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Advise welcomed

Post by Ruthie443 »

Hello everyone I was wondering if you could be kind enough to help me with some problems that I am having. My mind is every where right now and not sure what steps I should take. I am graduating soon May 16 to be exact and I asked my loving bf to come. I said he could meet my parents and everyone else. My parents are the strict kind of parents they do not know about him or anything they don’t even really know who I am. They do not know I’m Pagan or any thing else and I choose not to tell them because I have been warned before earlier in life well any ways. I am expecting the worse outcomes and no I m not giving my parents the benefit of the doubt, they have been given it to many times before. My bf and I are in a long distance relationship yes we did meet online and I do feel he is the one for me and I know it’s wrong to feel like that so soon at a early age let alone a early relationship I have been his girl since the 25th of last month. Since we are expecting the worse he said that I could move in with him, he does still live with his mom but only b/c he was living in new York and his fiancé stole all his stuff and left him with nothing and the reason why he hasn’t moved out yet is b/c he is preparing all the stuff he lost for a new apartment. Well I thought it was a good idea he is doing that but I know none of my family is going to like the idea because he is 26 and I never cared about age and never will but sadly they will. I guess where I’m going at with this is do you guys think I will be throwing my life away if I move in with him and I would only be living with him until July then I’m off to college and I’m staying in the apartment dorms in Kansas city Missouri.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

You know, I am moving in with my BF also, and I am in somewhat of a simmilar situation. My family doesn't know I am pagan, and they hate my BF. But I don't care, I am moving in with him anyways, because I love him. Well, I hope this helps you.
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Post by LUNAAMOR »

ok im sorry but i don't want to be the bad one but...
why did his ex-fiance left him???
and another thing if you don't mind telling me how old are you
"Light up the Darkness" Bob Marley
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Post by Ruthie443 »

I'm 18 and she was one of those people who was only after money.
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Post by LUNAAMOR »

oh ok well then if you are already 18 first think really hard if you really want to be with him . because is not the same thing spending some time together and spending every single day with him. so if you still want to be with him. just make sure he is a working men . most of my cousins had married bumps that they dont even want to go to work and is just a horrible life that they have. but if he is a responsible men and gives you your place as a women and has never made you think bad about him then go ahead. but if you have doubts i will really recommend you to think about. but if you go with him you are not going to go to collage or stuff like that ?
"Light up the Darkness" Bob Marley
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Post by Ruthie443 »

I am going to college im only going to be staying with him until july then i would be moving out and moving to another city
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Post by [AmberRose13] »

do you knoe for certain that she was only after his money?
Right now I am in a breakup where my exhusband is telling people (including his many numerous girlfriends) that I took advantage of him. only wanted his money, and never took care of our child. All is untrue. Point being, guys will always make the breakup to be the other persons fault.
Just be careful.
- Amberrose
"Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes."
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Post by Ruthie443 »

I will thanks for the advice and I'm not sure b/c for one i wasnt there but im hoping that he is as honest as i am to him.
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Post by LUNAAMOR »

another thing i forgot to ask how long have you know him
"Light up the Darkness" Bob Marley
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Post by Ruthie443 »

two months.....
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Post by LUNAAMOR »

oh dear i tought you had been knwoing him for more time.
well the thing that im going to tell you is just to wait until you know him more. because trust me i had been going out with my hunny and i just barely found some little habits that drive me crazy.
well just try to know him more. because believe me i had meet the many time and none of the was the real one. on this subject i would really recommend you to use your brain before your heart
this is just my opinion
"Light up the Darkness" Bob Marley
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Post by Ruthie443 »

I'm trying to use both. I'm hoping the choice I make will be the right one but im still not sure which one yet.
The Judge
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Post by The Judge »

AmberRose13 wrote:Point being, guys will always make the breakup to be the other persons fault.
- Amberrose
I think I'm being insulted.:)

Anyway, it's more like 90% of the guys out there, I don't say things about people that aren't true, and I never use that money line, it's only a sympathy card. :roll:

Well, just remember that you should learn as much about a person as you can before moving in with them, because you will learn alot more afterwards. Think and feel as you have been and you will cometo the decision in time. Don't rush things if your not ready.

Good Luck and Blessed Be,
The Judge
Do not attempt, Achieve
Do not hear, Listen
Do not go blindly forward, See
Do not judge, Understand
Do not forget, for in this you shall learn nothing
-The Judge
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