What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by Sumer-rising »

Sorry for the late response rosiemoonflower, the body of queen puabi and her royal staff was found in a mass grave in UR. Where the bodies reside today I do not know. Just suprising no DNA testing has been done.
I believe the father we go back in our history the closer we get to knowing te true origin and being of our gods/esses.
As for my past life I did some research. I remembered calking my spouse DAM.U and residing in ER.IDU upon o further research and on a very obscure website that talked about Sumerian myths I found DA.MU he was the Sumerian Divine Child, he went to the underworld and was resurrected so to speak. He was king of the gardens and orchards which would explain the garden I remember. His father was EN.KI, which would also explain the fountain(and upon further research there were fountains like the one I remember common in temples) DA.MU resided in ERI.DU. It was his home where he was king. I was very excited to find this information.
I feel Sumer influenced a lot of religions and cultures and it is very under studied or spoken of. For me it was my first home.
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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm about 1/2 way through "Annunaki Chronicles", an over view of Sitchin's concepts. I can accept the Mesopotamian Creation Epic as described therein. It seems to cover the bases explaining various orbits, planetary positions and the astroid belt (as part of a smashed into planet) and comets (former satellite/Moon's of the smashed planet) and that the Earth was formerly that planet and is the surviving portion knocked into it's current orbit. And I can accept that on principle that the ancient Shumerians had to have been told this by an advanced, space traveling race since they wouldn't know it otherwise.

I'm just getting to a chapter on Nibiru. I'm confused. It seems like the story is saying the planet Marduk which caused all the existing orbits, and the planet Nibiru are the same...and that can't be right. How can the Annunaki live on a planet crashing into Tiamat, the former Earth? Crashing around and sizzling aren't good life support. So I'm hoping the next part of the book straightens me out.

The Annunaki may have seemed as gods to ancient people's. The records that exist were written by people about the Annunaki. The Annunaki didn't write the records. Did Annunaki create these people, our ancestors, from another species? Probably. Did they stick around to responsibly educate what they
created after using that creation for their needs? It's quite possible, and seems like that's what's still taking place. I doubt if they ever left, or that they are the only travelers staking a claim.

Are aliens (Annunaki or anyone) THE creator of all that exists in this Universe, and the variable timelines and parallel planes of existence? I doubt it. Aliens are still creations OF whatever it is that makes it all happen. Is a "creator" a being or a process? Maybe a 3rd alternative would be joint consciousness? As each Something replicates, whether it's an ion particle, atom, cell or solar system, it joins consciousness with all else and keeps adding on, even thru end of cycles and destruction. Nature transmogrified into Something self-aware? Darned if I know.

Are Pantheons aliens? No, I don't think so. In general, pantheons are man's interpretation of his environment & survival. They might have evolved from mass consciousness. Not saying anyone has to agree.

There is mass consciousness in a planetary sense of all life forms, and even what we don't recognize as a life form, that mimics or reflects other forms, crystals come to mind. It's all one whole unit. And then multiply that beyond the one planet, to the solar system, and then other systems. To me, This One-of-All is what we call God, sort of reverse-engineered. We are, all of us together, the One knowing Itself as the Many. :roll: and that includes possible cousins, Annunaki, Zeta Reticuli, Pleadians, Reptilians (all 124 known species) and even the Fae. We're brothers under the pelt, eh, scales, because we are alive. (if you ask me to repeat that the next time I run into a Gray, I'll spit in your eye.) So far it's an ideal, not a fully aware reality.
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What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I'm so glad this thread is still going! Yes, I do think the annunaki creaked us from a being already evolving on this planet. In the epic of Gilgamesh it starts with the story of Enkidu. I read a book recently that said the story of Enkidu is a an older folk tale than Gilgamesh. Enkidu is suppose to mean "Enki is good". The story is basically a fable mimicking mans transition from hairy wild man to civilized society man. The book pointed out a part where when Enkidu visits the city for the first time he has all his hair on his body removed. And Enki is the annunaki credited to idea of creating humans. He's the scientist and it was his little project. So, Enki takes an evolving homoerectus and makes a smart one with less hair!

Now, as far as Marduk being the same as nibiru, Marduk is Enki's son who had a claim to be ruler of the annunaki. One theory I read is that he changed the name of nibiru to Marduk during a period when he held the power to do so. To sort of beef up his status and presence and so sometimes the texts refer to it as Marduk instead.

I definitely think nibiru could have crashed into Tiamat without too much damage, nibiru is massive compared to earth or even Tiamat. The idea is Apsu (Nibiru) crashes into Tiamat which is devastated, total "chaos". Parts of Tiamat & Apsu (Nibiru) drift off and form the asteroid belt, and what's left becomes earth. Here's a little bit from the Sumerian creation story
"And the primeval Apsu, who begat them,
And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both
Their waters were mingled together,
And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;"

Somehow I'm getting from this that when Nibiru (Originally called Apsu) crashed into Tiamat and "waters mingled" that be what started life on earth. For all we know, it's what started life on nibiru.

Not only did they stay around to educate their new species they stayed around to procreate WITH their new species. Most of what I've read says enlil did not agree with annunaki mating with humans. Enki did and got away with it, but Marduk took a human bride and lost his right to rule and his right to even visit nibiru. The story of the watchers is so eerily similar. All the watchers start taking human brides and God gets angry and tells Enoch to tell them how bad he's going to punish them.

Best question of this thread: who's still here??? Are they all still here, running the show behind the scene? Is it true they are now fighting with other races who want to control us? Are they still fighting amongst themselves? I feel Marduk must still be. He chose earth as his home to live with the humans, so he just has to be. And, yes, I'd have a hard time greeting a grey with a smile as well. Creep me out...

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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SpiritTalker »

It's taken me this long to get read up a bit so I could participate in this chat. The overview book has veered of into who is YHWH. Like the planet Nibiru, the author bounces here & there to present a vast amount of material in condensed form.

I've read Gilgamesh and Innana some years ago, so I need a refresher.

Thanks for clarifying Marduk/Nibiru. I guess a planet with a 3600 year orbit would have to be huge and just darned big. Bumper cars in space.

I was thinking that Enlil had authority over the land, and Enki had the salt seas. That could account for pyramids at Antarctica and under-sea craft. All in all, until ETs decide to make themselves widely known everywhere, none of speculations matter a smidgen.

Added: I dreamed last night that I was standing at my stove, stirring something in my very favorite sauce pan (I might not kill for it, but I'd do serious dismemberment). I looked down and there was a blue and white and brown sphere of an entire planet in the pan, slowly spinning. My dream-self said "how'd Nibiru get in the stew?!" like it was an affront to civilization. I started looking in the spoons for one large enough to scoop Nibiru out of the pan. I woke up laughing. Cosmic saucepans! That explains everything.
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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SnowCat »

I think I need to do some reading on all of this. I keep encountering racial memories in myself. And I keep communicating with more and more animals. Ferrets most recently.

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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Re: Marduk taking a human bride which lost his right to rule, the book I mentioned said Annunaki rulership passes through the female. Then explained it had to do with mitocondrail DNA passing from the mother.

As a genetic scientist, Enki was working on hybrid development & needed human "wives." Artificial insemination is used for hybrid programs by such as the Grays, & to our ancestors that might be understood as taking a wife. I suppose though, for reasons of restocking a supply of DNA-complete, un-doctored future specimen donors, mating is still practiced.

Re: Ferrets. Huh. :?
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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Marduk is rightful heir to Anu, through his father Enki. During an uprising against Anu, he made peace by marrying his son Enki to the rivals daughter and promising rule to pass to their lineage, Marduk. But, Enlil has prevented this from taking place. Marduk married Sarapaint. Some records say she is a goddess but I also read she was human and thus why Enlil convinced Anu he that he wasn't a fit ruler. And, Anu banished him from Nibiru forever.

Also, some telling a of the story say that Enki actually used Annunaki females to incubate his first hybrids. They promised to protect them as if they were they were their own. Enki fell in love with a human woman who gave birth to his son, the name is escaping me at the moment.. Anyways, he eventually took this son to Nibiru and presented him to Anu, Enlil was not pleased..

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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SpiritTalker »

It's a long, convoluted, planetary history. There was some text on marriage between rulers and half-sisters to maintain the mitochondria DNA in the bloodline of heirs.

Am I understanding right that humans are genetic descendants of Enki? And Enki had authority over the salt seas? It makes me think of those silhouettes of man's ancestors climbing to land out the sea, and morphing through stages to stand erect on two legs. (There may have been a ferret in the line up. :wink: )
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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Yes, Enki is the creator of all mankind, and we can only assume he used his own DNA in his genetic manipulation experiment, merging it with the DNA of the homoerectus. He was a scientist and he wanted to study us after he witnessed an ape like man show compassion and release and animal that was caught in a trap Enki set. He may have also used DNA from his half sister Inanna, and enlil' son. They were the team that created the human race. They were given permission to create us so that they could use us as slave to mine for gold, their main reason for coming to earth. But, Enki, and Marduk for that matter, always saw more in us than slaves.

And, you're right about the half sisters. Originally, the hero would be chosen from the man's FIRST wife, as these ancient Annunaki were polygamists. Then after some time it was changed to say that the heir would be chosen from the offspring of the husbands half sister. If there hadn't been a rebellion against Anu which was settled with marrying Enki to the rivals daughter, Inanna should have married Enki, and as his half sister, their child should have been the next to rule. In fact, I think Enki is the son of Anu's first wife, and enlil is son of his half sister wife who he married second. He chose Enki to marry his enemy daughter to end the rebellion, so he kind of went back to the old ways of it being the first wife by choosing Enki. Once they arrived in earth, Anu gave Enlil the power over the earth, and Enki the control over the seas. Anu stayed back in their base ship, "Heaven".

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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm having connection overload. This just makes sense. it's scary. Inanna is one I've connected to through Gray ETs. It's something I recognize but cannot articulate. A memory under so many layers that I can't get it. Could Inanna be the Sacred Mother of the race, genetically? Not the one who gave birth, but the foundation?
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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

That's how it was for me when I learned these things too! I think that makes absolute sense. Who else could the sacred mother be? I also think she put herself at odds with Enlil, and is the main reason why the religions of the world had a split into whether they worshiped a male God or Female Goddess. If she became Enlil's enemy she may have fled to Europe where she was continued to be worshiped. If you look at the bible there is lots of writing explaining how Yahweh began trying to remove the memory of asherah, his female consort. What if Yaweh is Enlil, who imposed strict rules onto the humans, and Asherah was actually Inanna?

Was she Enlil's consort? Not really.. She was in love with Enki when she was younger, he was forced to marry Damkina, his father's rival's daughter, Marduk's mother. Inanna, was jealous, and sad. So she decided to give Enlil a chance, almost in spite of Enki, but Enlil did something to make her mad, I can't remember now, and she "dumped" him. But, I could see how maybe for a while Enlil wanted it know she was with him and thus in some places she was considered his consort. Although we were originally created to mine for gold, Inanna and Enki saw more in us than that. Enlil wanted to keep us as slaves. Enlil, Inanna and Marduk figured out we could help them fight wars, and we have a long history of war torn earth.

I think what remains the most confusing to me, is which stories are true and about the true beings themselves, and which ones are about personified planets and stars and are really just reflecting the movements of the cosmos??

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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Here's an idea...Enlil's 1/2 blood descendants became what we call the Illuminati.....? The powers behind the powers that be? That gives me a belly ache. Too twisted?
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What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

It's possible. I think definitely these ancient beings still have a hand in all of earth's goings on and stay hidden behind the scenes. I don't know enough about the illuminati to draw any conclusions there.

I do know that Enki started something called the brotherhood of the snake, that supposedly still exist underground. It's possible he's the snake in the biblical creation story, giving humans knowledge Enlil never wanted us to have. The biblical story is a very shortened watered down version of the Sumerian creation story called the enuma elis. One day when meditating about this, before I learned of the brotherhood of the snake, a vision of a large red snake came into my mind. It wrapped itself around a large cross. Much like that of the caduceus. And, don't those snakes on the caduceus look eerily similar to what our strands of DNA look like..?

I have a personal theory that the astrological ages have a real effect on our planet. Astrological ages go backwards in their order and last for some 2500 years or more, not every age is the exact same length. In the age of Taurus humans worshiped Bulls. In the age of Aires, Abraham comes on scene and sacrifices and ram and turns its horn into real horn and blows sound out of it. Signaling the new age? In the age of Pisces we get Jesus, he feeds many people with 2 fish and some bread loaves and his symbol become the ichthus, or fish symbol. (I also think Jesus is an Annunaki hybrid. His story of virgin birth is actually a story of artificial insemination..) We are now in the age of Aquarius. I think it started in 2012, which is why the Mayan calendar stops in 2012. They were counting down to the new astrological age, not the end of the world.

Aquarius is a symbol of a man pouring water out of a pitcher onto the earth, and some say this symbolized spiritual knowledge being poured onto the earth and given to humans. Enki was a god associated with water, he is also associated with giving us knowledge. Could this be Enki's age??

Added: In the bible Jesus says "I will be with you until the end of the age" the disciples ask who to follow after him, he tells them to find the man with the water pitcher, and follow him into the house that he goes to. Sooo is Jesus telling his disciples to accept the new age follow Enki?? If it's not a reference to Enki, it's certainly a reference to the age that will follow the age of Pisces

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Re: What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh yes, the caduceus resembles DNA, the two snakes being the strands, one each from the male and female parents, and also the rising of kundalini energy up the spine. The patterns repeat over and over.
Red owls are symbols that repeat over and over as does the snake. (throughout history, not limited to Old Testement)

I wonder who assigned the astrological symbols. I don't know anything about astrology and positively cannot get my head around adding a 13th sign as is mentioned elsewhere on the forum. It breaks my brain.

We are all Anunnaki hybrids, come to think of it. What I want to know is how a specific soul (with its concise patterns of knowledge) can be inserted into the exact grouping of cells, fetus or body. Controlling that at- will with intent and a pre-programmed mission blows me away. Transferring souls from body to body messes with my mind too.
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What Do You Think of the Annunaki?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

The zodiac signs are attributed to he Babylonians, who we thought were the very first civilization for a long time until we found out that Sumer came before that. Some of the constellations don't look like their signs at all.. It's a stretch to to see some of them. So it makes me wonder, were they assigned for different reasons?

The Sphinx in Egypt is incredibly old. It's so old in fact that it was abandoned and covered in sand up to its neck and no one knew it had a body. Like, how is that possible?? Wasn't it written down or something?? Well, one idea is that writing showed up during the Age of Gemini, an air sign, meaning during the age of Leo which happened before Gemini, there was no writing. And the sphinx is a lion right? During the time when the Sphinx was covered with sand, he just looked like a giant man's head rising out of a sand mound. So one day, and young pharaoh is passing by the Sphinx and the Sphinx speaks to him and says "remove the sand from my body and I'll make you a great King". He does this, discovers the Sphinx's lion body after it had been buried so long it had been forgotten about!

Many archeologists think the head of the Sphinx was likely originally, a lion's head. This assumption is drawn from the fact that the man's head is "off proportion" from the lions body. Looks like a lion's head could have been the originally, and someone came in an carved a man's face over it. The lion being the symbol of the Age of Leo could mean lions were worshiped. We see bipedal lions in other ancient art, maybe the gods looked like bipedal lions? Although, I'm more inclined to think that they all looked like different bipedal animals, birds, reptiles, and primates specifically. So maybe one specifically looks lionlike, possibly Anu?

Another strongly repeated story is the story of the great flood of the deluge. It also appears in the epic of Gilgamesh but it likely it's much older than that, and like the story of Enkidu, was merged into the story of Gilgamesh.

Just some other interesting things to mull over....

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