Astral Projection

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.

Astral Projection

Post by Snowblazer »

I have tried everything i could think of (besides resorting to drugs or alcohol, which i know is bad and would never do it) and i can not project. Its p**** me off.

I tried and tired for years. Stopped trying at months at a time. And still nothing as happend. I feel as if someone/thing is stopping me from succeding.

Any helpful hints?
)(Apollo the Good)(
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negative thoughts?

Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

Perhaps by simply accepting subconsciously the belief that you cannot achieve success through astral projection, you are building up enough negative energy to prevent it from taking place?
Maybe a deep reflective meditation could reveal to you some sort of repressed emotion or energy that is yielding these failed attempts by essentially blocking your faith. Faith is such a basic build block of everything we do and hindering it in anyway would certainly prove detrimental to any attempts at this psychic journey.

I am certainly in no way of any authority to even lend the idea! lol
I haven't even attempted it! Perhaps it is just not as easy at it seems :)

Love and light :)
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Have you covered all the bases first? Like perfecting lucid dreaming?
Start with that, if you haven't yet. :28:

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