese memory tattoo of my good friend who moved here from Japan and a very small wood stock on my belly……and MANY more to go. I let all my hole grow in I have a bad reaction to the jewelry.
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Post by Szette »

How do you do a tat that binds someone to you?? I have a friend, they have been happily married for 12 years, and they want to do tattoos that would bind them forever
Blessed Be,

Post by amunptah777 »

I could on for hours.

I'll keep it short though, as this is a popular topic.

Many, Many tattoos, piercings.

The ancient Egyptians believed a tattoo is a ward. That is, a soldier would get his enemies name tattooed and the blood magic would disallow that person from being harmed by the one that was named.

I tattoo people with this philosophy in mind;

What you have tattooed, is what you need protection from.

Post by Brandi »

My very Very good friend was hit and killed on her motorcycle, She had just moved here from Japan so it has her name and love and friendship written in Japanese( and no I didn’t pick it out of a book I have my godmother who grew up in Japan Wright it for me) it is purple and white her two favorite colors. I have no problem having her be with me for the rest of my life. She was the strongest person I have ever met and the grates teacher I have ever had ,she gave me the courage to stand up for what I believe.
I am honored to have her with me to guide me and give me strength threw my daily life

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Not yet unfortunately. My mother told me that she'd let me get one for my 15th birthday...that didn't happen, and I didn't get one on my 16th either...:( I'm definitely going soon though.

As for piercings I have 3 holes on my ears and one in my nose :P
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Post by Eretik »

"What you have tattooed, is what you need protection from."

I disagree.Not that it can be this way, for some, but personally, my tattoos are emblems of faith.Significant for me,but not as a ward, as a distinction.Some biker friends have their 'member insignia' tattooed.It's a means of identification, for them and between others of the same 'fellowship'.A permanent reminder also.
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Post by hedge* »

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Love Tattoos

Post by [WitchMomma] »

I love tattoo's. Not all of them, my I love all of mine.

I have four and they all have big meaning to me. My first was about 11 years ago and still no regrets. I take a long time to decide on exactly what I want and what it symbolizes. I drew one of them myself cause I just couldn't find the right one.

I really want one of my Avatar picture. It is my favorite tree ever. I love trees. I am waiting for another one to be designed by an artist I found in Florida.


Post by amunptah777 »

Now, Eretik, a person like yourself may find this theory offensive, but I'd like to point out that this is not my intent. I'm simply explaining what I've learned, not trying to tell anyone what they should believe.

I would argue that (taken in this context) even as a "member insignia" it denotes an unconscious desire to not be fully assimilated into the group consciousness.

Frat boyz who get their greek letters inked don't want their self identification to be merely the fraternity, ladeez who get a small butterfly on their ankle feel that they are a little too flighty

Saying "I am not this" or "this cannot harm me"

As emblems of faith, I believe they are a way to not allow the faith/dogma/rules and regulations of the belief system itself to overwhelm the person.

christians who get a cross, the well known Mexican identification with Maria and the gang members, etc...who get Mary tattooed on their chest are seeking a repulsion of that identification.

By the way, if anyone is in the Beijing area, I do christian symbols for way of giving back to the pagan community. :)

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Post by Eretik »

"Now, Eretik, a person like yourself may find this theory offensive,"

"A person like myself": please tell me what you mean by that.
You have your 'theory' and I told you it dosen't apply to me,as my reasons for my tattoos are not consistent with your theory.Do you presume you understand my mind and my reasoning better than I myself do?I don't misunderstand you : I disagree with you.


I would argue that (taken in this context) even as a "member insignia" it denotes an unconscious desire to not be fully assimilated into the group consciousness.

I would argue the opposite is in fact true: it is both a 'tribal' marking denoting status [ allegorical with Beduoin culture among others] and part of a desire to be one of a 'select' or exclusive' group, in with the in crowd, and not a nobody in the herd/masses.A symbol also of banding together for mutual protection, of like people/personalities.


As emblems of faith, I believe they are a way to not allow the faith/dogma/rules and regulations of the belief system itself to overwhelm the person.

Mine are, in fact : a declaration of dedication to my path,a statement or storytelling in a picture also of a significant event and yet another is a symbol of transcendance.I wear the signs of my spirituality in my tattoos and I wear them with pride: the inside is reflected on the outside.

Frat boyz who get their greek letters inked don't want their self identification to be merely the fraternity, ladeez who get a small butterfly on their ankle feel that they are a little too flighty

Saying "I am not this" or "this cannot harm me"

I Don't know about 'frat boys' and Christian reasoning is not something I thinkof often, but My next tattoo will incorporate 'the Iron butterfly' of Hel in the design.This has shit all to do with 'flightiness' as that is not something I've ever been, or been percieved as.Trust me on that. The main design is a strand of stinging nettles, with the butterfly prominently resting on them.It is a representation of 'the sting that heals' the butterfly is a mixed metaphor: in W.Scotland butterflies are seen,traditionally, as representing migratory souls: liminal beings : transiting the world to the beyond: spritual omens of good fortune also.This tattoo will be inked over my left calf and around my shin: ankle to knee.My left leg is scarred from phlebitis/sepsis: the marks will be incorporated,sympathetically.It will cover the scars: but that is not the priority: I am 'bleeding' those scars into the design, so that it is powerful as a memorial and a testament.It also means my right leg will be in 'good company' as both will be inked equally. lol. Balance is an important again.

Post by amunptah777 »

"a person such as yourself" as in "a person who would (already did) make a statement which might indicate you had taken offense at my original statement"

We're very alike in many ways.

And I can also truly appreciate the fact you're always up for a scrap.

But allow me to reiterate that I never mean any offense to anyone when I'm posting. I don't bother with actual fighting online. I believe it defeats the purpose of the discussion and if one slips into personal attacks or actually being offended, a persons argument gets blown all to hell.

(The Spirits advised me to say something about offering to the Spinning Goddess...but I haven't had enough coffee to intuit what they mean...:)

Everyone can congratulate me, btw, I think I may now be teaching English to some Kindergardeners...

Hahaha, would new Wiccans be considered kinder-gardenarians? teehee ;)

c u all later

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Post by Eretik »

"a person such as yourself" as in "a person who would (already did) make a statement which might indicate you had taken offense at my original statement"

You are implying I have 'taken offence' because I continue to disagree with you and I have provided reasons which are valid for doing so.The above 'a person like yourself' is a contentious/vague statement which deserved explanation.'Might' is non definitive and again,is nothing more than an unjustified implication.If you don't expect to be challenged then perhaps it would be better not to make contentious statements.A 'theory' is just that: an unverified or unproven idea or concept which may or may not be proven, given adequate research/proofs/experimentation.
We're very alike in many ways.

I doubt this very much.I can accept proof or validation from others which indicates my belief or information is inaccurate,but you are making implications and judgements on my character/personality,which are unfair, as this is in relation to my unwillingness to leave your 'theory' unchallenged.Calling me 'offended' or hinting that I am so,which is something you do here,because of this, is a poor way to attempt to win an argument
And I can also truly appreciate the fact you're always up for a scrap.

Not really.I challenge assumptions,I query information that is innaccurate,I will debate issues.There is a difference.
But allow me to reiterate that I never mean any offense to anyone when I'm posting. I don't bother with actual fighting online. I believe it defeats the purpose of the discussion and if one slips into personal attacks or actually being offended, a persons argument gets blown all to hell.

Then perhaps you should reread what you write about me.Implying character flaws in someone who disagrees with you, IS contentious and IT IS offensive.

Love my tats!

Post by easternsky »

My make-up is tattooed on - eyeliner, eyebrows, lip liner and lip color - holy cats did that ever hurt!

I also have a male ruby throated humming bird and a sunburst with streamers covering cancer surgery scars. They didn't hurt going on, but days 2-5 were bad!!!!

I want a purple throated humming bird now........ Ink, it's addictive!
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