Candle Magick!

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Post by jcrowfoot »

Oh, I should mention that Marsh Mallow and Hybiscus are related, and could be used as a substitute for one-another. Not in herbal medicine, but they are fairly similar magically speaking. Holly Hocks are also used as substitutes.
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Post by kai »

They are really beautiful :D :shock: but they might be hard to find, i will try to check some nurseries tomorrow. Any other herb or flower that is/are easily available?? so far vanilla candies are the easiest :) and yummy too :) .
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, there's "cheeses" a type of weed with scalloped leaves.


This weed is a fine substitute in magick for Marsh Mallow, though it won't have much root to it. It grows wild all over the place, in much of europe as well as the US. It was used as a medical substitute for marsh mallow in it's day, as well as being easier to care for and requiring less water.

Here's a nice link with more pictures and so on. Should give you enough to go on. ... asp?id=470

EDIT: Oops, you live in India! I'm not sure it grows there. Though you might want to try what we all "velvet leaf" which we often get in potting soil that we get imported from India. I read that it was common there. But India is a big country with as many different climates as we have here in the US. So I have NO idea if this plant is available to you. Here's a picture anyway, and see if you have seen it off-chance.


Use the flowers rather than the leaves for your purposes.

Hmm. I will have to investigate wishing plants that are available in India.
Maybe there are some cooking spices that are good for wishes! Vanilla candy seems to be the easier one to come up with, I have to agree.

Here's another link for velvet leaf.
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Post by kai »

Wow thanx a lot, i have seen the common mallow, the first pink one, infact i had it in my old house, even tho i threw it out, i also came across that velvet leaf (yellow one).

The other similar species for Common Mallow, Ground Ivy ( ... asp?id=690 ), its mentioned on the page, this one is also found a lot here. but mostly these weeds are seen during summer.

If there are spices associated with wishes, that would be awsome, we have alot of spices here :wink: . I've heard that cardamom and cinnamon are good for wishes.

Also sorry for the late replies, i know its my query and i should reply frequently, but i am really not feeling good these days.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Yes, Cardamom and Cinnamon are both good for wishes. In fact, many of those "fast acting" blends for wishes and good luck use Cinnamon to make the luck come faster.

I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, kai. I hope you feel better.
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Post by kai »

Thank you :). And Thanks for the wishes.

I am now trying my hands on Tarot cards to keep myself busy, i've also got a temp job. i got the cards 2 days back from my aunt, and i am already getting better with them :). But there is one thing i dont get it is in the book reversed meaning of a card is also given, which i dont get what to do with it? I know that it comes under a possibility, but how to associate it with the reading. I am searching for more books on tarot, hoping that i will get better at them :).
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

I'm going to PM the post I just deleted here. I just know someone is going to use that info to harm others or even themselves. I'll PM my post to you. :D

Here is a page for Runes with "Reversed or Merkstave" meanings. You might want to compare with your cards.

Some Runes can't be reversed. But looking at opposite meanings (of your cards) might help understand them better.

Since I'm good at Rune readings, not with cards...someone else will have to answer about what you could use those cards for.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Um, kai: you could make this a new post somewhere in the "Divination" topic. I would love to write a thing about reversed tarot cards, but I feel obligated to mention that this thread has drifted rather significantly. I mean, if no one cares, I'll happily post...

Reversals are the source of a great deal of controversy. Some say that they are the opposite of what the card is upright; some people say that it's the energy blocked when it's reversed. Still others say that reversals don't change the meaning of the card at all but emphasize the card in your reading. I'll go into more detail in the divination topic.
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Post by kai »

Hey, Thank you :) i read a book, which said that i have to reverse the cards while shuffling, so it will mean reversed meaning. Sorry for late reply again, my comp is not working properly, dunno when it will be fixed. I will post this topic later under divinition. Thanx cherokeewind :) that was a useful info, i think it has to do with reversing of cards when i shuffle them, i think i can relate it with it :).

Also Congrats to all who have been promoted :).
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