How can someone be a Christian Witch?

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Post by reikihealer83 »


I can relate to a lot of your post. I did not have it crammed down my throat as much or anything but I felt like I was crazy when I started seeing things. I never felt any of the people I went to church with would understand and I never really felt comfortable after about 16 years old. The kicker is that my grandmothers (both sides) were the ones who had the gift of seeing before I did. I think it is passed down to me because of my medical issues and what I went through. My sage advice is, embrace who you are and remember that you are special in God/The Goddess's eyes. ]

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Post by moonlit »

the problem is that my husband freaks out when any little weird thing happens. and my parents have gotten ahold of him so not he is a very strict christian now. I feel like I'm going nuts i dont wanna have to hide who I am. He has a fit if we dont go to church like 3 times a week. This is exactly the life I tried to get away from when I moved out of my parents house and now that I'm on my own and married they still found a way to destroy things. I explined how i felt to my husband but he just wanted me to talk to a preacher for counsiling. STUPID. now I feel like I'm trapped in something I cant get out of.

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Post by reikihealer83 »

That can be the most difficult part. If your husband does not like that you are a witch and your parents have gotten ahold of him this can make it worse. I think what you might want to do is sit down with your husband and tell him that this is who you are and that is all there is to it. As far as going to church 3 times a week, I never did that because I never saw the point. I have one question, for you, when you sat down with your husband, did he flat out tell you you were nuts? If so, I wonder how much he respects you. Just my thoughts, not to be disrespectful.
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Post by moonlit »

He didnt exactly tell me I was nuts. He was like in denial or something. Like I couldn't possibly think differantly than him. If I didnt go to church he would have the church members bugging me all the time, he would make me het counsiling its like he refuses to believe that i can have my own thouights, opinions beliefs, feelings that are differant from his. plus he would get my family involved. I mean it's just become a mess. i told him I dont mind the church thing. (I had no problem goign with him sunday mornings I mean it's not that bad to sit through an hour just for him ya know?) but now its 3 services on sunday and 1 on wednesdays!! and he has made it his entire life! I mean the ppl are nice and all but geez Im about to go nuts!

He makes it out like I'm no longer close to God because I dont read the bible and pray everyday and sing in the church and help out more. I just cant get it through his head that I dont feel the same as him. It's like my husband has been abducted!!!!!!

**Nothing is set in stone**

Christian witch???

Post by Cici »

Hello Everyone
I'm not sure if there is a label for what I believe and practice...I believe in the Bible, Old and New Testaments..I also believe that when God created everything, His imprint was left on it or became a part of it. Anyway, when I do a spell, it is simply a matter of gathering objects that God created and represent what it is I am trying to accomplish. I don't acknowledge any god/goddess other than God/Jesus/Holy Spirit...Holy Trinity. I do ask for intercession and insights from the angels associated with my spell.
As far as "suffer not a witch to live"...well, as has already been discussed, there is a LOT of mistranslation. I allow the Holy Spirit to guide my understanding of what I read.
Though I was raised Catholic, I knew something wasn't right for me from the age of 6. I obey the "greatest law" given by Jesus, to love each other as He has loved us. I try very hard to never cause others distress or harm. I make sure to add lots of wording in my spells to ensure the spell only works if it causes no harm for anyone, in anyway. Basically, leaving it to God's will. I ask, He provides if it is what is best.

Hope that makes some sense anyway...smiles

Be Blessed...just realized how I swap that
new truth seeker

New here-

Post by new truth seeker »

if I may, I'd like to jump in here- I was a christian since I was 10 yrs old and a 'minister's' wife for 29- being behind the scenes, where your average christian rarely goes, I've seen a lot and been taught a W_H_O_L_E lot- a lot of which I now believe was just attempted manipulation and control measures, (after all if you control people, especially their consciences- you control their pocketbooks- forgive me if I sound cynical or judgemental-but it is an unfortunate side to what passes for "christianity" but has nothiung whatsoever to do with what Jesus tried to get across). I still consider myself a believer although I hesitate to be labeled a 'christian' these days because of the stereotypical image it gives, at least for me. I believe in God, the Only One, The Most High. And I believe Jesus came for our salvation. I just this week discovered the accounts of Sophia- but have for a long time, within myself, blieved that there had to be a feminine side to God- else how woulod he have known to create woman? And 'let us create man(kind) in OUR own image? The creative aspects are so feminine. God did not say there ARE NO other gods- he said for us not to worship them or put them before Him- why would he tell us not to worship something that did not exist? I hope I have not offended. There are a lot of things, like this, that I have just finally begun to freely explore instead of stifling them out of fear of retribution- why would God punish us for honest questions anyway or even want us to "follow" or "worship" him because we're afraid not to?
new truth seeker

Post by new truth seeker »

:) if my post would be more appropriate in another spot anyone feel free to move it and if I was repetitive, please excuse me, I have not yet read through all the posts on this thread, i am only about halfway thru. But all this stuff strikes a chord with me.
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Post by Serenity_MooneWillow »

So I am not actually a Christian Witch....yet. I have been researching Wicca both online from a Wiccan perspective and in books on Wicca from a Christian perspective. I have to admit it has been a confusing journey, as I live with my mom and she is very against me being anything other than just a Christian, but after reading this board I am thinking it might have become a little easier! I had never thought of the possibility of being a Christian Witch!! But now that I think about it, why can't I?

I love Jesus and I put my faith in Him, but at the same time, as many others have said, I have always felt that there is something more out there that I was meant for. I have a reaccuring dream where I have powers of a sort. It used to scare me, but now I'm thinking, "was it a message?" I have always been fascinated with anything supernatural, and at this point in my life am realizing that while I believe God loves me and takes care of me, I need to realize my life is also in my own hands and I need to take some control.

Hopefully I didn't ramble too much or go too far off topic, I just wanted to get my thoughts out there and express that I'm thankful I came across this board!! :)
Formerly pandaprincess :)
marie carew

Re: New/Curious

Post by marie carew »

I have been a Christian Witch for thirty two years and a psychic councilor for twenty seven. Christian witchcraft takes the fear and intolerance out of the Bible and out of Christianity and this is why I have opened an on line church called: “The Church Of The Christian Witch”.

It is time the true teachings of Jesus Christ were heard. Christian Witchcraft has always been a polytheistic religion. (More Pagan then Christian.) As you know, the concept of Christianity came after the death of Christ and in fact the name Christ itself was given to many a human being in those times. Christ is not the true last name of Jesus.

Christ was used as a sir name, the name Christ is used in same way Goody was used in the fifteenth century. The name Goody was given to all women who where upstanding citizens. A.K.A. Salem Mass Witch trials: Goody Proctor and Goody Rhodes.

Although it is true that most Christian Witches do not believe in the traditional Christian beliefs they do acknowledge Christ’s humanitarian teachings.

This is what separates a Christian Witch from a Catholic, Baptist, Mormon or protestant. Most Christians are brought up on the self serving interpretations of the original Bible. (I say self serving because each leader’s interpretations serve to benefit their own beliefs as well as the individual beliefs of their church. Christianity has too many denominations to claim Christ’s teachings as their own. The teachings of Christ are open to interpretation by all.

Christian witchcraft is the only faith that takes the fear and intolerance out of the Bible and out of Christianity. A Christian Witch is an open minded, free thinking individual who is encouraged to think for themselves using the principals of humanity as their guide.

To personally serve Christ’s teachings, I use my psychic gifts to help bring closure to people’s lives involving, missing people cases and murders all over the country as well as helping people with personal problems while instructing them on how to live a more non-violent humanitarian lifestyle through opening their own psychic channels and redirecting their negativity into creativity. I also write gospel and environmental music and I am a musical therapist and art instructor for the elderly, disabled and infirmed.

As a Child I was Wiccan for a couple of years, ages ten to twelve but my Catholic Celtic roots always seemed to steer me back to Christianity. In fact many of the women and men in my own Christian coven consider themselves to be Wiccan/Christian Witches. We even have a Buddhist monk.
To say the least, we have a very free and interesting group where all are welcome.

It is a shame that in this modern society many Witches, Wiccans and Pagans that I meet and whom I have known do not understand the principals of a Christian Witch. In fact, many young people today use witchcraft as a fanciful escape rather than a source for inspiration, spirituality and Earth worship.

Being a witch means much more then make up and clothes. It is not the outside image of a human being that people will gravitate towards, it is the depth of the human soul that people will remember. The compassion and kindness that a human being reflects outward to the world is the greatest gift a human being owns. This is what makes a true witch become a supreme supernatural being.

From the dust of the Earth all life came and back into the dust we all must go. Our natural order is to live our lives as Earth Guardians and protectors of all life.

My beliefs are this: Although the Bible and many Christians shun witchcraft, it is no secret that the original Bibles God and Christ himself used their own powers of witchcraft and psychic awareness to rule the nations.

In the American dictionary Witchcraft is defined as being the practice of sorcery or magic. The definition is in the dictionary and cannot be disputed. So, with that knowledge wouldn’t you agree that parting the red sea, turning water into wine, sending plagues and curses to destroy entire lands, healing telepathically with the touch of a hand and making burning bushes speak are all feats of paranormal activity and supernatural magic? In essence they are feats of witchcraft.

It is my belief that no religion should practice or preach intolerance or sacrifice of any kind. All religions should teach humanity. Any religion that is against gay rights, animal rights, Women’s rights, human rights, witchcraft and other religious beliefs are also against humanity. I do not condone negative religious practices. I believe in standing up for what is right even if you are standing alone. Human beings are both God and Goddess. If we do not do Gods work, Gods work will not get done. Everyone is responsible for their own actions and reactions.

(You Can Start A War With One Disagreement. You can prevent A War When All Parties Involved Agree To Act Humanly.)

Both God and Goddess are an individual’s choice of faith. No deity is greater than another for no human being is greater than another. Human beings are not the most important life forms on this earth, however, there are some individual human beings who believe that they are the most important, because of their supposed capacity for higher intellect. I believe, that all life forms on this planet were created equal regardless of their race, color, creed, religion, species or personal and sexual preference.

“One act of humanity is bliss one act of ignorance is devastating.”

No species on this planet can claim a higher intellect unless they use that intellect to benefit all life forms on this Earth without excluding anyone or anything that breaths life. As long as you act humanly pray to whomever you choose and allow others to pray to whom they choose.

My God is the God of humanity. My Goddess is the mother of my God. The Bible is a great book to read but one must remember it is a fictional story filled with paranormal activity. When interpreted with an open mind. The Bible teaches us not to follow the barbaric teachings of a God but to use our own free will and humanity while we follow our own clear conscience. To explain my affiliation with Christianity I must say that those who read the Bible with an open mind know that Jesus Christ was a liberal who loved everyone. The only thing Christ was against was the inhumanities he saw in his short life time. Jesus Christ was one of the first noted humanitarians in human history but others have also done great things to benefit our Earth and society human beings like, Gandhi, Buddha (Who was before Christ) Chief Seattle, The Dali Lama, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, John Denver, Michael Landon, Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, John and Robert Kennedy and so many more. I hope this was insightful.

Although I am the spiritual leader of this church, I believe that the Earth needs more defenders not more people who stand in defense. No human being can claim the right to a holy title or a holy existence when All human beings are flawed. The only measure of one’s holiness is in the humane acts that they commit while they are serving the Earth and all of her life forms.”

(Gandhi once said: The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.) If you can harm any life form without remorse, then you have no respect for life and therefore you have no respect for humanity.

The Seven Rules To Christian Witchcraft Are:

1. Harm not one living thing for all life is created equal regardless of color, race, species, size, religion, personal or sexual preference.
2. Always be kind, compassionate, respectful and tolerant of all life and never cast stones.
3. Protect, defend, heal, educate and lend a hand to all life and replenish that which you take from the earth for your survival.
4. Banish all hate, cruelty, violence and negativity while you think humanely before you act and speak on all matters.
5. Advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves and stand up for what is right, regardless if you are standing alone.
6. Channel your negativity into acts of creativity and always let positive thoughts and actions rule your life.
7. Alter your attitude and you can alter your entire existence as well as altering the existence of all the lives you touch.

Love, Peace and Blessings,
Marie Carew
(Humanity’s Witch)
Psychic Advisor, Counselor, Instructor. Spiritual Leader,

Christian Witch

Post by calico »

I AM a Christian Witch. I don't find a CONFLICT, for a few reasons
1) Christianity was originally followers of Christ Jesus who believed that he was God become man, and that he died for the forgiveness of our sins, so that we can be reconciled to God.
I DO NOT believe in an inerrant and infallible Bible. The Bible is just stories written about God by people who (at least mostly) knew God. Much of the Old Testament was oral history for a long time before it was written down. And then we get into translation differences. And cultural differences.
Most (in my opinion) of what people criticize in Christianity comes from a strict, literal interpretation of every word of the Bible, with no allowances for the things I mention above.
2) I am not wiccan. I believe in one God (I think Goddess isn't any more inaccurate- neither really applies) who created all. I do believe that Jesus was God become man, and that his descriptions of God are the most accurate- but I think probably any religion that seriously attempts to reach God has some truth.
3) Yes, I know one of the gospels has Jesus saying "no one comes to the Father but by me"- but how do we know exactly what he meant? Maybe he meant that when anyone reaches toward God, it is because Jesus is leading him.

The conflicts (from the Christian side) come from either a very strict interpretation of the Bible, or from some church or pastor who preaches that.

Post by LorriePaige »

I am a Christian Wiccan. I still believe in one God in the sense of believing in the Christian Trinity: God, Goddess (instead of "Holy Spirit") and Son.

I always knew the Holy Spirit was something more, and I believe the HS is actually Goddess.
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Post by Lily Cantodea »

I myself am a Christian Witch. I have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ/God/Holy Spirit (the Trinity is very similar to the Lord and Lady - they're all aspects of the same deity). I did read the Bible and found many passages absolutely appalling, especially in the Old Testament. However, if you read through the Gospels in the New Testament, Jesus refutes many of the Laws of the Old Testament.

There is the Canon, which is the books that make up the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), and then there are the "forbidden books," books that were not included in the Canon because the Church did not see them as authoritative, which I took to mean the books did not convey the message the CHURCH wanted to convey. I think that the Church put together the Canon to support their own agenda, whatever that may have been, and went against the very basic teachings of Jesus to begin with, which was to love your neighbor and to seek the power within yourself, since the Divine (whether you call the Divine Goddess, God, Jesus, Mary, etc) lives within all of us. The Church, I think, wanted power. They cared little for the spiritual well-being of believers. The Church spreads messages of hatred, intolerance, and bigotry. Jesus spread messages of the exact opposite: he spread messages of forgiveness, love, and tolerance.

The reason why I decided upon this path was because I felt that, although I have a close relationship with the Divine, I was not doing enough to worship. Simply singing worship songs and observing services in church were not enough for me. I wanted to get involved, but I wanted to do it my own way. I know that God gave me gifts, and I think it would be extremely rude to refuse them. I believe that one of those gifts, not only to me but to the world in general, was magick, which I think of as a thread that connects us to the Divine in a very intimate way. Magick is a tool we use to worship the Divine, to give thanks, to ask for guidance.

I also forgot to mention that there have been many translations of the Bible into many different languages. Meanings have been lost in translation, and who's to say that the Bible wasn't translated to fit the Church's needs for propaganda? It's like the Telephone game: you tell one person something, they tell the next person, that person tells the next, and so on. By the time the message reaches the last person, the message is completely different from the one you started with.

And although the Bible says witchcraft is wrong, notice it never said what KIND of witchcraft. I think it meant black magick, or the kind that one uses to harm others.

True Christianity

Post by GnosticDuotheist »

Anyone who understands biblical history knows that all the different followers of the teachings of Jesus (I will call them "Christians" for ease rather than accuracy), met for the Council of Nicaea. Those who disagreed had texts destroyed and many were killed if they would not change their beliefs. The Council however was overseen by the Roman Emperor, who did convert to Christianity, but only years after the council of Nicaea. Hence, why there are inaccuracies with the dates of Christian festivals.

This was to hammer out what would be the teachings of the worldwide church. However there was much disagreement and many of the gnostic teachings and texts were deemed heretical. As were the Gnostics. However, Jesus was a Nazarene (not of Nazereth), which was a Jewish gnostic mystery cult. And a Joseph was a Master of the Craft (not carpenter, a mistranslation) he would have been a high priest, meaning Jesus would have probably followed him religiously). Really, would someone of the line of King David have been a lowly carpenter?

Also, historical Judaism has a goddess, she has been hidden from the people over time so many people do not even know her. This was for the subjugation of women as inequality of the sexes is impossible when you have both a male and female deity who are equals. She is the consort of Yahweh and one of her many names was Ashtoreth (be careful with the vowel usage as Ashtaroth is the name of a demon). This name changes regionally but well known ones include Astarte and Ishtar.

Mary of Magdala, called the Magdalene, was a whore, but not a prostitute. This comes from mistranslation. She was a Sacred Whore of Ishtar, a high priestess. The Gnostic texts that have been discovered state she a) was the most senior disciple and b) his consort (wife). From the generally accepted bible, the social behaviours at the wedding in Canaa indicate that Jesus was the groom to such a level it would not need to be stated in clear as everyone who knew about Jewish weddings of the time, would have known.

The Star of David also points to a sacred masculine trinity /\ and a sacred feminine trinity \/.

So the pagan idea of the god and goddess can be reconciled with Yahweh and Ashtoreth.

And Jesus and Mary being High Priest and High Priestess in these traditions would have conducted ritual acts.

And Jesus's miracles - tell me that's not magic.

Magic and sorcery are 2 different words in ancient Greek and Aramaic. Magic is a generic word, where sorcery is concerned with so-called black magic, such as necromancy.

I am a Christian Gnostic who has gradually through my study come to realise how much has been lost by poor translation (whether intentional or accidental).

I am working on developing my spiritual growth by delving deeper into the gnostic texts and now actively worship the sacred six, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Ashtoreth, Mary Magdalene, Sarah (the daughter). I am constructing my own altar for worship based on historical and religious study and also about to start my studies in holy magics.

I have found that I am treated with ridicule or hatred by "Christians" but find a mixed reception in the Pagan community and feel more at home with my pagan friends, who often have more understanding of original Christianity than my Christian friends.

I am keen to talk with people of similar beliefs as mine as I know how much of minority I am in.

Blessings of the Almighties on you all

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Post by sylphaxiom »

I was raised VERY Christian. From as far back as I can remember until I was probably about 16 or 17 I went to church 3 times a week and was in choir and volunteered and all that other stuff. Surrounded by the hypocrisies of the people I had seen and known (I am by no means saying that all Christians or all of the people I knew were hypocritical, but there were and are a lot of them and you must admit it.) I began to stray from that path. I took a couple years to look through religions and belief systems to find something that I could both identify with and that fit my already standing beliefs (and yea, despite the upbringing, they did differ greatly from Christianity). Eventually I found Wicca and Paganism. I fell in love with the religion and never looked back.

For some time after I moved to the Wiccan/Pagan path, I actually hated Christianity. Possibly I was rebelling; or possibly I was hating the religion for the few bad Christians I have know (my own father being one of them, using the bible as an oppressive tool for both my mother and myself and as a basis for psychological abuse). At any rate I learned to accept Christians for what they are. Yes I still hate it when someone claims to be Christian and is just a bible thumper that is entirely too critical, hypocritical, and intolerant but they will always be around.

I have a good friend of mine that I've been working with for years now and he and I have some very interesting conversations about religion. He is a very devout Catholic, but also maintains an open mind and is quite accepting. He has done his research into other religions as well (as an affirmation of faith not a soul searching) and can most certainly hold his own in our conversations, as can I with my past knowledge of the bible. There are a few things I have come to realize about the two religions and how they can be combined (although I have no desire to do so, I thought it would be appropriate to share).....

1. The bible is mostly a collection of stories. They were written as testaments from people who have experienced these things. However the books of the bible were not actually written until a few hundred years after these events took place and these people actually lived (in my opinion, that removes a little bit of the validity to it being a true testimonial.)

2. Although I have my doubts about the validity and absolute truth in the stories, I cannot deny their historical significance and the historical proof that has been discovered, so I have come up with this (in my opinion, sound) argument for it. I believe that Jesus was not the son of God. He was a Bodhisattva. A being that has reached a point in its reincarnation and soul maturity where it was given the option to ascend or to come back as a teacher of men to bring about their enlightenment.

3. The bible has been changed and altered sooo many times over the years that it can hardly be recognized as an absolute truth anymore.

4. The basis of EVER major religion is essentially the same...Do good. Be charitable. Help others. Don't hurt people. And love others. Anywhere you look, those values stand strong (I'm sorry Matticus, but my research has lead me to believe that pure satanism is devoid of these values for the reason that its only concrete belief is do anything you want as long as it benefits you. But I wouldn't be surprised if I were wrong on that one, since I've done very little research into it) so I think It holds true that there are "many paths to the same whole" (as quoted from Janet and Stewart Farrar in "The Witches Bible" from the chapter called "Many Mansions")

5. Although Christianity tells us that "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" and that "There is only one, true God" It also says that you should be tolerant and try to help the un-believers get to heaven. That instead of stoning these people, you should welcome them into your home, suffer their malice if need be, and "forgive them for they know not what they do." As I see it, the bible is more about tolerance and acceptance than it is about smite and malice (thats the key difference in the Old Testament and the New Testament and the very reason Jesus was sent to Earth). Hell, Jesus himself did all of those things, he suffered the misunderstood hatred of the Jews, he accepted anyone into his home to teach them, and he even asked for the forgiveness of the world with his dying breath.

Essentially what I am trying to get at is this: It is impossible to be a Christian Witch in the strictest sense, however if you follow the teaching of the bible for what they are (stories to teach us morality, compassion and love) it is entirely possible if not preferred. I have known that when I have children, I will want them to go to church until they are old enough to decide for themselves what they want to be. I think Church at a young age (especially an open minded and accepting one like I grew up with) gives a child an invaluable knowledge and basis for a moral and accepting upbringing.

P.S. Regardless of what some people believe, Jesus WAS crucified on a cross. It was the way they put people who have caused a blight to society to death. It was gory, gruesome, distasteful, and cruel but it was what they did to make an example of the worst of their criminals, and in their eyes Jesus was among the worst of their criminals for being a false prophet trying to lead the faithful astray. It was no better or worse than the the burning times were for us. There is a lot of history in the world of gruesome and terrible persecution of one people by another of much greater power.

P.P.S. I obviously mean no offense for any of this. It is clearly my opinion and I am sharing it in a rather blunt fashion as I always do. If one cannot bare to hear an opinion in its bluntest forms, then do not ask or involve oneself in the question.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
Lily Cantodea
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Post by Lily Cantodea »

FirewolfIronriver wrote:until about three months ago i was a christian then i started getting aquianted with the paranormal and realised everything that was taught to me about god, hell, demons, and just that religion in general was a lie (not sure about you guys im just sayin what I was taught!!!) so i began my descent into the occult i searched and searched and tada found wicca it has been the best decision ever ^.^. (not meaning to offend people i was just giving my opinion)
"...just that religion in general was a lie."

ALL religions are valid. Although some religions - Christianity in particular - like to discredit others, one religion does not mean more than any other religion. Each religion is a spiritual path that one chooses as a way to find a connection with the Divine. Think of it as a large forest; in the center of the forest is a huge clearing (the Divine, heaven, summerland, whatever you want to call it). Leading to the clearing are many paths. They're all different, but they lead to the exact same clearing. All the paths are valid. So it is with religion.
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