My sexuality bites...

Teenagers are a special bunch with concerns different than adults. Teens can chat with each other here and learn from one another.
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Post by Sercee »

You can call me whatever you want. It just shows what an ignorant spiteful little snot that you are. I'm not going to waste my time flinging insults at you. I don't need your approval nor anyone else's to be comfortable with myself and what I am trying to accomplish in my life spiritually. You are quite beneath me. I say what I want do what I want whenever I please. I have that freedom and nothing you or anyone else here says can change that. I hope that we can be friends here, if not you stay out of my way and i'll stay out of yours.
Are you replying to something specific cosmo? I can't find any insults against you, unless Hedgewitch already deleted it.

Post by [cosmo] »

I could've been wrong and if so I apologize.. its been a very bad day.
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Post by Eretik »

Crossed wires somewhere I think. We all have off days too. I can't see any insults either, but I 'm sure no offence was intended - you should hear some of the things I've been called, often, it's well meaning too. People can be very funny and I know I 've occasionally offended unintentionally also. Sometimes I speak or write before I think.
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Post by Sobek »

Eretik wrote:Sometimes I speak or write before I think.
i do that most of the time. but what really annoys me where i sort mind is elsewhere for lack of a better term and i snap back too after ive hit the "submit" button, then i have to wait for the page to load up so i knew what i said. it gets annoying at times, especially if done often.
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Ya, I didn't mean any offense, I don't even knowhow I offended you. I was talking about when Sercee referenced the word "meterosexual" I was TOTALLY kidding around. I apologies for any time ill put lolz.
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Post by Eretik »

That's something I need to remember more often too. lol. I often sound very fussy and pedantic, but it's not deliberate, I'm just a bit
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Post by [ForestWitch] »

Eretik wrote:... I believe there is a Native American medicine tradition,also, where the medicine man dresses and acts in a female manner - reversing expectations and transforming identity, between worlds. Handy skill.
Yes, it is true that among many bands and tribes, men who chose to cross gender lines and live as women were particularly revered and considered to have special spiritual power, and men who took them as wives were not considered to be perverse or unmanly or different in any way from any other warrior.
I believe gay men in a sense, like women, if they are so inclined, are attuned to the divine in a special way by virtue of their orientation, that otherness which is a great otherness, that becomes the spiritual medium as well as the means by which they must attain wholeness as individuals. Certain tribal cultures being devoid of meaness and predjudice recognized this otherness as holiness and appropriated the gay man into their society through the medium of shaman.

I agree that gay men sometimes have a real advantage here, even over women. It's unfortunate that these days, in this country, the First Nations have to some extent been infected with the homophobia that's so rampant elsewhere in American culture. Although I'm not sure how much of it comes from adopting "white" attitudes and how much of it is a backlash from suffering near genocide. Still, that doesn't change the original wisdom of the anscestors, who recognized homosexuality as being valuable to a culture.
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Post by Sercee »

Still, that doesn't change the original wisdom of the anscestors, who recognized homosexuality as being valuable to a culture.
*applauds* All I have to do to validate this statement is to look at my best friend Matty. He embodies some of the best aspects of a man with some of the best aspects of a woman. He can travel in both worlds and be accepted and successful. Then again, it may just be that he's a particularily special person and I'm biased, but either way he can. :)

The only time I can think of homosexuality being 'wrong' is if you're facing genocide and need to rebuild the population. Then it isn't so much 'wrong' as 'counterproductive' and possibly treasonous, if you look at it the right way.
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Re: My sexuality bites...

Post by Nikita »

Shaman Of Bliss wrote:I hate my sexuality, I would literally give my arm or a leg, or and EYE! Just to have a taste of what it would be like to be "normal". To go to school and pray to the Christian God, and know I wasn't cheating myself. To feel safe when I walk into a catholic church. To not have to lie to my mother about being Christian. Every night she asks me to say grace, to speak to God...and I die, betraying my true Pagan self, and insulting her beliefs. Not to mention the fact that being in high school and being gay could easily be one of the hardest things I've had to do. But the truth is, I have to bear the weight. I know I'm not alone, but it always feels like it. I have the will and the strength to carry on, but a glimmer of hope would be nice. Though I walk through the valley of shadows of death, I know the God's have forsaken me, all except one, the Goddess, and so in her lap I lay me head, and cry to tears of relief, knowing I have found my light, and that for the first time in a long time I feel safe...
Aw poor baby.. Well im Bi and when i was at school i kept it to myself cos i saw the torture that gay's / lesbian;s etc went through at school just for being diffren. But when you leave school it does all change for the better. People from school do actually say wow your different and your not afraid to be different and youll find people that have actully bullied over this have become gay/ lesbian and Bi.
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

You guys rock!!! Your words make me feel all fluffy and warm, OMG :!: :!: :!: someone throw a rock at me...I feel to normal, normal people get fuzzy :!:
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Post by Sobek »

lol, your far from normal, your a funny guy Odin! i'll save my rocks for later.
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Post by Eretik »

Hey, know what you mean, no rocks, save 'em for later. Want some cheesecake? Next time some doofus asks' "how did you know you were gay?" ask them "how did you know you were straight?" gets them every time. The people here have been known to sneak up on me, and make me feel fuzzy, against my better[worse] instincts. Sneaky aint they! It's good though, enjoy.

P.S. Odin? what do you know that I don't? TELL ME. That's a powerful [ some say cursed ] name to give. I can explain that, later.
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Post by Sobek »

Eretik wrote:Next time some doofus asks' "how did you know you were gay?" ask them "how did you know you were straight?" gets them every time.
that certainly would shut them up.

lol, fuzzy is a funny feeling, i dont really like the feeling but i dont mind getting it if one can make sense out of it. like that tingle when you sit a certain way and cut of circulation to a leg or something then the feeling when it comes back, almost painful but i like it i sound wierd lol
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Post by Eretik »

Ha ha , ha, you're weird too, not just me, la la la. Isn't it fantastic! Seriously though, the Odin comment, is there meaning behind it? Please let me know - you know I 'm weird, so humour me? Remember I see ominous omens where others don't ? It may be important.
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Post by Sobek »

Eretik wrote:Ha ha , ha, you're weird too, not just me, la la la. Isn't it fantastic!
best compliment ive gotten all day ;)
Shaman Of Bliss wrote:I would literally give my arm or a leg, or and EYE!
thats where the Odin thing comes from
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