My Cursed Brown Thumbs

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My Cursed Brown Thumbs

Post by Peregrine »

Breaking in a third forum with the first post. Whoopee, go me.

I used to have the hopes that I inherited my parents' green thumbs. They did wonders and my father grew more veggies than we ever knew what to do with. I've had no such luck these past two years with some rare exceptions.

One of my only success stories were my long thin cayenne peppers that I started from seeds. Then again, I think they had a more pampered life than the rest of my garden. I started them off in containers and kept them in clay pots until they were fully grown adult plants in Miracle Gro soil. They grew in those from around November or December until March, when I planted them in the ground. We harvested buttloads of cayenne peppers. I planted those in season because they like Florida's "winter." I never had to worry about bringing them inside on cold nights. My father told me from his experience that brocoli and a few other plants are the same way, but we may not be around this house long enough to see for ourselves. We'll see.

By the time spring planting came around, and we planted other seeds that are supposed to be planted in spring. Last year, I started very late and so most of my plants scorched to death in the summer sun by the time they grew to be adults. That August drought last year did not help any, either. So I planted on time this year. We had our nice weather and regular rains up until May, then another dry spell. Lo and behold, the adult plants died one by one. I tried watering them regularly but to no avail. The plants that did survive did not grow much food. Only exceptions were those cayenne peppers and the roma tomatoes. The roma tomato plants I did not start from seed, though. My parents were visiting here in the spring and bought me some adult roma plants.

The rains resumed in June, but too late for my garden. At least my banana tree, blueberry shrubs, blackberry shrub, and strawberry plants are surviving well. I laugh at myself now, thinking last year I killed my blueberry shrubs somehow. Then my sister told me about their natural cycle. We did get some nice blueberries in the spring, especially considering they are still baby shrubs. No bananas yet. As for the blackberries and strawberries, every time we got some ripe ones this summer, either the squirrels or the birds would get them before we could. Eh, well. At least someone was able to enjoy them.

Post by Moon_Child »

I had a little garden when I was little that thrived but then I never picked any of the vegetables :roll:. I also use to have plants in my room but I have always managed to kill them off somehow. I thought it would be different with the bamboo I had but it wasn't it still manged to die on me :( ...So I no longer keep plants in my room less I kill them off.
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Post by Peregrine »

Hurray for silk plants and for those slow-growing hardy ones that are only one or two steps away from being a silk plant. :lol:

With my husband finally working again, I'm thinking of joining Arbor Day Foundation. They might have some tips and tricks. I also have an e-mail subscription to Farmer's Almanac TV.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

Phew!! Good to know I am not alone....but I am defenitely the worst...
My family has nick named me "Serial Killer of plants," and my 4 year old has ordered me not to touch even a single leaf of her plants, as I recently killed her African Violet... :(
At least you folks have managed to grow something...I on the other hand have grown nothing me I try every year.....I manage to kill weeds as well, which according to my hubby is a good thing.. :)
One of these days I am going to get it right... and something will grow...LOL!! :lol:
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

Silver Dove
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