Marijuana and Wiccans

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Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I've waited too long to chime in so I'll just say what I have to say and not comment on the previous posts. Marijuana, for me, is medicine. I have autism. Specifically a non learning verbal disorder on the spectrum. I was originally told aspergers but now it's all the same they say, doesn't really matter to me. What I know is that I've always known I was different. Not just in my actions but in my thinking. Literally in the way my mind works and processes information. When I was told it was aspergers it was like okay finally, the proof I needed to explain WHY I think differently. My brain IS wired differently. Before I started smoking, my life was a hot mess. The most common misdiagnosis for what I am is ADHD. I have many friends and family members who smoke weed for ADHD, and it helps.

So I finally tried it and it was just like, my life started to come together. All the things I struggled with before, became easier to do. It didn't fix everything perfect, but it made it easier somehow. And, as I continued to meet deadlines I never could have met before, understand people's feelings in a way I never could before, and process information given to me in a way I never could before, I realized that smoking was helping me be more succesful at work, school, and even in my relationships. I came to rely heavily on the weed to get me through college, master degree, internship, etc. But, now that my life is more settled I don't have to use as much as before. However, it's still part of my daily routine, and I know some won't agree, but it's medicine and it's helping me.

A psychologist told me once that it's likely suppressing my anxiety to a point where it's non existent. Because of the lack of anxiety, I'm able to put my energy and thoughts into what's in front of me with less fear. Umm.. Okay.. I can see that a little.. I definitely have low anxiety, and that's something MJ can do.. But, even if that's what's happening, why is that so wrong?? I think that my anxiety levels before smoking were high and due to the fact that I would know going into certain situations that they would be difficult for me.

So even if all it's doing is removing my fear of not being able to do things the way everybody else does, I'm okay with that because then I'm not afraid to try something, and I eventually find my own way of doing the same thing.

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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Abaddon »

I have no problems with it because it is natural to this Earth, and although it is illegal in most places, it is also legal in some, and is currently working its way to become legal in Canada sometime in the next few years. I'd just like to point out that law is man-made... do what you will with that! I've only smoked it two times, and because I have ADHD, I've noticed it does help out a little with my energy levels and racing thoughts and I don't get very distracted. Will I ever turn to it again? Honestly, not too sure. It didn't do much for me to make me care about doing any more of it. Then again, I don't really remember.

I think if someone wants to go about doing it, then all the power to them.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Deejean »

I think I've previously commented in here but since it's been brought back up I'm going to mention again, weed saved my life..
It has helped me cope with so many mental and physical disorders including insomnia, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, muscle and joint pain. Before I started smoking I was on a horrible path addicted to codeine, trying to use the unhealthy high to get by day to day, and still i didn't eat or sleep. It was a drastic downward spiral, and I am happy now to say I smoke every day and it is my meditation.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by breaddd »

Clairsentient_Wolf wrote:Drugs are created/cut in a lab somewhere to provide feelings for their users. Marijuana grows outside in everyone's backyard if they had the seeds.
The legal definition of a drug is "A chemical or organic substance used to treat a medical or psychological condition; such a substance used illegally to alter consciousness or mood."

Google says, "a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body."

Drugs are substances that alter the state of your body. Marijuana is a drug.

Whether it should be a legal drug is up for debate. I, personally, think it should be legal for medicine and recreation. I prefer not to use it for spiritual reasons though, seeing as it alters the state of your body and you can't be sure of whether it's from the drug or spiritual entities. :tongueout:
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by moonlitwish »

I'm as highly allergic to this plant as some are to peanuts so I could never use it religiously or recreationally. I can't even be in the same room with it. I do hate the government is keeping others from treating their medical conditions with it. I have the option of using passionflower or chocolate but somebody else may be as allergic to those as I am marijuana limiting their herbal remedies and forcing them to rely on chemical drugs. Not cool.
I just hope when it is legalized that there is a public smoking ban because I'll end up living on migraine meds every time I leave the house if not. Also not cool.

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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Yex »

I'm not sure if this has been brought up in this thread, but it's worth mentioning that in my experience (and I've heard others say this as well), consuming cannabis can, under certain circumstances, leave you open to psychic attacks. This is probably the main reason that I stopped smoking it originally - I had no regular magical practice at the time, and no means of defending myself, and it got to a point where every time I would smoke it, I had the overwhelming feeling of being under attack from malicious spiritual forces. I should note that on the rare occasion that I do consume it now (usually orally), I don't really get that anymore, perhaps because I now have the adequate defenses in place. I should note that this is probably true of any spiritual practice that opens you up energetically, not just drug use.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by TwilightDancer »

My husband and I smoke medical for our anxiety. We use micro dosing throughout the day and only smoke enough to relax.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Katrinkah »

I don't really smoke anymore, but when I did I was definitely more psychic and spiritually aware! I could feel all the energies around me, and control them better as well! I even just knew more things prophetically.

I quit though, because my husband had a problem. So it can be abused if your using it to run away from feelings and emotions instead of dealing with them. Then it can definitely become an addictive. I would only suggest using it if your in a good place mentally and emotionally. Or at least in moderation along with other self help tools, like yoga, if using for anxiety and depression.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by freyja13 »

I think Cunningham secretly refers to it as hemp in many of his recipes; like his circle incense, which calls for some. However, I have never really known what to entirely make of this reference.
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Re: Marijuana and Wiccans

Post by Coven »

There is no one more pro Cannabis than me , but personally I'm against myself smoking . Though I love to smoke it , it's bad for me so I prefer to decarboxylate it and eat it . No fancy oils or tinctures , I just eat decarboxylated bud .
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